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書城自編碼: 2111258
作者: [法]古斯塔夫
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510063688
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
出版日期: 2013-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 115/87000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 60.4



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古斯塔夫·勒庞(Gustave Le
Introduction:The Era of Crowds
Book1:The Mind of Crowds
第一编 群体的心理
1. General Characteristics of Crowds
第一章 群体的普遍特征2
2. The Sentiments and Morality of Crowds
第二章 群体的感情观和道德观9
3. The Ideas,Reasoning,and Imagination of Crowds
第三章 群体的观念、推理与想象力23
4. A Religious Shape Assumed by All the Crowds
第四章 群体永远需要宗教与偶像30
Book2:The Opinions and Beliefs of Crowds
第二编 群体的观点和信念
1. Remote Factors of Opinions and Beliefs of Crowds
第一章 群体观点和信念中的间接因素36
2. The Immediate Factors of the Opinions of Crowds
第二章 群体信仰和观点中的直接因素50
3. The Leaders of Crowds and Their Persuasion Means
第三章 群体的从众与领袖的说服手法60
4. Limitations of the Beliefs and Opinions of Crowds
第四章 群体的信仰和观点的变化范围75
Book3:Classification and Description of Crowds
第三编 不同群体的类型与其特点
1. The Classification of Crowds
第一章 群体的分类84
2. Crowds Termed Criminal Crowds
第二章 犯罪群体87
3. Criminal Juries
第三章 刑事陪审团91
4. Electoral Crowds
第四章 选民群体96
5. Parliamentary Assemblies
第五章 议会103
What constitutes a crowd from the psychological point of
view--Anumerically strong agglomeration of individuals does not
suffice to form acrowd--Special characteristics of psychological
crowds--The turning in a fixeddirection of the ideas and sentiments
of individuals composing such a crowd, andthe disappearance of
their personality--The crowd is always dominated byconsiderations
of which it is unconscious--The disappearance of brain activityand
the predominance of medullar activity--The lowering of the
intelligence andthe complete transformation of the sentiments--The
transformed sentiments maybe better or worse than those of the
individuals of which the crowd iscomposed--A crowd is as easily
heroic as criminal.
In its ordinary sense the word "crowd" means a gathering of
individuals ofwhatever nationality, profession, or sex, and
whatever be the chances that havebrought them together. From the
psychological point of view the expression"crowd"
assumes quite a different
signification. Under certain givencircumstances,
and only under those circumstances, an agglomeration of menpresents
new characteristics very different from those of the
individualscomposing it. The sentiments and ideas of all the
persons in the gathering takeone and the same direction, and their
conscious personality vanishes. A collectivemind is formed,
doubtless transitory, but presenting very clearly
definedcharacteristics. The gathering has thus become what, in the
absence of a betterexpression, I will call an organized crowd, or,
if the term is consideredpreferable, a psychological crowd. It
forms a single being, and is subjected to theLAW OF THE MENTAL
It is evident that it is not by the mere fact of a number
of individuals findingthemselves accidentally side by side that
they acquire the character of anorganized crowd. A thousand
individuals accidentally gathered in a public placewithout any
determined object in no way constitute a crowd from
thepsychological point of view. To acquire the special
characteristics of such acrowd, the influence is necessary of
certain predisposing causes of which weshall have to determine the



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