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書城自編碼: 2128024
作者: 朱元,李莹 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510065965
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
出版日期: 2013-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 273/350000
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 127.2



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Chapter 1 General Introduction
Part One Overview of Medica1 Termino1ogy
Part Two Structure of a Medica1 Term
Part Three Pronunciation of Medica1 Terms
Part Four Spe11ing of Medica1 Terms
Part Five Integrated Practice
Chapter 2 Suffixes
Part One IntroduCtion
Part Two Combining Forms and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 3 Prefixes
Part One Introduction
Part Two Combining Forms and Prefixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 4 Body StructureDirectiona1Terms
Part One Basic Body
Part Two Combining Forms,Prefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 5 Respiratory System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining Forms,Prefixes and
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 6 Digestive System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining Forms,Prefixes and
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 7 Cardiovascu1ar System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining Forms,Prefixes and
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 8 1ymphatic System and Immunity
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining Forms,Prefixes and
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 9 Nervous System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining FormsPrefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 1 0 Endocrine System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining FormsPrefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 11 Urinary System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining FormsPrefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 12 Reproductive System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining FormsPrefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Part Five Review Sheet
Chapter 13 Muscu1oske1eta1 System
Part One Overview of the System
Part Two Combining FormsPrefixes and Suffixes
Part Three Integrated Practice
Part Four Supp1ementary Readings
Chapter 14 Integumentary System
Chapter 15 Specia1 Senses:The Eye and rhe Ear
Appendix 1 Medica1 Word E1ements and Their Meanings
Appendix 2 Keys to Exercises in Integrated Practice



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