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『簡體書』大学英语拓展课程系列:人文英语阅读教程 上下册 教师用书(附mp3下载)

書城自編碼: 2446956
作者: 邓红 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787544636537
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
出版日期: 2014-06-01

書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 117.0



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邓红编著的《人文英语阅读教程教师用书上下 》原属“大学英语综合应用能力选修课系列教材”的一本,现整合归入“大学英语拓展课程系列”中的 EAP子系列,重排出版。主题涉及人文素质教育的诸多方面,使学生在哲学、历史、文化、语言、文学素养、思想意识等方面都得到提高。每册包含8个单元,每单元包括4个section,每个section由Preface 、Text、Exercises、Knowledge Extension和 Great Qutoe五个环节组成。教师用书提供背景知识和练习参考答案。
Unit 1 Myths Tales
 Section A The Creation of the World
 Section B The Birth of the Messiah
 Section C The Olympian Gods
 Section D The Trojan War
Unit 2 Moments in History
 Section A The Splendour of Greece
 Section B Renaissance
 Section C The Hundred Years'' War and Joan of Arc
 Section D Early Settlements
Unit 3 Biographies of Celebrities
 Section A Winston Churchill
 Section B Charles Darwin
 Section C Diana, Princess of Wales
 Section D Michael Jordan, a Global Icon
Unit 4 Classics Appreciation
 Section A Hamlet
 Section B Of Beauty
 Section C Three Days to See
 Section D President George W. Bush''s
Inaugural Address
Unit 5 Customs Traditions
 Section A Special Origin of Christmas
 Section B Unique Traditions from the UK
 Section C Wedding Customs and Traditions
 Section D History of Football
Unit 6 Cultural Geography
 Section A Ancient Scots and Stonehenge
 Section B The Beauty of Britain
 Section C Niagara Falls
 Section D The Serengeti National Park
Unit 7 Panorama of Life
 Section A Finding Your Niche
 Section B Can We Live Without Our
Mobile Phones?
 Section C Nice to Meet You, Chicago
 Section D Yoga Health Secrets
Unit 8 Global Focus
 Section A Remembering, Never to Forget
 Section B Security Council Reform: Mission Impossible?
 Section C The Kyoto Protocol Global Warming
 Section D Is Bird Flu a Natural Disaster or Human-Made Calamity?
Unit 1 Myths Tales
 Section A Noah''s Ark
 Section B Pandora''s Box
 Section C The Animals of Aesop
 Section D The Fisherman and the Jinni
Unit 2 Moments in History
 Section A Babylon and the Law
 Section B The Great Days of the Arabs
 Section C The Middle Ages
 Section D The American Civil War
Unit 3 Biographies of Celebrities
 Section A Mahatma Gandhi
 Section B Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
 Section C Bill Gates
 Section D Stephen Hawking
Unit 4 Classics Appreciation
 Section A The Declaration of Independence
 Section B A Christmas Carol
 Section C The Old Man and the Sea
 Section D Some Curious Western Customs
Unit 5 Customs Traditions
 Section A The Language and Culture of
 Section B Chinese Calligraphy: Past and
 Section C The History of Valentine''s Day
 Section D The Wines of France
Unit 6 Cultural Geography
 Section A Maya, the Riddle of a Lost Civilization
 Section B The Byzantium
 Section C Civilization of the Ancient Egypt
 Section D The Caste System in India
Unit 7 Panorama of Life
 Section A You''ve Got Blog
 Section B Generation Gap? Sometimes It''s Just Words
 Section C The Debtor Generation
 Section D Up a Tree, for the Fun of It
Unit 8 Global Focus
 Section A Up Goes Shenzhou, Again
 Section B Ripple Effects of Indonesia''s Geological Events
 Section C Why Nobodies Are the Real Terrorist Threat
 Section D Welcome to Beijing



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