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書城自編碼: 2551245
作者: 戈雷利克 (Micha Gorelick),欧日沃尔德 (I
國際書號(ISBN): 9787564153854
出版社: 东南大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 351/455000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 144.3



** 我創建的書架 **

《 平成时代 》

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HK$ 243.6
《 深度学习 》

HK$ 114.6
《 TensorFlow技术解析与实战 》

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《 深入浅出深度学习:原理剖析与Python实践 》

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《 流畅的Python 》

HK$ 156.6
《 现代C++探秘:编码、工程与科研必修(基于C++ 14)(英文版) 》
1. Understanding Performant Python
 The Fundamental Computer System
 Computing Units
 Memory Units
 Communications Layers
 Putting the Fundamental Elements Together
 Idealized Computing Versus the Python Virtual Machine
 So Why Use Python?
2. Profiling to Find Bottlenecks
 Profiling Efficiently
 Introducing the Julia Set
 Calculating the Full Julia Set
 Simple Approaches to Timing--print and a Decorator
 Simple Timing Using the Unix time Command
 Using the cProfile Module
 Using runsnakerun to Visualize cProfile Output
 Using line_profiler for Line-by-Line Measurements
 Using memory_profiler to Diagnose Memory Usage
 Inspecting Objects on the Heap with heapy
 Using dowser for Live Graphing of Instantiated Variables
 Using the dis Module to Examine CPython Bytecode
 Different Approaches, Different Complexity
 Unit Testing During Optimization to Maintain Correctness
 No-op @profile Decorator
 Strategies to Profile Your Code Successfully
3. Lists and Tuples
 A More Efficient Search
 Lists Versus Tuples
 Lists as Dynamic Arrays
 Tuples As Static Arrays
4. Dictionaries and Sets
 How Do Dictionaries and Sets Work?
 Inserting and Retrieving
 Hash Functions and Entropy
 Dictionaries and Namespaces
5. Iterators and Generators
 Iterators for Infinite Series
 Lazy Generator Evaluation
6. Matrix and Vector Computation
 Introduction to the Problem
 Aren''t Python Lists Good Enough?
 Problems with Allocating Too Much
 Memory Fragmentation
 Understanding perf
 Making Decisions with perf''s Output
 Enter numpy
 Applying numpy to the Diffusion Problem
 Memory Allocations and In-Place Operations
 Selective Optimizations: Finding What Needs to Be Fixed
 numexpr: Making In-Place Operations Faster and Easier
 A Cautionary Tale: Verify "Optimizations" scipy
7. Compiling to C
 What Sort of Speed Gains Are Possible?
 JIT Versus AOT Compilers
 Why Does Type Information Help the Code Run Faster?
 Using a C Compiler
 Reviewing the Julia Set Example
 Compiling a Pure-Python Version Using Cython
 Cython Annotations to Analyze a Block of Code
 Adding Some Type Annotations
 Shed Skin
 Building an Extension Module
 The Cost of the Memory Copies
 Cython and numpy
 ParaUelizing the Solution with OpenMP on One Machine
 Garbage Collection Differences
 Running PyPy and Installing Modules
 When to Use Each Technology
 Other Upcoming Projects
 A Note on Graphics Processing Units GPUs
 A Wish for a Future Compiler Project
 Foreign Function Interfaces
 CPython Module
8. Concurrency
 Introduction to Asynchronous Programming
 Serial Crawler
 Database Example
9. lhe multiprocessing Module
 An Overview of the Multiprocessing Module
 Estimating Pi Using the Monte Carlo Method
 Estimating Pi Using Processes and Threads
 Using Python Objects
 Random Numbers in Parallel Systems
 Using numpy
 Finding Prime Numbers
 Queues of Work
 Verifying Primes Using Interprocess Communication
 Serial Solution
 Naive Pool Solution
 A Less Naive Pool Solution
 Using Manager.Value as a Flag
 Using Redis as a Flag
 Using RawValue as a Flag
 Using mmap as a Flag
 Using mmap as a Flag Redux
 Sharing numpy Data with multiprocessing
 Synchronizing File and Variable Access
 File Locking
 Locking a Value
10. Clusters and Job Queues
 Benefits of Clustering
 Drawbacks of Clustering
 $462 Million Wall Street Loss Through Poor Cluster Upgrade Strategy
 Skype''s 24-Hour Global Outage
 Common Cluster Designs
 How to Start a Clustered Solution
 Ways to Avoid Pain When Using Clusters
 Three Clustering Solutions
 Using the Parallel Python Module for Simple Local Clusters
 Using IPython Parallel to Support Research
 NSQ for Robust Production Clustering
 Distributed Prime Calculation
 Other Clustering Tools to Look At
11. Using Less RAM
 Objects for Primitives Are Expensive
 The Array Module Stores Many Primitive Objects Cheaply
 Understanding the RAM Used in a Collection
 Bytes Versus Unicode
 Efficiently Storing Lots of Text in RAM
 Trying These Approaches on 8 Million Tokens
 Tips for Using Less RAM
 Probabilistic Data Structures
 Very Approximate Counting with a 1-byte Morris Counter
 K-Minimum Values
 Bloom Filters
 LogLog Counter
 Real-World Example
12. Lessons from the Field
 Adaptive Lab''s Social Media Analytics SOMA
 Python at Adaptive Lab
 SoMA''s Design
 Our Development Methodology
 Maintaining SoMA
 Advice for Fellow Engineers
 Making Deep Learning Fly with RadimRehurek.com
 The Sweet Spot
 Lessons in Optimizing
 Large-Scale Productionized Machine Learning at Lyst.com
 Pythons Place at Lyst
 Cluster Design
 Code Evolution in a Fast-Moving Start-Up
 Building the Recommendation Engine
 Reporting and Monitoring
 Some Advice
 Large-Scale Social Media Analysis at Smesh
 Pythons Role at Smesh
 The Platform
 High Performance Real-Time String Matching
 Reporting, Monitoring, Debugging, and Deployment
 PyPy for Successful Web and Data Processing Systems
 The Database
 The Web Application
 OCR and Translation
 Task Distribution and Workers
 Task Queues at Lanyrd.com
 Python''s Role at Lanyrd
 Making the Task Queue Performant
 Reporting, Monitoring, Debugging, and Deployment
 Advice to a Fellow Developer



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