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書城自編碼: 2667795
作者: Günter Spanner
國際書號(ISBN): 9787564159481
出版社: 东南大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-09-01

頁數/字數: 260页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 103.6



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Arduino平台的巨大成功至少存在两个原因。首 先,价廉物美且可以直接上手的处理器板大大简化了 硬件的使用。其次,免费和开源的编程套件无需任何 安装过程。简单的入门级示例确保了快速的成功。对 于诸如微处理器版本或者接口设置这样一些参数的复 杂选择过程并不是必需的。**个示例程序可以在几 分钟内被上载到Ardunio单板上进行测试。
Ardunio用户有着大量软件库的支持。不过,日 益增长的软件库会给新手带来一些问题,在入门级示 例之后就会存在一些不确定性。大多数例子缺少详细 描述,而描述不足的项目往往让用户*加迷惑而不是 起到锻炼的作用。同时这些项目也缺乏清晰的指导和 统一的编排,这是因为这些项目是由不同的人创建的 ,他们往往有着不同的想法。
斯潘纳编*的《Arduino电路与项目指南影印版 英文版》使用了不同的方法。所有的项目都采用了 系统化的手段,引导读者进入不同的主题领域。在必 须知道的理论方面,着重关注了读者容易接受的实践 方向,包括诸如模数转换、定时器和中断这样一些基 础的编程技术,它们都被包含在一些动手操作的项目 中。本书读者可以创建指示灯、唤醒灯、具备全部功 能的电压表、**数字温度计、多种多样的时钟、反 应速度计或者鼠标控制的机械臂。在学习这些项目的 同时,读者将能够真正地理解和掌握内在的控制器技 术基础知识。
1 Introduction
1.1 The Arduino Project
1.2 Book Structure and Target Audience
2 Structure and Function of the Hardware
2.1 Lots to Choose From: Arduino Versions
2.2 Available for all Purposes: Shields
2.2.1 Proto Shield
2.2.2 Motor Shield
2.2.3 Ethernet Shield
2.3 Nothing Happens without Power: the Power Supply
2.4 The Microcontroller: Heart of the Arduino
2.5 The PC Connection: USB interface
3 Development Environment and Programming Basics
3.1 Integrated Development Environment IDE
3.2 For Linux Users: Arduino IDE Under Ubuntu
3.3 Simple Beginnings: The Warning Light
3.4 General Structure of an Arduino Sketch
3.5 Basic Elements of the C Programming Language for Arduino
3.6 Program Structures
3.7 Arduino-Specific Functions
3.8 Arduino Punctuation: Syntax Elements
3,9 Data Storage Elements: Variables
3.10 The Art of Math: Operators
3.11 To Be Clear: Logical Operators
3.12 Unchanging Parameters: Constants
3.13 Dealing with Related Data of the Same Type: Arrays
3.14 Program Control Structures
3.15 Controlling Timing
3.16 Mathematical Functions
3.17 Random numbers
3.18 Extending the Options: Adding Libraries
4 Electronic Components and Low-Cost "Freeduinos"
4.1 Breadboards: Simple and Effective without Soldering
4.2 Prototyping Boards: Durable Construction without Chemicals
4.3 Low-Cost ''Freeduinos''
4.4 Arduino and Its Helpers: Basic Electronic Components
4.4.1 USB Cable
4.4.2 Resistors
4.4.3 Capacitors
4.4.4 Potentiometers
4.4.5 LEDs
4.4.6 RGB LEDs
4.4.7 Switches
4.4.8 Silicon Diodes
4.4.9 Transistors
5 Hello World
5.1 Cut to the Chaser
5.2 It Gets Brighter: Controlling Power LEDs
5.3 POVino: Persistence-of-Vision Display
6 Displays and Display Techniques
6.1 Bar Graph Display: The Classic for Measurement Applications
6.2 Simple and Cheap: 7-Segment Displays
6.3 4-Digit, 7-Segment Displays: A Key Component for Instrumentation
6.4 Mini Monitor for Signs and Graphics: The LED Dot Matrix
6.5 Dot Matrix Display as a Two-Digit Digital Display
6.6 Micro Learns to Write: Alphanumeric Display
6.7 The LCD
7 Measurement and Sensors
7.1 Flexible and Easy to Read: An LED Voltmeter
7.2 Volt Ammeter: Precise Instrument for the Hobbyist''s Lab
7.3 Kiloohmmeter for Specific Applications
7.4 No More Faulty Electrolytic Capacitor Woes: The ''Elcaduino'' Tester ..
7.5 ''Picofaraduino'': Measuring Smaller Capacitances
7.6 ''Transistino'': Transistor Tester ~
7.7 A Simple NTC Thermometer
7.8 Hot or Cold? Temperature Measurement Using the AD22100
7.9 Remote Thermometer
7.10 ''Thermoduino'': Precision Thermometer with 7-Segment Display
7.11 When Are We Most Comfortable? - The Hygrometer
7.12 ''Battduino'': Capacity Measurement for Rechargeable Batteries
7.13 Optical Sensors: Important for More than Just Photography
7.14 Reflex Light for Geocaching
7.15 For Professional Photographers: A Digital Light Meter
7.16 Home ''Radar Station": Distance Measurement Using Ultrasound
8 Timers, Clocks and Interrupts
8.1 Morning and Night Fun: Grand Prix Toothbrush Timer
8.2 Practical and Accurate: Digital Clock with LED Display
8.3 Who''s Faster? A Reaction Timer
8.4 ''Timerino'': Universal Timer with a 7-Segment Display
8.5 Plug-in Timer to Make Life Easier
8.6 Atomic Precision: The DCF77 Radio Clock
8.7 Output of Time and Date to the Serial Interface
8.8 Stand-Alone DCF77 Clock with LCD Display
9 Interfaces
9.1 Universal and Simple: The I2C Interface
9.2 When We Run Out of Pins: Port Expansion
9.4 Hexadecimal Debugger Display Using a 2-Digit, 7-Segment Display.
9.5 LCD Control via I2C Using the PCF8574
9.6 This Time, Fully Digital: The LM75 Thermometer
9.7 Power-Saving: Real-Time Clock with Date Display
9.8 Alter Including The IRremote Wireless, Practical, Quick: The IR Interface
9.9 ''Lampino'': An IR-Controlled RGB Lamp
9.10 Timely Luxury: An IR-Controlled Digital Clock
9.11 Optimal for Microcontrollers: The PS2 Interface
9.12 Keyboard and Mouse as Universal Input Devices
9.13 A Complete Microcomputer with LCD Monitor and Keyboard
10 Sounds and Synthesizer
10.1 Simple Tones
10.2 Transducers and Amplifiers
10.3 Fast PWM Makes It Happen: Not Just tones, But Sound Waves
10.4 Theremin: The Contactless Musical Instrument
10.5 Audio Processing
10.5.1 VCO: A Tunable Sine Wave Source
10.5.2 Digital Signal Processing
10.6 Sound Cloud: A Digital Synthesizer
11 Digital Control Techniques
11.1 Control Types
11.1.1 P Controller
11.1.2 I Controller
11.1.3 PI Controller
11.1.4 PD Controller
11.1.5 PID Controller
11.2 Optimum Workstation Lighting: Digital Illumination Control
11.3 A Classic of Control Theory: The Gravity Compensator
12 Physical Computing
12.1 Servos Control the World
12.2 ''Photino'': 2D Camera Swivel
12.3 ''Craning'': Mouse-Controlled Crane
13 Processing
13.1 Arduino and Processing: A Formidable Team
13.2 Interaction with Processing: Data Logging, Trend Graphs, etc
14 The "Living Room Box'': Our Modular Concluding Project
14.1 Always Useful: A Clock
14.2 Control from Afar: The IR Interface
14.3 230 V Control for Hi-Fi systems, Televisions, Lamps, etc
14.4 Timers and Sensors as the Basis for Home Automation
14.5 Indoor and Outdoor Thermometers
14.6 No More Dry Air: A Hygrometer
14.7 The Hardware
List of Figures
List of Tables



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