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書城自編碼: 3005160
作者: [英]John Burton、 [美]Jack Johnso
國際書號(ISBN): 9787313167569
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-04-01
版次: 2 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 173/282000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 80.9



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《 慎小嶷:十天突破雅思口语 剑12版(附赠便携式速查手册+纯正英音朗读音频卡) 》

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《 雅思口语观点库 》

HK$ 57.0
《 雅思口语考官最给分的543个地道表达 》
John Burton,出生于英国剑桥,持有全国认可的CLETA英国剑桥大学教师证书,出版过畅销书籍《雅思考官口语》。十年来,他积极投身于教育事业,且针对中国学生口语薄弱这个问题,展开了数年的教学研究,形成了一套系统且有针对性的教学理论,教学方式风趣幽默,深受学生的喜爱。
IELTS Speaking Analysis 雅思口语考试解析
第一节 IELTS Speaking description 雅思口语考试简介
第二节 IELTS Speaking in detail 雅思口语测试流程详解
第三节 IELTS Speaking - How it''s marked 雅思口语考试评分
第四节 IELTS Speaking Tips 雅思口语技巧
IELTS Speaking Part 1- Dos and Donts
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Tips
IELTS Speaking Part 3 Tips

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions and Answers雅思口语Part
第一节 StudyWork
第三节 Singing 唱歌
第四节 Walking 散步
第五节 Newspaper
and magazine 报纸和杂志
第六节 Activity
near water 进水之地
第七节 Books 书本
Photography 摄影
第九节 Weekends 周末
第十节 Outdoor
Activities 户外活动
第十一节 Painting 绘画
第十二节 Sunny
days 晴天
第十三节 Birthday生日
第十四节 Music 音乐
第十五节 Colors 颜色
Handcrafts 手工艺品
第十七节 Animals 动物
第十八节 Being
Punctual 守时
Television 电视
第二十节 Museum博物馆
第二十一节 Holiday 假期
第二十二节 Film
第二十三节 Sports 体育
Vegetables and Fruits 蔬菜和水果
第二十五节 Maths 数学
第二十六节 Sky天空
第二十七节 Clothes 衣服
第二十八节 Reading 阅读
第二十九节 Sleeping睡眠
第三十节 Trees 树木
第三十一节 Text
messages 短信
第三十二节 Memorising记忆
第三十三节 Friends 朋友
Transportation 交通
第三十六节 Letters
& Emails 信件和电子邮件
第三十七节 Swimming
第三十八节 Snacks 点心
第三十九节 Helping
others 帮助别人
第四十节 History历史
第四十二节 Teachers
第四十三节 Social
Celebrity 名人
第四十六节 Science 科学
第四十七节 Being in
a Hurry 匆忙
第四十八节 Time

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics and Sample Answers雅思口语Part
第一节 Describe People 描述人物
Describe a person who you have met and want
to know more about描述一个你遇见过还想再了解的人
Describe a personsomething that made you
laugh 描述一个使你笑的人/物
Describe a creative inventor or musician 描述一个有创造力的发明者或者音乐人
Describe a person that you like to spend
time with 描述一个你想要和他共度时光的人
Describe a person who once moved to live
with you描述一个搬家和你一起住的人
Describe an old friend you enjoy talking
with 描述一个你喜欢与其交流的老朋友
Describe a person who can speak a second
language 描述一个会说第二种语言的人
Describe a leader who you admire for
example, in sport, business or politics描述一个你崇拜的领导者
Describe a person you know who is good at
cooking 描述一个擅长烹饪的人
Describe a person you know who dresses well
Describe a family member you would like to
work with 描述一个你想要与其工作的家庭成员
Describe a famous foreign person who you
would like to meet描述一个你想遇见的外国名人
Describe someone you know who has an
interesting job描述一个有份令人感兴趣的工作的人
第二节 Describe Objects 描述物体
Describe a piece of electrical or
electronic equipment in your home描述一件家用电器或电子设备
Describe a gift that you gave someone
recently 描述一件你最近给别人的礼物
Describe a family photograph that you like 描述你喜欢的家庭照片
Describe an antique or an old object that
your family has kept for a long time 描述一个你的家庭保存很久的古董或者旧物件
Describe one of your childhood toys that
was special to you描述一个对你来说特别的儿童时代的玩具
Describe something you bought but you were
not happy with描述你购买的不满意的商品
Describe something you shared with others,
such as food or accommodation 描述你和他人分享的东西
Describe a painting or a work of art in
your school 描述在你学校的一幅绘画或者一件艺术品
Describe your first mobile phone描述你第一部手机
Describe a kind of flower that you like描述你喜爱的一种花
第三节 Describe Places 描述地点
Describe a tall building in your hometown
you likedislike 描述一个你家乡喜欢或不喜欢的高大建筑
Describe a garden you have visited and
liked 描述一个你去过并喜欢的花园
Describe a small business you want to have
in the future 描述一个你将来想要开的小公司
Describe a large company that you are
interested in 描述一个你感兴趣的大公司
Describe a place where you go to relax 描述一个你放松的地方
Describe a sport stadium thats important
in your city 描述你的城市中一个重要的体育场馆
Describe a natural landscape of your
country that you would suggest foreign visitors to visit描述一个你推荐外国游客去参观的你的国家的自然景点
Describe a historic building that you have
Describe a street that you know well描述你熟悉的一条街
Describe a shop you like to go to 描述你喜欢去的一个商店
Describe an area of your hometown that has
recently changed 描述你家乡最近变化过的一个区域
第四节 Describe Events 描述事件
Describe a time you needed to use
imagination 描述一次你需要用想象力的经历
Describe a time when you are very busy 描述一次你很忙的经历
Describe a time you missed an appointment
for something 描述一次你错过为某件事情预约的经历
Describe an interesting or unusual thing
you did recently in your free time 描述一件你最近(在业余时间)做的令人感兴趣或者不同寻常的事情
Describe a bicyclemotorbikecar trip you
would like to take 描述一次你想要去的自行车/摩托车/汽车旅行
Describe an activity you do to keep fit 描述一个你保持健康的活动
Describe an activity that you do in your
school after school 描述一个你课后在学校做的一个活动
Describe an occasion you got up extremely
early 描述一次你早起的经历
Describe a positive change in your life 描述你生命中的一次积极变化
Describe a wedding you have been to 描述你参加过的一个婚礼
Describe a situation that made you a little
angry 描述一个让你有点生气的经历
Describe a short journey that you disliked描述一个你不喜欢的短途旅行
Describe a happy family event from your
childhood 描述一个你儿童时期快乐的家庭事件
Describe a game or sport that you enjoy
playing 描述一个你喜欢的比赛或者体育
Describe the best experience of your
schooluniversity life you have had 描述你在大学或学校中的最好的一次体验
Describe a situation you waited for
something 描述你等待某样东西的经历
Describe a time that you and your friend
had a disagreement 描述你和你的朋友意见不一致的一次经历
Describe a time when you felt surprised to
meet someone描述你很惊讶遇到某人的经历
第五节 Describe Other Topics描述其他内容
Describe a film about a real person or
event that you have watched描述一部关于真人真事的电影
Describe a kind of wild animal 描述一种野生动物
Describe a special meal you would like to
invite your friends to eat with you描述你邀请朋友和你一起吃的一顿饭
Describe a special meal you have had 描述你吃过的一顿特别的饭
Describe an interesting song you like 描述一首你喜欢的令人感兴趣的歌
Describe an area of science that you are
interested in 描述一个你感兴趣的科学领域
Describe an advertisement you have
seenheard recently 描述一个你最近看到或者听到的广告
Describe a difficult decision that you once
made 描述一个你曾经做出的困难决定
Describe an important skill you learned
when you were a child描述一个当你还是小孩子的时候学过的一个重要技能
Describe a method that helps you save money
Describe a program or App in your computer
or phones 描述你电脑里或者手机里一个程序或者应用
Describe a character or personality of
yours 描述一个你的个性
Describe a television program that you like
to watch 描述一个你喜欢看的电视节目
Describe a sport that you would like to
learn 描述一个你想学的体育运动
Describe a language other than English that
you would like to learn 描述一门除了英语之外你想学的语言
Describe a piece of good news you received 描述一个你收到的好消息
Describe a law about the environment you
would like to see in the future 描述将来你想看到的关于环境的法律

第四章 IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics
and Sample Answers雅思口语Part 3分类话题真题和范文
第一节 Advantages & Disadvantages优势与劣势
第二节 Questions about Changes关于变化
第三节 Questions
about Difference关于区别
第四节 Questions
about the Future关于将来
第五节 Why Questions
第七节Buildings 建筑
第九节The Elderly
第十节 Young
People 年轻人
第十一节Furniture 家具
第十三节 History 历史
第十四节 Holidays
& Travelling 假期和旅游
第十五节 Jobs and
Working 工作
第十六节 Losing
第十七节 Money 钱
第十八节 Music 音乐
第十九节 News
& Media新闻和媒体
第二十一节 Relaxing放松
第二十二节 Sports体育
第二十三节 Extreme
第二十四节 Teamwork
& Leadership团队协作和领导力
第二十五节 Toys玩具
第二十七节 Organizing
第二十八节 Old
Things 旧物件
第二十九节 Colour 色彩
第三十节 Cooking 烹饪
第三十一节 Ambition
第三十二节 Traffic 交通

第五章 IELTS Speaking Vocabulary 雅思口语分类话题词汇
1. Types of Music 音乐类型
2. Types of Movies 电影类型
3. Types of TV Shows 电视节目类型
4. Types of Advertising 广告类型
5. Things to Read 读物
6. Types of Clothing 服装类型
7. Electrical and Electronic Appliances 电器和电子仪器
8. Methods of Storing Memories 存储记忆方法
9. Things That Some People Collect 人们所收集的东西
10. Environmental Problems 环境问题
11. Housework 家务活
12. Secondary School 中学
13. Leisure Time and Relaxing 休闲时间和放松
14. Rain 雨
15. Restaurants and Food 餐厅和食物
16. Letters 信件
17. Daily Routine 日常生活
18. Animals动物
19. Parks公园
20. Describing People 描述人
21. The Sections of a Newspaper报纸的各个版块
22. Types of Magazines 杂志类型
23. Law 法律
24. Water 水
25. Games 游戏
26. Playgrounds 游乐场
27. Sports Facilities 体育设施
28. Time Management 时间管理
29. Bags 包
雅思考试最近几年来发生比较大的变化。首先是话题的类型变多了,另外话题本身的难度也有所增加。这种变化在雅思口语和写作两个科目中体现得尤为突出。为了应对雅思考试的这种变化,本书特别作了修订,邀请前雅思考官创作了针对新话题新考题的Sample Answers。这些新的参考答案在内容上和语言上尽可能符合西方人的思维方式,让中国考生在学习这些参考答案之后了解考官所偏好的高分样式,从而获得高分。

第二章 IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Sample Answers
雅思口语Part 1分类话题真题和范文

第一节 StudyWork 学习/工作

Do you work or are you a
I''m currently a student at a High School.
Im studying A Level in order to go to a university in Britain. At my school we
really focus on the science subjects and English, since most students will
apply to a foreign University. I would love to go to Leeds University I have
an offer for that university right now but of course I need to get a good IELTS

What are the most popular
subjects in China?
In my opinion business is probably the
first choice for most students. Nearly everyone wants to be rich so they think
that majoring in business would help them achieve this goal. I guess the second
most prevalent subject would be computing. You know many students like to play
computer games so there is no doubt that people are into that subject.

第二节Home Accommodation家/住房

What kind of housingaccommodation
do you live in?
For the past 20 years I have lived in a
house with my family. And I think if I can move out and start making a living
on my own, I would try my best to afford a private house, since sharing a room
or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to me.

Do you live in a house or a
I live with my parents in our private
house. Although during the time I studied abroad I already experienced living
in a flat, but it ended up not so good as home sweet home. I think Im okay
with my house.

Who do you live with?
I live with my family. There are 5 of us
and we all have our own room, which is way more comfortable as the older we
grow, the more private we need for ourselves. I think our house is big enough
for us yet still a warm and cozy place that I call home.

How long have you lived there?
Although during my childhood my family had
to move a lot, Ive lived in this most recent house for almost 10 years.
Compare to the old houses, I think this house has been the best so far.

Do you plan to live there for a
long time?
The answer would be yes for my parents,
since moving in and out is too time-consuming. Cleaning and arranging
everything all over again would be like torture to them. But, as Im thinking
of moving out, hopefully soon Ill be able to afford living in a flat or an

Whats the difference between
where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
As Ive already mentioned, my family moved
several times when I was younger. And the most current house where weve been
living for about 10 years is the best house so far. All of us have separate
rooms for our needs of privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the
whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.

Can you describe the place where
you live?
Briefly, my humble 4-floor house locates in
a small and quite street, so coming home to me is like all the craziness
happened outside is left behind. Just besides my house stands a big old tree. I
have my own room with walls painted violet, which was exactly my favorite
color. The air outside is fresh. I usually open the window to let the wind and
sunshine in, which will help cooling down my room without air conditioner.
Since I spend most of my time staying at home, my room means the whole world
for me. Its like a friend who is always there to share ups and downs with me
day and night. So yeah, I would always miss my house, my room whenever Im

Which room does your family
spend most of the time in?
Its the dining room where we spend most
time together. We are a traditional family that while having dinner, we watch
the news and talk about our days. Endless stories have been told so we can help
each other through hard times. Also we try to keep the family dinner as
something we cannot go a day without, since for us its the family bonding that
lies behind.

What do you usually do in your
Well definitely Ill spend some me-time
there. I study and I chill with my hobbies such as reading, drawing and dancing
all by myself. Sometimes I also invite one or two friends to spend time with.
Well watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.

Are the transport facilities to
your home very good?
As Ive already mentioned, my house locates
in a quite neighborhood. After taking the bus I still need to walk for about 5
minutes more to get home. And I also come home quite late at around 7 pm so the
traffic is not too crazy.

第三节 Singing 唱歌

Do you like singing?
I absolutely love singing. Although I just
figured out my singing ability like 3 or 4 years ago and of course its not
perfect, but singing to me is just to enjoy music, you know, often when Im
into a song, I cant help myself singing it day and night.

When do you like to sing?
I sing whenever I feel like to, you know,
when Im bored or when Im happy. And since Im not that type of a so-called
performer, most of the time I sing for myself.

How much time do you spend in singing everyday?
Well as I already mentioned singing to me
is all about enjoying myself, so unless that song is so amazing, or my voice is
so surprisingly incredible on that day that I can keep singing for hours,
otherwise I definitely can go a day without any singing.

What kinds of music do you like to sing?
I must say it depends on my mood. If Im so
down, singing some songs which bring back some past memories could make me feel
somehow released, and on the days when Im so motivated, so energetic, I would
sing the songs that are full of hope and sunshine and dreams. Yeah, so you can
tell that I dont stick with a certain kind of music.

Is it difficult to sing well?
Indeed. Unless you have a beautiful voice
as a Gift from God, or you at least have gained yourself some basic knowledge
about notes, vocal ranges and beat, etc., then its easier for you to go
further in your singing career, otherwise yes, singing well would be a huge

Do you want to be a singer?
Well, from what Ive known, being a singer
is not easy at all. Its not just about performing, but its also involved interaction
with fans and other colleagues. Based on what Ive known about showbiz, and
even the music industry in general, I think that is not a place for me.



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