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書城自編碼: 1803059
作者: 肖启云
國際書號(ISBN): 9787562526049
出版社: 中国地质大学出版社
出版日期: 2011-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 262/356000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 165.2



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Unit 1 Gems and Gemstones Instruction
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Unit 2 Optical Properties of Cut Gemstones
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Unit 3 Mechanical Properties of Gems
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 I.ink the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Unit 4 Gemoligical Instraments
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Unit 5 Synthetic Gems Introduction
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Relevant Words between Column A and Column B
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Unit 6 Gemstone Treatments and Enhancements
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tu{orship
Part 3 Link the Relevant Words between Column A and Column B"-
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 7 Gemstone Inclusion
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Relevant Words between Column A and Column B''"
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 8 Gemstones Identification Procedure
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 9 Gemstone Cut
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Chinese Meanings with the Teacher''s Tutorship
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrases
Part 5 Some Sentences
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self- Study Material
Unit 10 Diamond
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your G-emological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Cheek Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 11 Ruby and Sapphire
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Oemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 12 Emerald
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Gemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 13 Quartz Gemstone
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Gemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self- Study Material
Unit 14 Pearl
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Gemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material
Unit 15 Jadeite Jade
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Gemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self- Study Material 1
Part 11 Self-Study Material 2
Unit 16 Jewelry Commerce
Part 1 Dialog
Part 2 Fill the Blanks Basing on Your Gemological Knowledge
Part 3 Link the Words and the Relevant Pictures
Part 4 Useful Phrase
Part 5 Some Sentence
Part 6 Short Paragraph
Part 7 Text
Part 8 Words and Expressions
Part 9 Check Your Understanding
Part 10 Self-Study Material 1
附录1 天然宝石的中英文名称对照
附录2 天然玉石的中英文名称对照
附录3 有机宝石、合成宝石和人造宝石的中英文名称对照



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