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書城自編碼: 2096769
作者: 双语悦读编辑组
國際書號(ISBN): 9787513532150
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2013-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 192/110000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 39.5



** 我創建的書架 **

《 医用化学(第三版) 》

售價:HK$ 57.3
《 别怕,试一试 》

售價:HK$ 67.9
《 人才基因(凝聚30年人才培育经验与智慧) 》

售價:HK$ 103.4
《 深度学习详解 》

售價:HK$ 114.8
《 李白传(20世纪文史学家李长之经典传记) 》

售價:HK$ 45.8
《 津轻:日本无赖派文学代表太宰治自传性随笔集 》

售價:HK$ 66.7
《 河流之齿 》

售價:HK$ 59.8
《 新经济史革命:计量学派与新制度学派 》

售價:HK$ 89.7




HK$ 39.5

HK$ 39.5

HK$ 39.5

HK$ 39.5

HK$ 39.5

HK$ 39.5
Empty Your Cup 倒空你的杯子Three Passions 三种激情The Real Meaning of
Peace 宁静的真谛Human Life Is like a Poem 人生如诗The Love in That Summer
爱在那个夏天Love and a Broken Arm 爱如断臂The Flower in Her Hair
The Apple Tree 苹果树Sand and Foam 沙与沫Song of Wisdom 智慧之歌
The Love in That Summer
She was fond of Strauss, KFC, and Brazil Espresso. Dressed in
decent grey skirt suit, she wasbusy working in a modernized office.
That was herlife before meeting me. Ever since our dating all
thosehave vanished.
It was in 1997 when I started my so-called “greatbusiness”. She
followed me wholeheartedly. Thatsummer came early. Flowers dyed the
town dazzlinglyred. We stayed in the outskirts, in a small room of
acondo known as an illegal structure of this city. Windblew through
all the four walls into the room, thenhome of her and me.
In order to save money, we walked to our storedowntown every day.
Lunches were always simple likedoggie food, worth no more than 1.5
yuan for eachof us. We walked back home at the end of the day,so
beat that all we wanted was collapse into bed. Itseemed that we
make it through one whole year thisway.
Those days were bitter. Business was my totem;love was her belief.
Both supported us from fallingapart.
We walked home late one day. She sat at thebed edge, washing her
feet in a bucket on the floor. Iwent to the landlord for boiled
water to make instantnoodle. When I got back carrying a thermos
bottle,she fell back into the bed sound asleep, feet in water.She
must have been extremely exhausted. One of herhands was under her
body. I heard her light snore. Itiptoed to the bed and tried to
flip her over so that shewould be in a more comfortable position. I
stared ather face, which was a young and pretty one and yetso
wearied and exhausted. I saw one mosquito on thispretty face.
That summer my city was like a huge steamerbox. We put off one day
to another the plan to buy amosquito net, just to save money. I
knew mosquitoeswere flying all about in our room, but I seemed not
tobe bothered. So exhausted when I got back each day, Idoubted if I
would wake up even though someone cuta piece of flesh off my body,
let alone mosquito bites.
That mosquito stayed at her forehead, sipping herblood greedily.
She was still sound asleep, not feelinganything. Perhaps she was in
a sweet dream in whichour business was turning better. There came
anabrupt throb of my heart. I reached to wave my handat the
mosquito. But it was not at all scared. I wantedto bat it to death.
I raised my hand up high, but itcould not descend. I was afraid of
waking her up —she was really worn out.There lay a weak mosquito
between her andme, doing harm to her right now. I froze there,
handin the air. I did not know what to do. I was worried.Suddenly,
I began to get deeply fed up with myself. Ihated me. On the night
of that summer, I stood by herside, feeling extremely guilty of
her, of our love. Themosquito finally flew away. I forgave it, but
I couldnever forgive myself.
In the daytime I went by a peddler’s stall andsaw a pink mosquito
net priced 16 yuan. Thatamount could be spent on a lot of dealings
at thetime. I headed back home without buying it. Aftershe fell
asleep, I got out of bed, stood by her side, andwaved away
mosquitoes with a hard paper board asa weapon. I was her temporary
mosquito net all thatnight through. After a while she woke up to
find whatI was doing. She gazed at me, and ten minutes latertears
flooded her face.
The next day saw a pink mosquito net in myroom. We were both silent
working together to fix iton our bed. In my mind I had presented
the net as agift to her. I did not tell her that it was a gift. I
wasfeeling that it was like a rose in full bloom. It was
mycompensation to love. Then I realized that nothingcould really
make it up. It was her birthday that day.
Years went by. I earned 160,000 yuan, orprecisely we earned 160,000
yuan. We did a lot ofshopping, but never a mosquito net any more.
Wedid not need any mosquito net, living in a very welldecorated
apartment, where no mosquitoes could flyinside. Nevertheless, I
always feel that all my money,and all my belongings are far less
important than the16-yuan mosquito net, which was invaluable to
her,to our love.
That summer was past. We had no choice but tolove each other.
decent adj. 得体的;相当好的
exhausted adj. 疲惫的
mosquito n. 蚊子
guilty adj. 内疚的,有罪的
flood v. 涌到;充满
多年过去了,我赚了16 万,或者确切地说我们赚了16



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