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四月出版:大陸書 台灣書
三月出版:大陸書 台灣書


書城自編碼: 2190145
作者: 刘正爱
國際書號(ISBN): 9787509751466
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
出版日期: 2013-12-01
版次: 1
頁數/字數: /524000

售價:HK$ 394.9



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《 《古兰经》注释研究 》
Discussion on the Academic Innovations in Anthropology and
Ethnology in China【He Xingliang】
Transmission Flow and Trend of Folk Belieifs in Contemporary China:
Shallow Belief outsides of Religious System【Wang Xiaoli】
Review of the Concept of the Secularization of Religion【Guo Hongzhen】
The Ethnographic Investigation of China Sergei Mikhailovich
Shirikogoroff【Translated by Yu Yang】
Levirate Marriage among Ancient Ethnic Groups in China:Types,
Functions and Evolution【He Xingliang】
Islam Transnational Marriages in Yiwu【Ma Yan】
Medical Treatment from the Anthropological Perspective:A Study of
the Culture of Medicine in Shamanism【Meng Huiying】
The Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Inheritance of
Folk Culture:The ShaoxiangIncense Burning Ritual
in Kuandian County of Liaoning Province【Liu Zheng’ai】
Recent Evolution of Shamanism among the Daur People:A Case
Study of Ominin Ritual【Wu Fengling】
An Etymological Study of Several Core Vocabularies
in Daur Shaman【Meng Shengbin】
Complications in the Heritage Protection of
a Sand-Buried Monastery【Liao Yang】
Interpretation of the Wooden Carvings on the Gate of gTsug lag
khang of Khojarnath Monastery at Purang County in Western
Tibet Ⅰ:Scenes from Ramayana and Nagananda【Li Jun】
The Rationale for the Formation of Golden Buddahas Images as Viewed
from the Sutras Translated by Lokaksema【Ma Zongjie】
Iconographic Observations of Wall Paintings of Güshi Temple
at Khri’du County,Qinghai Province【Liao Yang】
Commentary on the Secularization of Tibetan Buddhism【Guo Hongzhen】
A Study of the Symbolism of the Golden Image of the Buddhas from
the Sutras Translated in the Eastern Han Dynasty【Ma Zongjie】
Customs of the Spring Festival and Ancient Chinese Frame of
Mind【He Xingliang】
The Current Practices of Manchu Cultural Symbols:Case Studies
on Revision of Genealogy and Rituals of Family Deities
in Year of the Dragon【Meng Huiying】
Returning to Ancestors:Shi Clan’s Custom of Remaking
Family Tree in Year of the Dragon【Yu Yang】
Confrontation and Compromise of Minzu Culture in Urban Culture:
A Phenomenon of the Reconstruction of Modern Culture【Wang Xiaoli】
The Folk Religion in Shandong Province:The Incense Society
in Jingtang Village of Qingzhou City【Liu Zheng’ai】
A Survey on the Christian Beliefs of the Highly Educated Korean
Ethnicity in Beijing【Wu Fengling】
Ritual and Authority:Ethnographic Reflections on the Argument of
Francis L.K.Hsu【Liu Zhongwei】
Investigation of Folk Beliefs in Haixing Village Sayu Town of
Guizhou Province【Jia Xuexiao】



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