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書城自編碼: 2448410
作者: 张焕炯
國際書號(ISBN): 9787118095913
出版社: 国防工业出版社
出版日期: 2014-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 205.4



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全书共分5章。第1章为概论,重点阐述现代信号处理的基本概念和特点,从非线性、非平稳性、主动性等方面进行了深入的概括总结。第2章讨论有结构的干扰条件下的信号处理新方法,在分析同异步条件下的信号特性变化的基础上,根据干扰的结构特点,来设计具体的信号处理方法,以期尽可能地减少、甚至完全抵销相关的干扰,促使信号系统向纯噪声系统演进,实现最佳的处理效果。此外,结合分数阶第3 章重点论述基于信息准则的信号处理新方法,在给出所依据的信息理论的前提下,分别就基于最大熵准则、最小鉴别信息准则以及最小误差熵准则条件下的信号处理方法进行了深入讨论,并给出了具体的处理模型和相应的应用例子分析,获得了基于最小误差熵准则的信号分析的简化的处理算法。第4章讨论基于代数结构理论的信号分类、检测、识别、预测及估值等方面的新方法,通过构造群、环、域等含有代数结构的集合的方法,得到了具体的信号处理的新方法,给出了相关的举例分析。第5章是总结和展望,既对相关研究的成果进行了简要总结,又就相关方向及问题的解决提出了相应的展望愿景,勾画出了下一步的研究方向。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Summaries of modern signal processing
1.2 Characters analysis of the treating methods in modern signal processing
1.3 Characters and construction arrangements of this book of monograph
1.4 Summary of this chapter
Chapter 2 Some novel methods under the conditions of the structural interfbrences
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Analysis the influence of the receiving signals with
structuralinterferences under the conditions
between synchronous and asynchronous
2.2.1 The model of receiving signal
2.2.2 Analysis the structure 0f the baseband signal under
the synchronous and asynchronous receiving conditionst
2.2.3 Analysis of sign~structure under the synchronous
and asynchronous conditions of the carrier Phase
2.2.4 Analysis of the nurremcal simulation
2.2.5 Summary of this section
2.3 Analysis of the united detectivemethods base on the
theory of the definite linear operator
2.3.1 System model
2.3.2 Relatedcondusions of the definitelinear operatortheory
and the application in the united detection
2.3.3 The united detectivemethod based onthetheory of
definite linear operator under the norrstrict power control
2.3.4 Realization and correlated performances analysis
2.3.5 Two examples
2.3.6 Simulative analygs
2.3.7 the Summary in this section
2.4 The united detection based on solving the reverse of hemake matrix
2.4.1 The realization of the united detective method based
on the theory of hermite matrix
2.4.2 Computing complexity analysis and simulation
2.4.3 The summary of this section
2.5 The novel decorrelating decision feedback united detective method
2.5.1 System model
2.5.2 Derivation of new decorrelating decisionfeedback method
2.5.3 Simulation analysis and case
2.5.4 The StllnnIary of this section
2.6 Anovel united detectivemethodunderthe asynchronous receiving conditiontt
2.6.1 Introduction
2.6.2 Signal model
2.6.3 The derivation ofthis new uniteddetective method
2.6.4 Properties analysisand simulation
2.6.5 The conclusion of this section
2.7 Blind united detective technologies
2.7.1 Introduction
2.7.2 The COITRTIonmodel of the blind united detection
2.7.3 Some concrete blind united detective methods
2.7.4 The Summary of thiS section
2.8 The diversity technology based on the fractional Fourier Transformation
2.8.1 Introduction
2.8.2 Some corresponding theoretical conclusions of
fractional Fourier Transformation
2.8.3 The concrete analysis of the diversity realization
hased onthetheory of FRFT
2.8.4 A cryptosystem scheme based on the theory of FRFT
2.8.5 The summary of this section
2.9 A modilied method of deha modulation
2.9.1 Introduction
2.9.2 Delta modulation principle analysis
2.9.3 Derivation ofthemodified deIt.modulationn method .
2.9.4 Property analysis and an example
2.9.5 Conclusion of this section
2.10 Surramry of this chapter
Chapter 3 Some novel methods of modern signal processing based on Information Theories.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Some conelusions in theories of irdormation
3.2.1 Some hasic conceptions
3.2.2 Some related properties ofShannon entropy and
dlscnmination entropy
3.2.3 Some important principles and criteria
3.3 Signal detective models hased on the inforrmtion
extreme value criteria
3.3.1 Signal detectivemodel based onthe roa:dmum
entropy criterion
3.3.2 Signal detective rflodel hased on the minimum
discrimination entropy criterion
3.3.3 Sigml detectiveInodel hased ontheminimum
error entropy criterioil
3.4 Analysis of some concrete examples
3.4.1 Application in the domain Of spectra estimation
3.4.2 Application in the field of blind source separation
3.4.3 Analysis ofthe example based onthe criterion of
the minimum error entropy
3.5 Conception of information matched filtering
3.6 Summary of this cbapter
Chapter 4 Some new method about.signal analysis based on the theories of abstract algelra
4.1 Introduction .
4.2The basicideas andmodels of the signal
classification,detection and recognition
4.3 Newmethods of signal classification,detection and
recognition based on group theory
4.3.1 ne related concepotions and condUSions of group theory
4.3.2 The concrete appiicafion in the domain of signed
daasification,detection and pattern recognition
4.3.3 Analysis Of a concrete example
4.4 Sorne novelmetheds of slgntd dassification.signal
detectionandpattern recognitionbased onthe
theories of ring and field
4.4.1 ne definition and related properties of ring
4.4.2 Some related properties offield structure
4.4.3 the concrete application in the domains of signal
classification.detection and recognition
4.4.4 An example analysis based on field theory
4.5 111e current methods of signal classification,
detection and pattern recognition based on the
eornrllorl algebra theories
4.6 A novelmethods hased onthetheory of linear
operator semigroup
4.6.1 The related theory of linear operator semigroup
4.6.2 nle concrete processingbased 011theories oflinear
operator semigroup
4.7 Surarmry of this chapter
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Prospects
5.1 The conclusions of the whole book monograph
5.2 nle expectation of the future researching
Brief Introduction about this Book of Monograph



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