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書城自編碼: 2459182
作者: 【韩】巴克达[Pagoda]语言教育中心
國際書號(ISBN): 9787553735818
出版社: 江苏科学技术出版社
出版日期: 2014-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 224/250000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 83.2



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Unit 1 Independent Favorites 8
Integrated Problem Solving 16
L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 2 Independent Favorites 28
Integrated Problem Solving 36
L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 3 Independent Persons 48
Integrated Summary 56
L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 4 Independent Characteristics 66
Integrated Summary 74
L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 5 Independent Preference 84
Integrated Fit Explain 92
R-L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 6 Independent Preference 104
Integrated Fit Explain 112
R-L-S Campus Situation Topic
Unit 7 Independent Agree Disagree 124
Integrated General Specific 132
R-L-S Academic Course Topic
Unit 8 Independent Agree Disagree 144
Integrated General Specific 152
R-L-S Academic Course Topic
Actual Test 163
Answer Keys Listening Script 173
Independent Task — Favorites
Key Expressions
My favorite ... is ...
My favorite music is R B.
My favorite book is The Little Prince.
I like love to V ... = I like V-ing ... V = Verb
I like to learn about different cultures. = I like learning about different cultures.
I love to play soccer with my friends. = I love playing soccer with my friends.
First, Secondly,
First, Secondly, the music makes me relaxed.
That''s why ...
That''s why my favorite music is hip-hop.
That''s why I like to read cartoons.
Let''s practice!
1. Jazz is my favorite music.
= is Jazz.
2. First of all, I like to hear the sound of the saxophone.
= , I like .
3. Another reason is that I love listening to live music.
= , I love to .
4. That''s why my favorite music is Jazz.
= I like to .
Get Started
Choose the word from the box that best completes the sentence.
tournament competitive endurance patience strategies
1 Perfect team will help the team win the game.
2 My friends and I like to do some sports together.
3 The World Cup is the biggest soccer in the world.
4 I lost my when he yelled at me.
5 Swimming is one of the sports that helps build up .
Get Ready
A.Answer the following question.
What is your favorite sport or game?
My favorite sport game is .
soccer basketball baseball tag hide-and-seek
hiking badminton inline skating board games
B.Why do you like to play that sport or game? Check two reasons. You may add your own answer.
It is fun and exciting.
I like to play sports with lots of people.
I am good at playing .
I like to watch the World Cup the Olympics tournaments.
I like something competitive.
It is good for my health.
Practice Speaking
My favorite sport game is .
There are two reasons why is my favorite.
First, .
Secondly, .
C.Write down the two reasons you have chosen in B. Then using the idea tip below as a guide, add specific details to support your two reasons. You may add your own experiences or examples to support your reasons.
Idea Tip
can build up endurance and patience
can develop team strategies because it is a multi-player sport
thrilled with excitement when I win the game
like to watch the biggest tournament in the world
people from all over the world cheer for their countries all summer
helps me to relieve stress
Practice Speaking
First, .
Secondly, .
That''s why my favorite sport is .



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