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書城自編碼: 2496094
作者: 秦文斌
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030425218
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2014-11-27
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 260/362000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 254.8



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目 录
相互作用 1
第一篇前言 2
第一章血红蛋白A2现象一I . A2现象的发现及其初步应用 6
第二章血红蛋白A2现象一II. a链异常血红蛋白的A2现象及其意义 12
第三章血红蛋白A2现象一III. S链异常血红蛋白的A2现象及其意义 16
第四章血红蛋白A2现象发生机制的研究——I .红细胞外血红蛋白A与血红蛋白A2
之间的相互作用 19
第五章血红蛋白A2现象发生机制的研究一II. “红细胞HbA’为HbA2与HbA
的结合产物 24
第六章血红蛋白A2现象与红细胞膜关系的研究——I .血红蛋白A2现象与溶血
的关系 28
间的相互作用 32
第八章血红蛋白A2现象异常症秦氏病 39
第九章用电泳释放试验检测活体红细胞内血红蛋白之间的相互作用 43
第十章血红蛋白A2现象国外书中引用情况 53
第二篇血红蛋白之间交叉互作的发现和研究 65
第二篇前言 66
第十一章淀粉琼脂糖混合凝胶电泳 70
第十二章淀琼胶交叉互作电泳 74
第十三章血红蛋白交叉互作的结构基础 77
第十四章红细胞外HbA2与HbA之间的相互作用 80
第十五章 电泳释放试验检测活体红细胞内血红蛋白的相互作用 85
第十六章血红蛋白F与血红蛋白A2之间的交叉互作 95
第十七章血红蛋白A3与血红蛋白A2之间没有交叉互作 98
机制 101
第十九章脊椎动物血红蛋白的分子进化一一交叉电泳在血红蛋白研究中的应用 106 第二十章几种鱼类血红蛋白不与人血红蛋白相互作用及其进化意义 116
研究 121
第二十二章计算机模拟法分析鸡血红蛋白与溴酚蓝特异性互作的结构基础 128
第二十三章生物信息学方法推测脊椎动物血红蛋白相互作用机制 136
第二十四章血红蛋白的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶交叉电泳 143
第三篇血红蛋白再释放现象的发现和研究 149
第三篇前言 150
第二十五章血红蛋白释放试验与轻型p-地中海贫血 156
第二十六章不连续通电的红细胞电泳一一种新的血红蛋白释放试验 160
第二十七章普通外科患者血红蛋白释放试验的比较研究 165
第二十八章血糖浓度和血红蛋白释放试验的比较研究 170
第二十九章尿毒症患者低渗血红蛋白释放试验的初步结果 173
第三十章血红蛋白释放试验与血液流变学检测结果相关性的研究 177
第三十一章肝硬化患者血红蛋白释放试验明显异常 180
第三十二章人红细胞电泳中再释放蛋白质的分子互作 186
第三十三章剖宫产前后血红蛋白释放试验的连续观察 192
第三十四章肝内胆管癌与血红蛋白释放试验 196
第三十五章血红蛋白释放试验鉴别黄疸类型的初步研究 200
第三十六章中药穿心莲和当归对小鼠红细胞血红蛋白再释放的影响 204
第三十七章梅花鹿镰状红细胞内血红蛋白的电泳释放 209
第三十八章遗传性球形红细胞增多症患者红细胞内快泳血红蛋白缺失? 214
第三十九章慢阻肺患者红细胞内血红蛋白的电泳再释放一一例报告 221
第四十章球形红细胞与靶形红细胞电泳释放血红蛋白明显不同 224
第四^^一章缺氧对小鼠红细胞再释放血红蛋白的影响 230
第四十二章血红蛋白电泳再释放研究国外引用情况 232
附录1血红蛋白电泳释放实验专用名词注释 234
附录2 电泳图画 245
PART I Discovery and Research into “HbA2 Phenomenon” ~Proved Interaction Between
HbA2 and HbA1 Inside of RBC 1
PART I Foreword 4
Chapter 1 Hemoglobin A2 phenomenon— I . Discovery and preliminary application of
this phenomenon 6
Chapter 2 Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon—II. HbA2 Phenomenon of a-Chain
Variant and Its Significance 12
Chapter 3 The Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon—III. HbA2 Phenomenon of 8-Chain
Variant and Its Significance 16
Chapter 4 Mechanism of Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon— I . Extra-cellular Interaction
Between HbA2 and HbA 19
Chapter 5 Mechanism of Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon—II. “Erythrocyte HbA2” Is
a Binding Product of HbA2 and HbA 24
Chapter 6 Studies On The Relation Between “HbA2 Phenomenon” and Erythrocyte
Membrane— I . The Relation Between HBA2 Phenomenon and Hemolysis of
Erythrocyte 28
Chapter 7 Studies on The Relation Between “HbA2 Phenomenon” and Erythrocyte Membrane
—II Interaction of Hemoglobin with Phospholipid Outside of Erythrocyte 32
Chapter 8 Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon Abnormality Chin’s Disease 39
Chapter 9 Interactions of hemoglobin in live red blood cells measured by the electrophoresis
release test 43
Chapter 10 Cited by book published out side of China: HbA2 Phenomenon 53
PART II Discovery and Research into “Cross interaction between hemoglobins” 65
PARTI Foreword 68
Chapter 11 Starch-agarose mixed gel electrophoresis 70
Chapter 12 Starch-agarose mixed gel cross interaction electrophoresis 74
Chapter 13 Structural basis of hemoglobin cross interaction Monographs 77
Chapter 14 Extra-cellular Interaction between HbA2 and HbA 80
Chapter 15 Interactions of hemoglobin in live red blood cells measured by the
electrophoresis release test 85
Chapter 16 Cross interaction between HbF and HbA2 95
Chapter 17 No cross interaction between HbA3 and HbA2 98
Chapter 18 Cross interaction between hemoglobins within the living red blood cells from
rat— The possible mechanism of crystallization of rat erythrocyte 101
Chapter 19 Molecular evolution of vertebrate hemoglobin—Application of cross
electrophoresis in hemoglobin study 106
Chapter 20 Fish Hb’s Failing to Interact with Human Hb and Its Evolutionary Significance
Chapter 21 Bioin formatic and Molecular Modeling Analysis on the Interaction of
Westen Pained Turtle Hemoglobin and Human Hemoglobin 121
Chapter 22 Structural basis for the specific interaction of chicken hemoglobin with
bromophenol blue: a computational analysis 128
Chapter 23 Extrapolation of interactive mechanism of hemoglobin in vertebrates by
methods of biological information science 136
Chapter 24 Polyacrylamide gel cross electrophoresis of hemoglobin 143
PART I Discovery and Research into “Hb Re-release Phenomenon” 149
PART I Foreword 153
Chapter 25 Hemoglobin Release Test and P - Thalassem in Trait 156
Chapter 26 RBC electrophoresis with discontinuous power supply一a newly established
hemoglobin release test 160
Chapter 27 The Comparative Study On Hemoglobin Release Test Between Different
General Surgical Patients 165
Chapter 28 Comparative Study on the Blood Glucose Concentration and Hemoglobin
Release Test 170
Chapter 29 A preliminary study on hypotonic hemoglobin release test in patients with
uremia 173
Chapter 30 Study on the correlation between results of hemoglobin release test and
hemorheology 177
Chapter 31 Particularly abnormal result of hemoglobin release test in blood samples
of patients with liver cirrhosis 180
Chapter 32 Molecular interactions of re-released p
Discovery and Research into “HbA2 Phenomenon”
—Proved Interaction Between HbA2 and HbAi Inside of RBC
笛_笛前言 第 篇前口
红细胞裂解液亦称红细胞溶血液或溶血液与未裂解的红细胞,在并排电泳时二者的 “血红蛋白A2”位置不同,这就是“血红蛋白A2现象”
传统的血红蛋白研究方法,几乎都是先裂解红细胞制备其溶血液,然后进行各种分析, 发现成人溶血液中有血红蛋白A1和A]?有人用红细胞进行过“自由电泳”,此时,红细胞 移动,血红蛋白并不出来?也有人做过单细胞红细胞凝胶电泳,要用显微镜进行观察? 此时,红细胞被固定,血红蛋白泳出细胞,也能看到大?小两个红色斑点?但是,在显微镜 下,人们不容易将溶血液注射到单个红细胞的旁边,不能平行对比二者血红蛋白电泳行为的 差异,所以,无法发现此条件下的“血红蛋白A2现象”
究竟,红细胞中血红蛋白A]与溶血液中血红蛋白A]有何不同?事先,我们也不知道? 只是在用淀粉-琼脂糖混合凝胶电泳大量筛查异常血红蛋白过程中,经常遇到以下情况:红 细胞溶血完全与否,其HbA]的电泳位置似乎有些轻微不同?为了弄清这个问题,作者将红 细胞与其本身溶血液并排进行电泳,对比观察二者的“HbA]”电泳行为有无差异?结果是, 由红细胞泳出来的“红细胞HbA]”与红细胞溶血液泳出来的HbA],在电泳位置上明显不同? 这时,我们开始意识到,可能遇到了一个有趣的现象,它能引导我们走进红细胞,发现里边 的奥秘?
“血红蛋白A]现象”来自对实验结果的直观感觉,是所看到的一种现象,不是事物的本 质?经过一系列实验,我们用双向淀粉-琼脂糖混合凝胶电泳证明,红细胞中的HbA]是与部 分HbAi结合存在,再用淀粉-琼脂糖混合凝胶交叉电泳证明,在红细胞外血红蛋白Ai能与 A2发生相互作用?
5从现象到本质,发现硫氧还蛋白过氧化物酶peroxiredoxin-2, Prx-2 参与血 红蛋白相互作用
如果红细胞内的“血红蛋白A]”是血红蛋白Ai与A]的结合产物,那么它的电泳位置 应当在血红蛋白Ai与A]中间?实际情况并非如此参见封面图,说明可能另有其他物质 参与相互作用?这次,我们从血红蛋白Ai与A]之间的凝胶区带中富集蛋白成分,然后通过 SDS-PAGE分离蛋白,找到了红细胞与溶血液样本中的差异蛋白,最后通过质谱Q-TOF- MS检测发现了 Prx-2,而且证明它与血红蛋白Ai和A2共同存在?
三十年过去了,血红蛋白A2现象的图像逐渐清晰起来?它告诉我们,在活体红细胞内 各种血红蛋白不是孤立存在的,血红蛋白之间有相互作用?血红蛋白与Prx-2之间也有相互 作用?已知,Prx-2的功能是抗氧化,它对保护血红蛋白及红细胞膜免受氧化损伤具有非常 重要的作用?这样一来,活体红细胞内的奥秘初步揭开,那就是,红细胞中存在一种由多个 蛋白质组成的复合体,它既能完成血红蛋白的运氧功能,又能保护血红蛋白和红细胞膜免于 氧化损伤?从进化角度来看,血红蛋白A2 含S珠蛋白链的血红蛋白只出现于人和类人猿, 它是人类进化的标志物?“血红蛋白A2现象”让我们看到了这个标志物的特殊功能?
PART I Foreword
1 What’s the “ “Hemoglobin A2 Phenomenon”?
When RBC lysing solution also termed RBC lysate or hemolysate and the unlysed RBC are electrophoresized side by side , the location of the hemoglobin A2 in one is different from that in the other.This is the“hemoglobin A2 phenomenon”
2 Traditional researching methods and ideas
Traditional hemoglobin research was almost performed as follows: First, RBCs were lysed and hemolysate was prepared, and then the other hemoglobin analysis could be done by using the prepared hemolysate. Hemoglobin Ai and A2 are found in normal adult hemolysate. “RBC free electrophoresis” has been performed, and the result showed that the RBCs were moving in the electric field, but the hemoglobin could not get out of the RBCs. “Single-cell gel electrophoresis” has also been done to observe the electrophoresis of hemoglobin under a microscope. The results showed that the RBCs were immovable, but the hemoglobin could escape from the RBCs and two red hemoglobin spots a big and a small could be observed during electrophoresis, however, it was difficult to inject hemolysate into the side of the single RBC origin under the microscope to compare the electrophoresis behavior of the hemoglobin between RBC and hemolysate parallelly. Therefore, “Hemoglobin A2 phenomenon” cannot be observed under such a condition.
3 “Hemoglobin A2 phenomenon” was observed during our experiments
Actually, we didn''t know what difference was between RBC hemoglobin A2 and hemolysate hemoglobin A2 in advance. During abnormal hemoglobin screening with starch -agarose mixed gel electrophoresis, we often encountered the following phenomenon: the electrophoresis position of HbA2 seemed to be slightly different at each time, depending on the lysis degree of RBCs. To understand this phenomenon thoroughly, RBC and its hemolysate were run the electrophoresis side by side. The results revealed that the electrophoresis position of HbA2 from RBC was different from that of HbA2 from the hemolysate. At that time, we came to realize that we might encounter an interesting phenomenon, which could lead us into the RBC kingdom to reveal its mystery in the future.
4 From appearance to essence, the interactions of hemoglobin were found
“Hemoglobin A2 phenomenon” is only the appearance directly observed from the experiments, but not the essence. Through a series of experiments, HbA2 was proved to combine with part of HbAi within the RBCs by two-dimentional starch-agarose mixed gel electrophoresis, and HbAi was proved to interact with HbA2 outside the RBCs by cross starch-agarose mixed gel
5 From phenomenon to nature, peroxiredoxin-2 Prx-2 was found to involve in the interactions of hemoglobin
Within RBCs, if HbA] is the bonding product of HbAi and HbA], it should locate between HbAi and HbA2. However, this is not the case. It seemed that some other substance was involved in the interaction. Then, the protein riched from the agarose-starch mixed gel between HbA1 and HbA2 was separated by SDS-PAGE. Subsequently, we found a different band between RBCs and hemolysate sample, and then this band was proved to be Prx-2 by Q-TOF-mass spectrometry Q-TOF-MS. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that HbA1 co-existed with HbA].
6 Collected papers Paper Collection: Look Back on the Discovery of and Research into “hemoglobin A2 phenomenon”一A Course of 30 Years 1981-2010
Thirty years has passed and the picture has become clear



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