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書城自編碼: 2513735
作者: 【印度】克里希那穆提 著,王晓霞 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787535476791
出版社: 长江文艺出版社
出版日期: 2015-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 234/120000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 60.7



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常有人将克氏与佛陀相比较。克氏对于佛陀是尊重的,佛陀或者宗教能让你觉得很合理,可以理解,可以接受,可以感悟,大智慧。等等。但是克氏的表达,会一下子质疑并且否定你内心深处最亲切,最舍不得的一个东西,比如“对外界的依赖”。 要知道克氏永远不给你“舒服”与“自我陶醉”的余
克里希那穆提 (krishnamurti,1895-1986)
Publisher''s Note 引言
excerPts from WritiNgs 作品节录
Talk Ⅰ 讲话一 chapTer 01 思考是记忆的运动
Our brain, which is amazingly free in one direction, is psychologically a cripple.
Talk Ⅱ 讲话二 chapTer 02 学习倾听的艺术
Thought and time are always together. They are not two separate movements.
思想和时间总是并肩而行,它们并非各自独立 的两种运动。
Talk Ⅲ 讲话三 chapTer 03 爱、悲伤和死亡
Sorrow is part of your self-interest, part of your egotistic, self-centred activity.
悲伤是你自私自利的一部分,是你自我本位和 自我中心行为的一部分。
Talk Ⅳ 讲话四 chapTer 04 至福就在身边
Threrefore the ending of sorrow is love where there is that love there is compassion.

The sea was very calm and there was hardly a ripple on thewhite sands. Around the wide bay, to the north, was thetown, and to the south were palm trees, almost touchingthe water. Just visible beyond the bar were the first of thesharks, and beyond them the fishermen’s boats, a few logstied together with stout rope. They were making for a littlevillage south of the palm trees. The sunset was brilliant, notwhere one would expect it, bit in the east; it was a countersunset,and the clouds, massive and shapely, were lit withall the colours of the spectrum. It was really quite fantastic,and almost painful to bear. The waters caught the brilliantcolours and made a path of exquisite light to the horizon.From Chapter 13 ‘Virtue’ in Commentarieson Living First Series
The sea was very calm that morning, more so than usual, forthe wind from the south has ceased blowing, and before thenorth-easterly winds began, the sea was taking a rest. The
sands were bleached by the sun and salt water, and therewas a strong smell of ozone, mixed with that of seaweed.
There wasn’t anyone yet on the beach, and one had the seato oneself. Large crabs, with one claw much bigger than theother, moved slowly about, watching, with the large clawwaving in the air. There were also smaller crabs, the usualkind, that raced to the lapping water, or darted into roundholes in the wet sand. Hundreds of sea-gulls stood about,resting and preening themselves. The rim of the sun was justcoming out of the sea, and it made a golden path on the still waters. Everything seemed to be waiting for this moment--and how quickly it would pass! The sun continued to climbout of the sea, which was as quiet as a sheltered lake in some deep woods. No woods could contain these waters, theywere too restless, too strong and vast; but that morning they were mild, friendly and inviting.
Under a tree above the sands and the blue water, there wasgoing on a life independent of the crabs, the salt water and the sea-gulls. Large, black ants darted about, not making up their minds where to go. They would go up the tree,then suddenly scurry down for no apparent reason. Two orthree would impatiently stop, move their heads about, and then, with a fierce burst of energy, go all over a piece of wood which they must have examined hundreds of timesbefore; they would investigate it again with eager curiosity,and lose interest in it a second later. It was very quiet under the tree, though everything about one was very much alive. There was not a breath of air stirring among the leaves, but every leaf was abundant with the beauty and light of the morning. There was an intensity about the tree--not the terrible intensity of reaching,of succeeding, but the intensity of being complete, simple,alone and yet part of the earth. The colours of the leaves,of the few flowers, of the dark trunk, were intensifieda thousandfold, and the branches seemed to sustain the heavens. It was incredibly clear, bright and alive in the shade of that single tree.
From Chapter 18 ‘To Change Society You Must Break
Away from It’ in Commentaries on Living Third Series
It was hot and humid and the noise of the very large town filled the air. The breeze from the sea was warm, and there was the smell of tar and petrol. With the setting of the sun,red in the distant waters, it was still unyieldingly hot. Thelarge group that filled the room presently left, and we wentout into the street.
The parrots, like bright green flashes of light, were coming home to roost. Early in the morning they flew to thenorth, where there were orchards, green fields and open country, and in the evening they came back to pass the night in the trees of the city. Their flight was neversmooth but always reckless, noisy and brilliant. They never flew straight like other birds, but were forever veering off to the left or the right, or suddenly dropping into a tree. They were the most restless birds in flight,but how beautiful they were with their red beaks and a golden green that was the very glory of light. The vultures, heavy and ugly, circled and settled down for the night on the palm trees.
A man came along playing the flute; he was a servant of some kind. He walked up the hill, still playing, and we followed him ; he turned into one of the side-streets, never ceasing to play. It was strange to hear the song of the flute in a noisy city, and its sound penetrated deep into the heart.It was very beautiful, and we followed the flute player for some distance. We crossed several streets and came to awider one, better lighted. Farther on, a group of people were sitting cross-legged at the side of the road, and the flute player joined them. So did we; and we all sat around while he played. They were mostly chauffeurs, servants,
night watchmen, with several children and a dog or two.Cars passed by, one driven by a chauffeur; a lady was inside,beautifully dressed and alone, with the inside light on.
Another car drew up; the chauffeur got out and sat down with us. They were all talking and enjoying themselves,laughing and gesticulating, but the song of the flute never wavered, and there was delight.
Presently we left and took a road that led to the sea past the well-lit houses of the rich. The rich have a peculiar atmosphere of their own. However cultured, unobtrusive,ancient and polished, the rich have an impenetrable andassured aloofness, that inviolable certainty and hardness that is difficult to break down. They are not the possessors of wealth, but are possessed by wealth, which is worse than death. Their conceit is philanthropy; they think they are trustees of their wealth; they have charities, create endowments; they are the makers, the builders, the givers.They build churches, temples, but their god is the god of
their gold. With so much poverty and degradation, onemust have a very thick skin to be rich. Some of them come to question, to argue, to find reality. For the rich as for the poor, it is extremely difficult to find reality. The poor crave to be rich and powerful, and the rich are already caught in the net of their own action; and yet they believe and venture near. They speculate, not only upon the market,but upon the ultimate. They play with both, but are
successful only with what is in their hearts. Their beliefs and ceremonies, their hopes and fears have nothing to do with reality, for their hearts are empty. The greater the outward
show the greater the inward poverty.
From Chapter 7 ‘The Rich and the Poor’ in Commentaries on Living First Series



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