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書城自編碼: 2576143
作者: 江涛
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300211947
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-05-31
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 272/392 千字
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 92.1



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《雅思口语50大高频话题》共分为4 个Chapter,其中Chapter 1 雅思口语要点笔记为考生提供了有关雅思口语考试的详尽信息及相关应试技巧,让考生对考试的各个方面都做到了然于胸,从而迈出成功的第一步。
后面3 部分依次是Chapter 2 基础口语——Part 1 话题大全、Chapter 3 核心口语——Part 2 话题大全、Chapter 4 提高口语——Part 3 题型大全,分别针对雅思口语考试各部分采用各个攻破的方法为考生制订最有效的考试作战计划。每个Chapter 涵盖的话题均选自雅思口语考试中该部分的高频话题,并配有真题。Chapter 2 针对Part 1 关于考生自身情况的个人问题,分为15 个topic;Chapter 3 针对Part 2,涵盖了描述人物、环境问题等涉及社会、教育和环保等几大类别的35 个topic;Chapter 4 则将历年雅思口语考试Part 3的题目归类为阐述标准、预测未来和解决方案等10 个题型(pattern),每个pattern 精选Part 2 大类别下的3 个真题示范,进行深入点评。
所以,本书紧贴真题,话题齐全,几乎涵盖了历年雅思考试中的各种题型和大的话题类别;并且3 个部分的口语难度递增,富有层次性,帮助考生由易到难、由浅入深地熟悉掌握雅思口语考试。
Chapter 1 雅思口语要点笔记
Chapter 2 基础口语——Part 1 话题大全
Topic 1 General Information 个人基本情况
Topic 2 Family and Interpersonal Relationships 家庭与人际关系
Topic 3 Habitation and Traffic 住所与交通
Topic 4 Weather and Climate 天气与气候
Topic 5 Health and Life 健康与生活
Topic 6 Taste and Fashion 品位与时尚
Topic 7 Presents and Personal Finance 礼物与个人财务
Topic 8 Schoolwork and Undertakings 学业与事业
Topic 9 Ideals and Future Goals 理想与未来目标
Topic 10 Leisure and Entertainment 休闲与娱乐
Topic 11 Computers and High Technology 计算机与高科技
Topic 12 Media and Information 媒体与信息
Topic 13 Nature and the Environment 自然与环境
Topic 14 Traditions and Festivals 传统与节日
Topic 15 Literature and Art Appreciation 文学与艺术欣赏
Chapter 3 核心口语——Part 2 话题大全
Topic 16 Describing a Person 描述人物
Topic 17 Describing Your Hometown 描述家乡
Topic 18 Describing Accommodations 描述住所
Topic 19 Describing an Experience 描述经历
Topic 20 Hobbies and Habits 喜好与习惯
Topic 21 Wishes and Plans 愿望与打算
Topic 22 Money and Finance 金钱与财政
Topic 23 Language Learning 语言学习
Topic 24 Book Reading 书籍阅读
Topic 25 Life on Campus 校园生活
Topic 26 Describing a Job 描述工作
Topic 27 Special Skills 擅长技能
Topic 28 Festivals and Holidays 节日与假期
Topic 29 Leisure and Parties 休闲与聚会
Topic 30 Shopping Places 购物场所
Topic 31 Clothes and Jewelry 服装与首饰
Topic 32 Food and Restaurants 食物与餐馆
Topic 33 Sport and Bodybuilding 运动与健身
Topic 34 Clubs and Organisations 社团与组织
Topic 35 Describing a Scenic Spot 描述景点
Topic 36 A Special Place 特定场所
Topic 37 Describing a Building 描述建筑
Topic 38 Describing a Thing 描述物品
Topic 39 Art and Culture 艺术与文化
Topic 40 Media and Advertisements 媒体与广告
Topic 41 TV and Film 电视与电影
Topic 42 Great Events 大事件
Topic 43 Scientifi c and Technological Achievements 科技成果
Topic 44 About Education 有关教育
Topic 45 About Society 有关社会
Topic 46 Means of Transportation 交通方式
Topic 47 Environmental Problems 环境问题
Topic 48 Climate and Season 气候与季节
Topic 49 Animals and Pets 动物与宠物
Topic 50 Abstract Concepts 抽象概念
Chapter 4 提高口语——Part 3 题型大全
Pattern 1 Opinions on Social Issues 社会问题及观点
Pattern 2 Opinions on the Meaning of Various Aspects 概念及意义
Pattern 3 Stating Your Standards 阐述标准
Pattern 4 Making Predictions 预测未来
Pattern 5 Making Suggestions or Offering Solutions 解决方案
Pattern 6 Explaining Reasons 解释原因
Pattern 7 Explaining Importance, Impact and Role 重要性及角色
Pattern 8 Listing the Ways 举例说明
Pattern 9 Comparisons 比较
Pattern 10 Advantages and Disadvantages 评价优缺点
Answer Keys 答案
Topic 1 General Information 个人基本情况
Topic 2 Family and Interpersonal Relationships 家庭与人际关系
Topic 3 Habitation and Traffi c 住所与交通
Topic 4 Weather and Climate 天气与气候
Topic 5 Health and Life 健康与生活
Topic 6 Taste and Fashion 品位与时尚
Topic 7 Presents and Personal Finance 礼物与个人财务
Topic 8 Schoolwork and Undertakings 学业与事业
Topic 9 Ideals and Future Goals 理想与未来目标
Topic 10 Leisure and Entertainment 休闲与娱乐
Topic 11 Computers and High Technology 计算机与高科技
Topic 12 Media and Information 媒体与信息
Topic 13 Nature and the Environment 自然与环境
Topic 14 Traditions and Festivals 传统与节日
Topic 15 Literature and Art Appreciation 文学与艺术欣赏
Topic 16 Describing a Person 描述人物
Topic 17 Describing Your Hometown 描述家乡
Topic 18 Describing Accommodations 描述住所
Topic 19 Describing an Experience 描述经历
Topic 20 Hobbies and Habits 喜好与习惯
Topic 21 Wishes and Plans 愿望与打算
Topic 22 Money and Finance 金钱与财政
Topic 23 Language Learning 语言学习
Topic 24 Book Reading 书籍阅读
Topic 25 Life on Campus 校园生活
Topic 26 Describing a Job 描述工作
Topic 27 Special Skills 擅长技能
Topic 28 Festivals and Holidays 节日与假期
Topic 29 Leisure and Parties 休闲与聚会
Topic 30 Shopping Places 购物场所
Topic 31 Clothes and Jewelry 服装与首饰
Topic 32 Food and Restaurants 食物与餐馆
Topic 33 Sport and Bodybuilding 运动与健身
Topic 34 Clubs and Organisations 社团与组织
Topic 35 Describing a Scenic Spot 描述景点
Topic 36 A Special Place 特定场所
Topic 37 Describing a Building 描述建筑
Topic 38 Describing a Thing 描述物品
Topic 39 Art and Culture 艺术与文化
Topic 40 Media and Advertisements 媒体与广告
Topic 41 TV and Film 电视与电影
Topic 42 Great Events 大事件
Topic 43 Scientifi c and Technological Achievements 科技成果
Topic 44 About Education 有关教育
Topic 45 About Society 有关社会
Topic 46 Means of Transportation 交通方式
Topic 47 Environmental Problems 环境问题
Topic 48 Climate and Season 气候与季节
Topic 49 Animals and Pets 动物与宠物
Topic 50 Abstract Concepts 抽象概念
那么雅思口语和普通口语相比,到底难在哪里呢?在解答这个问题之前,我们先以《剑7》Test 1 中的口语真题为例,来了解雅思口语的考试内容和形式。
The examiner asks the candidate about himherself, hisher home, work or studies and other familiar topics.
考官向考生询问他 她自己、他 她的家人、工作或学习及其他熟悉的话题。
Keeping in contact with people
● How do you usually contact your friends? [Why?]
● Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? [Why?]
● Do you fi nd it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? [WhyWhy not?]
你发现与朋友和家人保持联系容易吗?(为什么容易 为什么不容易?)
● In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as they do today?[WhyWhy not?]
在你的国家,过去人们保持联系的方式与今天是一样的吗?(为什么一样 为什么不一样?)
Describe a party that you enjoyed.
You should say:
Whose party it was and what it was celebrating.
Where the party was held and who went to it.
What people did during the party.
And explain what you enjoyed about this party.
You will have to talk about the topic for 1~2 minutes.
你将会有1~2 分钟的时间来谈论这个话题。
You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.
你有1 分钟的时间来想想你将要说的内容。
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Discussion Topics:
Family parties
Example questions:
What are the main reasons why people organise family parties in your country?
In some places people spend a lot of money on parties that celebrate special family events.Is this ever true on your country? Do you think this is a good trend or a bad trend?
Are there many differences between family parties and parties given by friends? Why do you think this is?
National celebrations
Example questions:
What kinds of national celebrations do you have in your country?
Who tends to enjoy national celebrations more, young people or old people? Why?
Why do some people think that national celebrations are a waste of government money?Would you agree or disagree with this view? Why?
通过上面的真题,我们不难发现,雅思口语是分为3 个部分的,即:Part 1,Part 2 和Part 3。在Part 1,考官会询问与考生有关的一些基本情况;而在Part 2 和Part 3 中考官将会要求考生对一个话题进行陈述,并提出相关的问题。下面,我们通过一个表格来展示各个部分的具体情况:



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