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書城自編碼: 2601226
作者: 姜伟生
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030435309
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 149/250000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 68.1



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姜伟生编著的《拯救我的托福话题英语科技篇 》涵盖了众多托福常考的关于科技主题的话题,可以 为读者提供大量学术性的阅读及听力材料。这些材料 不但可以锻炼读者的阅读和听力能力,而且可以丰富 读者的学术知识体系,增加读者的词汇量。此外,本 书使用了生动活泼的图片资料来帮助读者学习学术内 容、记忆词汇。同时本书为读者提供了大量优质的英 文表达素材,这些资料可以用来提高读者的写作水平 。
Topic 1: World Explorers 探索者
Topic 2: Human Anatomy 人体解剖
Topic 3: Astronomical Theories 天文学理论
Topic 4: Circulation of Blood 血液循环
Topic 5: Observation of Cell 观察细胞
Topic 6: Vaccination 免疫
Topic 7: Natural Selection 自然选择
Topic 8: Mendel’s Garden Pea 孟德尔的花园中的豌豆
Topic 9: Germ Theory 疾病细菌学说
Topic 10: X-ray Discovery X 射线的发现
Topic 11: Classical Conditioning 经典条件反射
Topic 12: Peppered Moth 斑点蛾
Topic 13: Blood Typing 血型
Topic 14: Continental Drift 大陆板块漂移
Topic 15: Space Exploration 太空探索
Topic 16: Antibiotics 抗生素
Topic 17: DNA Structure DNA 结构
Topic 18: Skinner Box 斯金纳箱
Topic 19: Moon and Its Exploration 月球与探索
Topic 20: Mars Exploration 火星探测
Topic 21: Greenhouse Effect 温室效应
Topic 22: Urban Heat Island 城市热岛
Topic 23: Ozone Depletion 臭氧层破坏
Topic 24: DNA and Human Migration DNA 与人类迁徙
Topic 25: Nerve Signaling 神经信号
Topic 26: Composition of Blood 血液构成
Topic 27: X-linked Disease X 连锁隐性遗传病
Keyword List 生词表
Bank of Expressions 表达库
References 参考文献
World Explorers | Science and Technology | Saving My TOEFL Academics 1
Christopher Columbus has long been called the “discoverer” of the New World,although Vikings had visited NorthAmerica fi ve centuries earlier. Columbus attempted to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a route to Asia but achieved fame by making landfall in the Americas instead.Columbus’s explorations had a profound impact on the world.They led directly to the opening of the Western Hemisphere to European colonization; to large-scale exchanges of plants, animals, cultures, and ideas between the two worlds; and, on adarker note, to the deaths of millions of indigenous American peoples from war, World Explorers forced labor, and disease.Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese-born Spanish explorer and navigator, was the leader of the fi rst expedition to circumnavigate the world. Magellan set out to reach the East Indies by sailing westward from Europe, which no one was sure could be done. He intended to return by the same route, but after his death his crews found that the prevailing winds required them to keep sailing west, around the world. James Cook conducted three expeditions to the Pacifi c Ocean, ranging from the Antarctic ice fi elds to the BeringStrait and from the coasts of North America to Australia and New Zealand. Although best known as the discoverer
World Explorers | Science and Technology | Saving My TOEFL Academics 3
○ accomplishment n. 成就,成绩,实现
例证 For a novelist, that’s quite an accomplishment.
○ admiral n. 海军上将,海军将军,舰队司令
○ Antarctic n. 南极洲,南极地区
○ Arctic n. 北极,北极地区
○ Atlantic n. 大西洋
○ attempt v. 尝试,试图(尤指做困难的事);n. 尝试
○ captain n. 队长,船长,上尉,首领
○ circumnavigate v. 环航,环球航行
○ circumnavigation n. 环行
○ coast n. 海岸,海滨
○ colonization n. 殖民地的开拓,殖民地化,移殖
○ conduct v. 进行,实施;n.( 任务或活动的)组织方式,实施办法
例证 conduct an experiment 进行一次实验
○ consolidate v. 加强,巩固,合并,使联合
例证 consolidate its power by force 以武力巩固权力
○ continent n. 大陆,洲
○ crew n. 全体工作人员
○ discoverer v. 发现者
○ exchange v. 交换,互换
例证 We exchanged addresses. 我们互换了地址。
○ expedition n. 远征,探险
例证 an expedition to Antarctica 一次南极洲探险
○ exploitation n. 开发,利用,剥削,广告推销
例证 exploitation of potential oil 对潜在石油的开采
○ explorer n. 探险家,探险者
○ fame n. 名声,声誉
例证 At the height of his fame, his every word was valued. 在他声名鼎盛之时,他的每句话都受到重视。
○ habitable adj. 适于居住的
例证 Making the house habitable was a major undertaking. 把这所房子收拾得可以住人,那可是项大工程。
○ hemisphere n.( 地球的) 半球,(大脑的)半球
例证 the Northern Hemisphere 北半球
○ impact n. 影响,作用;mpktv.( 对 产生)影响
例证 the impact of religion on voting 宗教对选举的影响
○ indigenous nddns adj. 当地的, 本土
例证 animals that are indigenous to Asia 原产于亚洲的动物
○ landfall lndfl n. 着陆,登陆,到达的陆地
○ master mstr n. 主人,雇主,老板
○ myth mθ n. 神话
○ naval nevl adj. 海军的
○ navigator nvɡetr n.( 飞机或船只的)领航员,导航员
○ original rdnl adj. 原先的,原来的
○ Pacifi c psfk adj. 太平洋的
○ Philippines flpinz n. 菲律宾
○ Portuguese prtuɡiz n. 葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语
○ prevailing prvel adj.( 风)盛行的,常年刮的
例证 prevailing wind 盛行风
○ profound prfand adj. 深刻的,强烈的,巨大的
例证 This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights. 这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解。
○ range rend n. 范围,射程,值域,全距
of the Hawaiian Islands, Cook’s greatest accomplishments stemmed from his careful, thorough approach to exploration. Although he made few original discoveries, he consolidated the work of several earlier explorers, mapping much of the Pacifi c from the Arctic to the far south and laying to rest the myth of a habitable continent surrounding the South Pole.
例证 a wide range of colors and patterns 各种颜色和样式
○ route rut; rat n. 道路,路线,路途
○ scale skel n. 尤指庞大的 规模,范围,程度,等级,级别
例证 He underestimates the scale of the problem.他低估了问题的严重性。
○ Spanish spn n. 西班牙文,西班牙人
○ stem stem n.( 植物的)秆,茎,梗;v. 起源于,由 造成
例证 All my problems stem from drink. 我所有的问题都源于酗酒。
○ surround srand v. 围绕,环绕
例证 They love being surrounded by familiar possessions. 他们喜欢身边都是自己熟悉的物品。
○ thorough θro adj. 详细的,全面的,彻底的
例证 a thorough investigation 一次全面的调查
○ transatlantic trnztlntk adj. 跨(或横渡、横穿)大西洋的
例证 transatlantic fl ights 跨大西洋的航班
○ Viking vak n. 海盗,维京人
○ voyage vd n. 旅行,航行,航天
○ westward westwrd adv. 向西,往西 achieve fame by making landfall in the Americas因到达美洲而成名
Atlantic Ocean 大西洋,常简写作Atl. Bering Strait 白令海峡;白令海峡分开阿拉斯加(Alaska)和西伯利亚(Siberia),连接北冰洋(Arctic Ocean)和白令海(BeringSea)Christopher Columbus 克里斯托夫 哥伦布(1451—1506),意大利探险家,效力西班牙。他认定地球是圆的,试图从欧洲向西航海至亚洲,因而发现了美洲(1492 年);在他寻找通往中国的海路时又接连三次航海至加勒比海,他跨越大西洋的旅程打开了欧洲人到美洲探险、开发、殖民的道路 East Indies 现指东印度群岛,曾指印度
联想 West Indies 西印度群岛,位于北美洲东南部与南美洲北部的群岛,它把加勒比海与大西洋隔开。 Ferdinand Magellan 费迪南德 麦哲伦(1480—1521),葡萄牙航海家。他船队中只有一条船回到了西班牙(1522 年),从而完成了第一次环球航行 have a profound impact on the world 对世界产生深远的影响用法 修饰impact,表达“深远的影响”和“巨大的影响”等含义的形容词包括dramatic、enormous、considerable、important、major、massive、profound、significant、substantial、tremendous; 表达“越来越大的影响” 等含义可以用形容词 increasing 和growing;表达“持久的影响”含义,可以使用形容词lasting、long-term 和far-reaching; 表达“积极的影响”和“有益的影响”可以用 benefi cial、favorable 和positive, 相反的意思可以用adverse、damaging 和negative 等形



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