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書城自編碼: 2639233
作者: 阿曼达克兰德尔朱[Amanda Crandell Ju] 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787540472085
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
出版日期: 2015-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 344/392000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 73.1



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《生活英语口语100主题》:互联网+ 时代,你*需要的英语学习书。。
《商务英语口语100主题》:互联网+ 时代必读的英语学习书
这本书是商务英语专职作家阿曼达?克兰德尔?朱(Amanda Crandell Ju)的最新力作,全书编选的范文贴近实际的商务环境,所列的邮件和报告能让你立马套用,即刻上手。
Part 1 商务写作实用短句 General Expressions
Unit 1 邮件标题范例 Subject Lines
Unit 2 邮件常用语 Useful Phrases
Unit 3 功能表达句 Functional Expressions
1. 表达意愿 Willingness
2. 说明计划和决定 Plan and Decision
3. 表达观点 Opinion
4. 做出保证 Assurance
5. 赞同和不赞同 Agreement and Disagreement
6. 建议和劝告 Suggestion and Advice
7. 征求许可 Permission
8. 提出请求 Request
9. 表达喜欢和兴趣 Preference and Interest
10. 表示惊讶 Surprise
11. 表达必要性 Obligation
12. 表达可能性 Possibility
13. 强调重要性 Importance
14. 做比较 Comparison
15. 比较数据 Data
16. 说明时间 Time
17. 说明距离 Distance
18. 说明数量 Quantity
19. 说明数字 Number
20. 说明金钱 Money
21. 说明质地 Texture
Part 2 社交往来邮件 Everyday E-mails
Unit 1 问候 Greetings
1. 询问近况 Catching up
2. 告知消息 Announcing News
3. 邀约娱乐活动 Inviting for Relaxation Activities
4. 和老友叙旧 Connecting with Old Friends
5. 赞扬和夸奖 Praise and Appreciation
6. 分享旅行见闻 Travelogues
Unit 2 祝福和安慰 Blessings and Condolences
7. 节日祝福 Holiday Greetings
8. 生日和假日祝福 Birthday and Special Occasions
9. 祝贺家有喜事 Congratulations on Family Achievements
10. 祝贺晋升和考试 Congratulations on Promotions and Exams
11. 祝贺获奖 Congratulations on Winning Awards
12. 病中的安慰 Condolences for Illness
13. 逆境中的安慰 Condolences for Adversity
14. 灾后的慰问 Condolences for Disasters
Unit 3 感谢和道歉 Gratitude and Apology
15. 感谢帮忙 Gratitude for Favors
16. 感谢礼物 Gratitude for Gifts
17. 感谢服务 Gratitude for Services
18. 访问后的感谢 Gratitude for a Visit
19. 会议后的感谢 Gratitude for a Meeting
20. 一般的道歉 General Apology
21. 正式的道歉 Formal Apology
Unit 4 请求和帮助 Requests and Help
22. 寻求帮助 Asking for Help
23. 回复帮助请求 Responding to Requests for Help
24. 请求缓期付款 Request Suspended Payment
25. 请求授权 Request Authorization
26. 借钱或借物 Lend or Borrow Materials
Unit 5 建议 Recommendations
27. 寻求建议 Asking for Advice
28. 私人问题建议 Giving Advice in Personal Issues
29. 工作中的建议 Giving Advice in Professional Situations
30. 回应建议 Responding to Suggestions
31. 警告 Giving Warnings
Part 3 人力资源写作 Human Resources Writing
Unit 6 求职 Job Search
32. 求职信 Cover Letter
33. 推荐信 Letter of Recommendation
34. 申请新职位 Applying for a New Job
Unit7 招聘 Recruitment
35. 招聘广告 Want Ads
36. 录用通知 Job Offer
37. 人事变动通知 Notification of Personnel Changes
Part 4 公司运营写作 Company Operation Writing
Unit 8 通知和通告 Announcements and Notifications
38. 会议通知 Notifications of Meetings
39. 欢迎新员工 Welcome New Employees
40. 业务管理通知 Management Announcements
41. 行政管理通知 Administrative Announcements
42. 嘉奖和警告通知 Award and Warning Announcements
43. 假日及活动通知 Holiday and Special Event Notification
44. 开业和并购通告 Merger and New Business Notification
45. 名称及人事变更通告 Notification for Name and Personnel Changes
Unit 9 邀请函 Invitations
46. 宴会邀请 Party Invitations
47. 会议邀请 Meeting Invitations
48. 访问邀请 Invitation to Make a Visit
49. 庆典邀请 Invitation to Attend a Celebration
50. 投标邀请 Invitation to Submit a Bid
51. 接受或婉拒邀请 Accepting or Declining Invitations
Unit 10 安排活动 Making Arrangements
52. 安排约见 Making Appointments
53. 安排活动行程 Making an Itinerary for Activities
54. 安排住宿交通 Arranging Accommodations and Transportation
Unit 11 申请报告 Applications
55. 请假 Applying for Leave
56. 申请购买物品 Applying to Purchase Supplies
57. 申请培训机会 Applying for Training Opportunities
58. 申请赞助 Applying for Sponsorship
59. 申请贷款 Applying for a Loan
60. 申请信用账户 Applying for a Credit Account
61. 申请银行服务 Applying for Bank Services
Unit 12 研发和生产 R&D and Production
62. 项目计划书 Project Proposals
63. 布置工作 Layout Work
64. 汇报进度 Progress Report
65. 提交新方案 Submitting a New Proposal
66. 请求延期 Requesting an Extension
67. 降低成本 Cost Reduction
Unit 13 营销和推广 Marketing and Promotion
68. 销售报告 Sales Reports
69. 营销计划 Marketing Plans
70. 公关活动公告 PR Campaigns
71. 答复客户询问 Responding to Inquiries
72. 客户通知 Reporting to Customers
73. 跟进客户函 Follow up
74. 客户调查函 Customer Surveys
Unit 14 介绍公司和产品 Company and Product Introduction
75. 介绍公司概况(网络服务商) Company Profile (Internet Service Provider)
76. 介绍主营业务(工业品制造商) Service Profile (Industrial Manufacturer)
77. 介绍主营业务(消费品制造商) Service Profile(Consumer Goods)
78. 介绍主营业务(经销商) Service Profile (Distributors)
79. 介绍主营业务(服务业)Service Profile (Service Industry)
Part 5 外贸实务写作 Foreign Trade Writing
Unit 15 往来订单 Completing Orders
80. 联系供货商 Finding Suppliers
81. 联系生产厂家 Contacting the Manufacturer
82. 争取代理权 Agent Relations
83. 询价和报价 Inquiry and Quotations
84. 讨价还价 Negotiation over Price
85. 确认条款 Confirming Terms
86. 签订合同 Making Contracts
87. 下订单 Receiving Orders
88. 修改或取消订单 Modifying or Canceling Orders
89. 无法完成订单 Inability to Complete Order
90. 发货和收货通知 Shipping and Receiving Notification
Unit 16 付款 Payment
91. 通知付款 Notification of Payment
92. 确认到款 Confirm Receipt of Payment
93. 催款 Payment Reminder
94. 请求延期付款 Request Payment Deferral
95. 答复延期付款请求 Responding to Payment Deferral Requests
Unit 17 投诉及道歉 Complaints and Apologies
96. 产品不合要求 Defective or Incorrect Product
97. 交货期延误 Delivery Delay
98. 服务态度差 Poor Customer Service
99. 票据或金额有误 Mistake in Invoice or Account Charges
100. 索赔 Making Claims
13.逆境中的安慰 Condolences for Adversity
Subject: Don''t let it get you down
I was sorry to hear about your poor performance on your employment review, but I wanted to share a few ideas with you that might help you feel better. Having stood where you now stand, I can tell you that one poor report will hardly negatively affect the rest of your career. Instead of looking at this event as a setback, you should try to see it as an opportunity you can take to improve your weaknesses. You will become stronger and more competitive for the chance you''ve had for self-evaluation.
With best regards!
15.感谢帮忙 Gratitude for Favors
Subject: Sincere thanks!
Dear Cammi,
Thank you so much for helping me to finish all the last minute preparations for my presentation this morning. I was under such a time-crunch to prepare all the material that I don''t know what I would have done without your help. You''ll be happy to hear that the presentation went well. My boss was really impressed, especially with the special graphics you made for me. I really appreciate not only your expertise with putting presentations together, but also your constant willingness to help out when needed.
Thanks again!
32.求职信 Cover Letter
Subject: Account Manager position
Dear Mr. Lane,
I am very interested in the Account Manager position advertised on your company website and would like to submit my resume for your review. As you can see from my resume, I have varied experience in sales and retail and have consistently been rewarded for high productivity. I would like to make an appointment and meet with you in person to discuss further my qualifications and the ways I can contribute to your company. I will call you at the end of the week to arrange a convenient time to meet.
Thank you for your consideration!
Jessica Mullins
38.会议通知 Notifications of Meetings
Subject: Executive planning meeting
To All Department Heads,
An executive planning meeting will be held this Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The meeting''s location will be the tower II conference room at the company headquarter complex. All departmental presidents and vice presidents are required to attend. Prior to the meeting, please take the time to review the attached agenda and submit specifics for departmental reports to Mark Stevens in Administration by Monday end of the day. If you are unable to attend, please inform a member of the executive council as soon as possible.
Brian McGuire
56.申请购买物品 Applying to Purchase Supplies
Subject: Request for new photocopier
Dear Purchasing Department,
I am sorry to report that the photocopy machine in the Marketing Department has decided to give up the ghost. As the machine had been on its last legs for several months now, it comes as no surprise to anyone that we are now without our beloved copier. While we all miss our dearly departed friend, we are very anxious to meet its replacement. Do you think it would be possible to acquire a new photocopy machine this week? Everyone in Marketing would greatly appreciate it!
Billy Hines
57.申请培训机会 Applying for Training Opportunities
Subject: Management training course
Dear Hannah,
I would like to arrange for our Shanghai branch office director, Richard Johnson, to receive management training. This year we''ve seen remarkable growth in Shanghai that has resulted in an increase in the number of staff from three to over twenty employees in a matter of months. While Richard is a remarkably capable individual, I fear the sudden increase has stymied the productivity of the office. I feel he could greatly benefit from a short course. Could you please look into it?
Clark Packer, Human Resources
人力资源部 克拉克·派克



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