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書城自編碼: 2676425
作者: 赵惠芳
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030458018
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-10-22
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 260/350000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 74.0



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《大学科学双语教材》是大学科学双语通识教材,可作为高等院校文科、理科和工科大 学生的专业必选修课和公选课的教材。也不失为研究生考试、职称考试及 托福、雅思等备考人士的良好复习资料。
《大学科学双语教材》科学、有趣地介绍了自然科学中*基本的内容和**的发展前 沿,包含生物学、化学、物理学、地理学、生态学、太空和信息学等内 容,图文并茂。课文主要选自原版教材、专著、文献、托福、雅思和美国 之音VOA**报道等。《大学科学双语教材》共有5章(chapter,每章分3部分(part , **部分为一般读物,第二部分为高级读物,第三部分为该学科发展前沿 的VOA**报道。每部分含若干单元(unit,每个单元后都列出专业术语 生疏单词和词组(New Words and Expressions,并注有国际音标(美音 和双语(英语和汉语)解释,便于读者自学。每章的第二部分后附有练习 题(附录一为其答案,利于提高学习效率。
Chapter One Biology
Part One General Reading Materials3
Unit 1 The Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Biology 生物学的基本概念和原理3
Unit 2 Test-tube Babies 试管婴儿5
Unit 3 How much Do You Know about Bacteria?你对细菌知道多少? 9
Unit 4 The Legendary of Tea 茶的传奇13
Unit 5 The Human Genome Project HGP人类基因组计划16
Unit 6 Genetically Modified Organisms GMOs转基因生物19
Unit 7 DNA—the Secret of Life脱氧核糖核酸——生命的秘密24
Unit 8 The Immune System and Response 免疫系统和免疫反应28
Unit 9 Photosynthesis 光合作用32
Part Two Advanced Reading Materials37
Unit 1 The Circulatory System of Trees 树木的循环系统37
Unit 2 Exotic and Endangered Species 外来的和濒危的物种40
Unit 3 Thermoregulation 体温调节44
Part Three Biology News from VOA48
Unit 1 Where Do We Come from?我们来自哪里? 48
Unit 2 Scientists Are Getting Closer to Finding AIDS Cure 科学家们正逐渐发现艾滋病治疗法50
Unit 3 Scientists Discover Secrets for Tastier Tomatoes 科学家发现番煎更美味的秘密52
Unit 4 American Scientists Work on Printing of Living Tissue Replacements 美国科研人员致力于活体组织替代品的打印54
Unit 5 Ebola Threatens Millions with Food Insecurity 埃博拉病毒带来的粮食不安全威胁着的数百万人56
Chapter Two Chemistry
Part One General Reading Materials61
Unit 1 Chemistry: A Science for All Reasons 化学:作为一门科学的各种理由61
Unit 2 Acids and Bases 酸和碱63
Unit 3 The Discovery of Penicillin 青霉素的发现65
Unit 4 Alfred Bernhard Nobel 阿佛列?伯纳德?诺贝尔67
Unit 5 Chemicals and Medicines from the Sea 来自海洋的化学品和药品70
Unit 6 Dyes and Pigments 染料和颜料73
Unit 7 Matter, Element, Compound and Mixture 物质,元素,化合物和混合物76
Unit 8 Chemical Bonds 化学键80
Part Two Advanced Reading Materials85
Unit 1 Organic Compost 有机月巴料85
Unit 2 Artists’ Use of Oil and Acrylic Paint艺术家使用的油和丙婦酸涂料88
Unit 3 Electrides Are the First Examples of Ionic Salts 电子化合物是**个离子盐例子90
Part Three Chemistry News from VOA93
Unit 1 Remember Your Chemistry Classes?还记得你的化学课吗? 93
Unit 2 Turning Cigarette Butts to Batteries 把烟头变成电池95
Unit 3 Kitchen Chemistry: The Science of Herbs and Spices 厨房化学:药草和香料的科学97
Unit 4 A Silent Killer: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 一个沉默的杀手:一氧化碳中毒101
Chapter Three Physics
Part One General Reading Materials107
Unit 1 Energy Quality 能源质量107
Unit 2 Effects of Ionizing Radiation 电离辖射的影响109
Unit 3 Rutherford’s Model 卢瑟福的模型111
Unit 4 Interference of Light Waves 光波的干涉113
Unit 5 Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes 物理和化学属性及变化116
Unit 6 Introduction to Electromagnetics 电磁学导论119
Unit 7 DVD Technology and Application DVD 技术及其应用122
Part Two Advanced Reading Materials127
Unit 1 Autofocus Glasses under Development 开发中的自动对焦眼镜127
Unit 2 Three Levels on the Quantum Ladder 三个层次的量子阶梯130
Unit 3 Geothermal Energy 地热能量134
Part Three Physics News from VOA138
Unit 1 Hoverboards Ignore Gravity Hover 板忽略重力138
Unit 2 Robot Takes Cues from Deadly Rattlesnakes 偷师致命毒蛇的蛇行机器人140
Unit 3 Scientists Develop a Robot That Can Assemble Itself 科学家开发可以自身组装的机器人142
Unit 4 Is There a Better Way to Track Passenger Planes?有更好的方法追踪客机吗?144
Unit 5 Hot Tech Ideas Seek Investors at San Francisco Expo 旧金山世博会上热技术设想寻求投资者146
Unit 6 Scientific and Engineering Skills Lead to Inventions That Save Lives 科学和工程技能带来拯救生命的发明148
Chapter Four Geography and Ecology
Part One General Reading Materials155
Unit 1 Finding Fossil Man 发现化石人155
Unit 2 The Past Life of the Earth 地球上的昔日生命157
Unit 3 The Modem City 现代城市159
Unit 4 World Climate Patterns 世界气候模式161
Unit 5 Exploring the Sea-floor 海底勘探163
Unit 6 Earth’s Surfaces Are Always Moving 地球的表面总是在移动165
Part Two Advanced Reading Materials170
Unit 1 The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 温室效应和全球变暧170
Unit 2 Geology and Landscape 地质及其景观173
Unit 3 Factors That Influence Tides 影响潮汝的因素176
Unit 4 Rising Sea Levels正在上升的海平面179
Unit 5 Symbiotic Relationships 共生关系183
Part Three News of Geography and Ecology from VOA187
Unit 1 Earth’s Ozone Layer Shows Signs of Recovery 地球臭氧层显示复苏的迹象187
Unit 2 How Does One Find a Meteorite?如何找到隔石? 189
Unit 3 Listening to Sounds一from the Earth and beyond 从地球上听声音192
Unit 4 WHO: Millions Die Every Year from Air Pollution 世界卫生组织:每年有数百万人死于空气污染197
Unit 5 Grassroots Activists Receive Goldman Environmental Prize 草根人士荣获戈德曼环境奖202
Chapter Five Space and Informatics
Part One General Reading Materials209
Unit 1 Space Exploration 太空探索209
Unit 2 Silicon Valley 桂谷211
Unit 3 Predicting the Future 预测未来213
Unit 4 The Code of Universe 宇宙的代码215
Part Two Advanced Reading Materials221
Unit 1 Morse Code 莫尔斯电码221
Unit 2 E-book 电子书224
Unit 3 Spectacular Saturn 壮观的土星229
Part Three News of Space and Informatics from VOA233
Unit 1 Internet-Connected Refrigerators and Stoves?联网冰箱和炉子? 233
Unit 2 NASA Spacecraft, Dawn, Close to Reaching a “Dwarf Planet” NASA 的航天器——黎明,接近一个“矮行星” 235
Unit 3 NASA’s MAVEN Arrives on Mars NASA 的 MAVEN 到达火星237
Unit 4 Internet, Technology Offer New Tools for Journalists 互联网技术为记者提供新工具240
Unit 5 How to Weather a Solar Storm 如何抵御太阳风暴242
Unit 6 New Brain-Image Database
Chapter One Biology
Part One General Reading Materials
Unit 1 The Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Biology
As you know, biology is the branch of science, it is much more than a collection of facts. Biology studies living things: their structure, function, evolution and interactions with one another and with their nonliving environment. We can identify several fundamental concepts and principles in living organisms.
Living organisms are organized into units called cells. Many small organisms such as bacteria and most protists,consist of one cell each, so we must use a microscope to see them. Large organisms, such as trees and humans, contain up to hundreds of millions of cells. Each cell is a discrete packet of highly ordered living material,biochemistry factory. It takes in nutrients and energy and uses them to maintain itself, to grow, to respond to changes in their environment, and eventually to reproduce, forming two new cells. Hence, cells are the units of structure, function, and reproduction in organisms.
Living organisms metabolize. The essence of metabolism is the result of energy transfers between substances. When organisms take in materials from and give materials back to environment, the materials undergo extensive transformations. In this process, energy is produced to maintain the activity of the living organisms. For example, in a process called photosynthesis, plants absorb solar energy and use it to form compounds such as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, then the energy of ATP is used to build sugar, starch and other molecules. Hence, energy is transferred from the sun to ATP and then to molecules that the cell uses as building blocks or tucks away as energy reserves.
Living organisms respond actively to their environment. Most animals respond rapidly to environmental changes by making some sort of movement-exploring: fleeing, or even rolling into a ball. Plants respond more slowly but still actively: stems and leaves bend toward light, and roots grow downward. The capacity to respond to environmental stimuli is universal among living things.
Living organisms reproduce themselves. All living things must die sometimes,and if their kind is to continue, they must make copies of themselves before they die. This is reproduction. It is the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring and which fundamentally consists of the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual or an asexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individual.
Living organisms evolve. Today’s organisms have arisen by evolution, the descent and modification of organism from more ancient forms of life. Evolution proceeds in such a way that living organisms and their components are well suited to their ways of life. Fish, earthworms, and frogs are all so constructed that we can predict roughly how they live merely by examining them. The adaptation of organisms to their environments is one result of evolution.
New Words and Expressions
bacteria [baek''tms] n. the simplest and smallest forms of life.细菌,病菌
protist f''proutist] n. any of a diverse taxonomic group and esp. a kingdom Protista syn. of eukaryotic organisms that are unicellular and sometimes colonial or less often multicellular and that typically include the protozoans, most algae, and often some lower fungi as slime molds.原生生物 discrete [di''skri:t] adj. independent of other things of the same type.分立的,不连续的 reproduction [jriipra''dAkfn] n. the act or process of producing babies, young animals or plants.繁殖,生殖 metabolism [ms''tsebslizsm] n. the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth.新陈代谢 transformation [^aensfsr''meifn] n. a complete change in somebodysomething.转化(作用),变换,转型 photosynthesis [^outou''smBssis] n. the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy obtained from light from the sun.光合作用 adenosine[3lden9sin] triphosphateftrai''fbs^eit]腺苷三磷酸(ATP
starch [sta:rtj] n. a white carbohydrate food substance found in potatoes, flour, rice, etc; food containing this.淀粉
building block 儿童游戏用的)积木,构件,建筑砌块,基础材料
sexual f''sekjusl] adj. having or involving sex.性的,有性的
asexual [ei''sekfusl] adj. not involving sex; not having sexual organs.无性的
Unit 2 Test-tube Babies
Robert Edwards Fig. 1 in collaboration with Patrick Steptoe in England, enabled the first birth of a baby by in vitro fertilization IVF, Louise Brown, in 1978. Their research had been considered controversial, and the birth was met with a mixture of surprise, excitement and dismay. As the title of this article by Edwards indicates, infants bom by IVF were almost immediately dubbed “test-tube babies,,,even though only the fertilization of the egg by sperm and very initial growth of the embryo were conducted “in glass”. Edwards implie



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