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書城自編碼: 2694258
作者: 本书编写组
國際書號(ISBN): 9787535782410
出版社: 湖南科技出版社
出版日期: 2015-11-15
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 3开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 59.2



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Ⅰ. Location of Points

第七颈椎棘突下 大椎→后发际正中3直寸
眉间 印堂→后发际正中→第七颈椎棘突下 大椎18直寸
前两额发角 头维之间9横寸用于确定头前部经穴的横向距离
耳后两乳突 完骨之间9横寸用于确定头后部经穴的横向距离

部胸骨上窝 天突→胸剑联合中点 歧骨9直寸用于确定胸部任脉穴的纵向距离
胸剑联合中点 歧骨→脐中8直寸用于确定上腹部经穴的纵向距离
腋窝顶点→第11肋游离端 章门12直寸用于确定胁肋部经穴的纵向距离


部腋前、后纹头→肘横纹 平肘尖9直寸用于确定臂部经穴的纵向距离
肘横纹 平肘尖→腕掌 背侧横纹12直寸用于确定前臂部经穴的纵向距离

股骨大转子→腘横纹19直寸用于确定下肢外后侧足三阳经穴的纵向距离 臀沟—腘横纹,相当14寸

1.Commonly Used Location of Points by Proportional Bone Cun
Body PartDistanceProportio-nal bone cun MethodNotes
HeadAnterior hairline→posterior hairline12LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points of head.
Glabellum Yintang, EX-HN3 →midpoint of anterior headline
3LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on the anterior and posterior hairline and the head
The point below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra Dazhui, DU14→midpoint of anterior headline3Longitudinal
Glabellum Yintang, EX-HN3 →midpoint of anterior headline→the point below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra Dazhui, DU1418Longitudinal
Between the corners of the forehead Touwei, ST89TransverseUsed for measuring the transverse distance of the points on the anterior part of head
Between the bilateral opisthotic mastoid process9TransverseUsed for measuring the transverse distance of the points on the posterior part of head
Chest and AbdomenThe suprasternal fossa Tiantu, RD22→the midpoint of the xiphisternal synchondrosis Qi bone9LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points of Conception Vessel
The the midpoint of the xiphisternal synchondrosis Qi bone→the center of umbilicus8LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points of upper abdomen
The center of umbilicus→the superior border of pubic symphysis5LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points of lower abdomen
Between two nipples8TransverseUsed for measuring the transverse distance of the points on the chest and abdomen
The center of the axillary fossa→the free end of the e rib Zhangmen LR1312LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on the hypochondrium
BackThe medial border of scapula→the posterior midline3TransverseUsed for measuring the transverse distance of the points on the back and lumber region
The acromial end→the posterior midline8TransverseUsed for measuring the transverse distance of the points on the shoulder and back
Upper Extremi-tiesThe anterior or posterior axillary fold→the cubital crease at the same level as Zhoujian EX-UX1 9LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on the arm
The cubital crease at the same level as ZhoujianEX-UX1→the wrist crease 12LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on the forearm
Lower Extremi-ties The superior border of pubic symphysis→the superior border of medial epicondyle of femur18LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on three yin meridians of foot on the medial side of lower extremities
The inferior border of medial epicondyle of tibia→the prominence of medial malleolus13Longitudinal
The trochiter →the popliteal crease19LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on three yang meridians of foot on the lateral posterior side of lower extremities It is 14 cun from the gluteal groove to the popliteal crease
The popliteal crease→the prominence of lateral malleolus16LongitudinalUsed for measuring the longitudinal distance of the points on three yang meridians of foot on the lateral posterior side of lower extremities

Ⅱ. Shisi Jingxue
Points of 14 Meridians
1. 手太阴肺经穴
中府 Zhongfu LU1在胸前壁的外上方,云门下1寸,平第1肋间隙,距前正中线6寸
云门 Yunmen LU2在胸前壁的外上方,肩胛骨喙突上方,锁骨下窝凹陷处,距前正中线6寸
天府 Tianfu LU3在臂内侧面,肱二头肌桡侧缘,腋前纹头下3寸处
侠白 Xiabai LU4在臂内侧面,肱二头肌桡侧缘,腋前纹头下4寸,或肘横纹上5寸处
尺泽 ChizeLU5在肘横纹中,肱二头肌腱桡侧凹陷处
孔最 Kongzui LU6在前臂掌面挠侧,当尺泽与太渊连线上,腕横纹上7寸。
列缺 LiequeLU7在前臂桡侧缘,桡骨茎突上方,腕横纹上1.5寸。当肱桡肌与拇长展肌腱之间
经渠 Jingqu LU8在前臂掌面桡侧,桡骨茎突与桡动脉之间凹陷处,腕横纹上1寸
太渊 Taiyuan LU9在腕掌侧横纹桡侧,桡动脉搏动处
鱼际 Yuji LU10在手拇指本节 第1掌指关节后凹陷处,约当第1掌骨中点桡侧,赤白肉际处
少商 Shaoshang LU11在手拇指末节桡侧,距指甲角0.1寸 指寸

1. Shoutaiyin Feijingxue
Points of Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin, LU.
Name of point Location
Zhongfu LU1On the anterior thoracic region, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline,1 cun inferior to Yunmen LU, at the same level as the frst intercostal space.
Yunmen LU2On the anterior thoracic region, superior to coracoid of scapula, in the depression of infraclavicular fossa,6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Tianfu LU3On the medial side of upper arm, on the radial border of biceps tendon,3 cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold.
Xiabai LU4On the medial side of upper arm, on the radial border of biceps tendon,4 cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold or 5 cun superior to the cubital crease.
Chize LU5At the anconal crease,in the radial depression of biceps tendon.
Kongzui LU6On the radial side of palmar forearm, on the line connecting Chize LU5 and Taiyuan LU9, 7 cun superior to the carpal crease.
Lieque LU7On the radial side of forearm, on the superior side of styloid process of radius, 1.5 cun superior to the carpal crease between the brachioradialis and the tendon of abductor pollicis longus.
Jingqu LU8On the radial side of palmar forearm, in the depression between styloid process of radius and radial artery, 1 cun superior to the carpal crease.
Taiyuan LU9On the radial side of palmar wrist crease, over the radial artery.
Yuji LU10In the depression proximal to the the first metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb, on the midpoint of the the first metacarpal bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.
Shaoshang LU11On the radial side of phalangette of thumb, about 0.1 cun from the corner of the fingernail.


商阳 Shangyang LIl在手食指末节桡侧,距指甲角0.1寸 指寸
二间 Erjian LI2微握拳,在手食指本节 第2掌指关节前,桡侧凹陷处
三间 Sanjian LI3微握拳,在手食指本节 第2掌指关节后,桡侧凹陷处
合谷 HeguLI4在手背,第1、2掌骨间,当第二掌骨桡侧的中点处
阳溪 Yangxi LI5在腕背横纹桡侧,手拇指向上翘起时,当拇短伸肌腱与拇长伸肌健之间的凹陷中
偏历 Pianli LI6屈肘,在前臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,腕横纹上3寸
温溜 Wenliu LI7屈肘,在前臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,腕横纹上5寸
下廉 Xialian LI8在前臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,肘横纹下4寸
上廉 Shanglian LI9在前臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,肘横纹下3寸
手三里 Shousanli LI10在前臂背面桡侧,当阳溪与曲池连线上,肘横纹下2寸
曲池 Quchi LI11在肘横纹外侧端,屈肘,当尺泽与肱骨外上髁连线中点
肘髎 Zhouliao LI12在臂外侧,屈肘,曲池上方1寸,当肱骨边缘处
手五里 Shouwuli LI13在臂外侧,当曲池与肩髃连线上,曲池上3寸处
臂臑 Binao LI14在臂外侧,三角肌止点处,当曲池与肩髃连线上,曲池上7寸
肩髃 Jianyu LI15在肩部,三角肌上,臂外展,或向前平伸时,当肩峰前下方凹陷处
巨骨 Jugu LI16在肩上部,当锁骨肩峰端与肩胛冈之间凹陷处
天鼎 Tianding LI17在颈外侧部,胸锁乳突肌后缘,当结喉旁,扶突穴与缺盆连线中点
扶突 Futu LI18在颈外侧部,结喉旁3寸,当胸锁乳突肌的前后缘之间
口禾髎 Kouheliao LI19在上唇部,鼻孔外缘直下,平水沟穴
迎香 Yingxiang LI20在鼻翼外缘中点旁,当鼻唇沟中

2. Shouyangming Dachangjingxue
Points of Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, LI
Name of point Location
Shangyang LIlOn the radial side of the phalangette of the index finger, about 0.1 cun from the corner of fingernail.
Erjian LI2With a loose fist, in the distal depression of the radial side of the the second metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger.
Sanjian LI3With a loose fist, in the proximal depression of the radial side of the second metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger.
HeguLI4On the dorsum of the hand, between the first and the second metacarpal bones, on the radial side of the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone.
Yangxi LI5At the radial side of the dorsal wrist crease, in the depression between the tendons of extensor pollicis brevis and longus when the thumb is tilted upward.
Pianli LI6With the elbow flexed, on the radial side of the dorsal forearm, on the line connecting Yangxi LI5 with Quchi LI11, 3 cun superior to the carpal crease.
Wenliu LI7With the elbow flexed, on the radial side of the dorsal forearm, on the line connecting Yangxi LI5 with Quchi LI11, 5 cun superior to the carpal crease.
Xialian LI8On the radial side of the dorsal forearm, on the line connecting Yangxi LI5 with Quchi LI11, 4 cun inferior to the cubital crease.
Shanglian LI9On the radial side of the dorsal forearm, on the line connecting Yangxi LI5 with Quchi LI11, 3 cun inferior to the cubital crease.
Shousanli LI10On the radial side of the dorsal forearm, on the line connecting Yangxi LI5 with Quchi LI11, 2 cun inferior to the cubital crease.
Quchi LI11With the elbow flexed, at the lateral end of the cubital crease, at the midpoint of the line connecting Chize LU5 with the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.
Zhouliao LI12With the elbow flexed, on the lateral side of the arm and on the border of the humerus, 1 cun superior to Quchi LI11.
Shouwuli LI13On the lateral side of the arm, on the line connecting Quchi LI11 with Jianyu LI15, 3 cun superior to Quchi LI11.
Binao LI14On the lateral side of the arm, at the distal end of the deltoid, on the line connecting QuchiLI11 with Jianyu LIl5, 7 cun superior to QuchiLI11.
Jianyu LIl5On the shoulder, at the superior border of the deltoid, in the lower anteroinferior depression of the acromion when the arm is abducted or stretched forward.
Jugu LIl6On the superior portion of the shoulder,in the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the spinascapulae.
Tianding LI17On the lateral side of the neck and beside the Adam''s apple,on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, in the midpoint of the line connecting Futu LI18 with Quepeng ST12.
Futu LI18On the lateral side of the neck and 3 cun beside the Adam''s apple, between the anterior and posterior borders of the sternocleidomastoid.
Kouheliao LI19Superior to the upper lip,inferior to the lateral margin of the nostril, at the same level as ShuigouDU26.
Yingxiang LI20At the same level as the midpoint of the lateral border of the alanasi, in the nasolabial sulcus.



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