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『簡體書』全彩图解版--零起点英语口语初级入门 提高篇(附光盘一张)

書城自編碼: 2909752
作者: 张淑芳,牛慧霞 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787119101255
出版社: 外文出版社
出版日期: 2016-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 318/440000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 97.4



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Unit 1 College Life 菁菁校园
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 2
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 The First Day 入学第一天 4
Scene 2 Attending a Seminar 参加研讨会 6
Scene 3 In the Library 相遇图书馆 8
Scene 4 I Need to Find a Job! 我得找份工作 10
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 12
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2 14
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3 16
A Step Further Studying in the U.S.A. 留学美国 18
Unit 2 Entertainment 娱乐大家来
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 22
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 An Interesting Camping TripCome again 露营有趣,再来一次 24
Scene 2 Planning a Party, Becoming a Star 筹划晚会,变身明星 26
Scene 3 I Enjoy Voluntary Work 志愿活动,其乐融融 28
Scene 4 Coming Back from Field-work 实习归来,恋恋不舍 30
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 32
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2 34
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3 36
A Step Further Masquerade 化妆舞会
Unit 3 Shop Till You Drop 购物到腿软
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 40
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Shop Till You Drop 购物到腿软 42
Scene 2 Id Like to Have a Refund Please 我想把它退了 44
Scene 3 We Can Take Cash or Credit Card 我们接受现金和信用卡支付 46
Scene 4 We Need to Redecorate 我们想重新装修 48
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 50
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2 52
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3 54
A Step Further Shopping with Me 一起购物吧 56
Unit 4 Enjoy a Variety of Festivals 喜气洋洋过佳节
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 60
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Festivals and Traditions: How
Deeply Do You Love Me
节日和传统:你爱我有多深 62
Scene 2 Christmas Season 圣诞佳节 64
Scene 3 You Make a Nice Couple 佳偶天成
Scene 4 Who Can Tell? 万物复苏,你知几分? 68
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 70
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2 72
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3 74
A Step Further Western Festivals 西方主要节日 76
Unit 5 Virtual World 虚拟世界
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 80
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Digital Divide 数字鸿沟 82
Scene 2 Fun with Shopping Online 快乐的网购 84
Scene 3 So, This Is a Blog 这就是博客
Scene 4 It Could Be Someone Dodgy 它可能是个大坏蛋 88
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 90
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2 92
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3 94
A Step Further Fashion Icon 网络达人
Unit 6 Beauty Salon and Make-up 美丽沙龙
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 98
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Variety Girl 百变女郎 100
Scene 2 Give Your Skin a Breath! 让你的皮肤透透气吧!102
Scene 3 Metrosexual 城市魅男104
Scene 4 Be Beautiful! 美丽一起来! 106
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 108
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2110
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3112
A Step Further Make a Beauty 美女出炉记 114
Unit 7 Marriage and Family 婚姻家庭
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 118
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Big News 大喜讯 120
Scene 2 We Will Have a Church Wedding! 我们想举行教堂婚礼!122
Scene 3 The Happiest Day 最幸福的日子124
Scene 4 Marriage Agreement 结婚协议 126
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 128
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2130
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3132
A Step Further Traditional Wedding Vows 传统婚礼誓词 134
Unit 8 Sports and Games 运动大舞台
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 138
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Sports and Entertainmentthe Same
Scene 2 Spirit of Competitionthe Eternal Theme 竞争永恒的主题142
Scene 3 22 Millionaires and Their Football
Scene 4 MagicI Should Have a Try! 神奇我也来! 146
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 148
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2150
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3152
A Step Further Various Games 五彩缤纷的体育项目154
Unit 9 Job Hunting 面试求职
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 156
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 We Need to Dress Up Your Curriculum
Scene 2 Maybe I Just Should Go Around 也许我得四处找机会 160
Scene 3 Youve Got the Job 你被录用了162
Scene 4 Everyone Is Changing His Job 人人都在想着跳槽 164
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 166
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2168
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3170
A Step Further Jobs, Jobs, Where Is My Job?
工作在哪里? 172
Unit 10 Health 关爱健康
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 174
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Are You Impatient?You Can Leave! 等得着急?可以走啊!176
Scene 2 My Teeth Are So Dear! 我昂贵的牙齿啊!178
Scene 3 Green Tea and Yogathe Shortcut to
Scene 4 My Eyes Hurt! 眼睛好酸痛!182
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 184
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2186
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3188
A Step Further Common Expressions for
Seeing a Doctor
Unit 11 Friendship Forever 友谊万岁
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 194
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Ive Got Hollow Legs, Too! 我也很能吃! 196
Scene 2 Personal Charm and Bosom Buddy 展个人魅力,结知心朋友198
Scene 3 A Real Trip Down Memory Lane 回忆之旅 200
Scene 4 A Lingering Impression 忆往昔 202
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 204
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2206
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3208
A Step Further Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长210
Unit 12 Financial Life 金融生活
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 212
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Poor Beggar 可怜的家伙 214
Scene 2 I Want a House 我想有个家 216
Scene 3 When America Sneezes, the Rest of
the World Catches a Cold
Scene 4 Graduation=Unemployment? 毕业=失业?220
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 222
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2224
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3226
A Step Further Get Familiar with Banking 了解银行228
Unit 13 Media and Advertisement 媒体广告
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 230
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 It Can Be a Good Way to Get
Scene 2 Its a Multimedia Society 眼花缭乱的媒体 234
Scene 3 The Media Has Always Been Used as a
Political Tool
Scene 4 We Have Several Options! 我们有多种选择!238
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 240
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2242
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3244
A Step Further Various Ads 形式多样的广告 246
Unit 14 Exhibition 博众家之彩
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 248
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Anti-climaxNo! 虎头蛇尾不!250
Scene 2 Unveil a New Product 新产品来了 252
Scene 3 The World of Flowers 百花齐放春满园 254
Scene 4 Natural and Harmonious Scene 自然和谐图 256
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 258
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2260
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3262
A Step Further Communication Expert 轻松周旋于展会 264
Unit 15 Art and Music 音美世界
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 266
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Here We Are at the Gallery! 我们总算到了博物馆了! 268
Scene 2 I Cant Appreciate Modern Art 令人费解的现代艺术270
Scene 3 I Love Live Music 我喜欢现场听音乐272
Scene 4 Its Just There in the Background 若隐若现的背景音乐274
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 276
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2278
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3280
A Step Further Art Schooling of Modernism 现代主义美术流派 282
Unit 16 Multicultural World 多元文化
Warming-up Dialogue 看图热身对话 286
Speak Aloud 口语大放送
Scene 1 Live and Let Live 相互关爱,共享生命 288
Scene 2 Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness 整洁近于美德290
Scene 3 You and Me 你和我292
Scene 4 To Err Is Human 人非圣贤,孰能无过 294
Lets Discuss I 自由辩论1 296
Lets Discuss II 自由辩论2298
Lets Discuss III 自由辩论3300
A Step Further Gift Taboos in Different
Cultures 送礼禁忌302
The First Day
Professor: Can I have everybodys attention
please? You have a form in front of you with your
timetable1 on it for the first semester2.
Please take a few minutes to look it over.
Eric: Hi, how is your timetable? Mine seems
quite full.
Luke: I have two lectures a week, and three
workshops. That seems light.
Cathy: Oh, thats par for the course in
your first year. The hard work starts in the second year.
Eric: I heard that I have more free time to
study then because I have to write my thesis. Lets
ask the Professor. Excuse me, when will we
start to write the thesis?
Professor: The thesis is planned in the
first year. By the end of your second year it should be
finished and submitted3.
Eric: How long is it?
Professor: It is 10,000 written words.
Luke: It sounds like we have a long time to
do that.
Cathy: It also sounds like a lot of work!
Professor: Well, the best preparation is in
reading. Youll have lots of time to read up on your
subject. I wouldnt worry. If you keep your
nose to the grindstone, youll get into it.
Eric: So, the sooner we decide on the
thesis, the better.
Professor: Yes, I think so. Have you
registered your choice of modules4 yet?
Luke: I want to do as much practical work
as possible.
Professor: Not a fan of theories then?
Luke: Its not that. I just want direct
experience of my subject. I want to get my hands dirty.
Eric: I dont mind what I do. Its all part
of the learning culture.
Professor: Thats a good approach to have.
Cathy: Can I change my subject if I choose
a course that I find I dont like later?
Professor: You can transfer in the first
semester only. You should make sure you choose
something you really like.



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