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書城自編碼: 2950594
作者: 李飞、袁露、陈蔚、徐晓颂
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302435396
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 27.6



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Chapter ⅠAn Overview of
Hospitality Industry001
LeadinAn Introduction to
Hospitality Industry001
Reading 1Classification of Hotels002
Reading 2Type of Hotel Rooms and Hotel
Facilities005Chapter ⅡFront Office Department008
LeadinAn Introduction to
Front Office Department008
Lesson 1Reception Desk 接待处009
Lesson 2Information Desk 问讯处017
Lesson 3Concierge Service 礼宾服务023
Lesson 4Business Centre 商务中心029Chapter
ⅢHousekeeping Department036
LeadinAn Introduction to
the Housekeeping Department036
Lesson 1Welcoming and Guiding the Guests 迎宾及带宾客至房间036
Lesson 2Cleaning the Room 打扫房间043
Lesson 3Laundry Service洗衣服务049
Lesson 4Personalized Housekeeping Service 个性化家政服务056Chapter
ⅣFood and Beverage Department064
LeadinAn Introduction to
Food & Beverage Department 064
Lesson 1Table Reservations 餐桌预订064
Lesson 2Hosting & Taking Orders 点单服务070
Lesson 3Serving Dishes 就餐服务076
Lesson 4Paying the Bill 结账081ⅣⅤChapter ⅤOther
Information about Hotel088
LeadinAn Introduction to
the Hotel Jobs 088
Reading 1The Main Rules for Handling
Complaints & Emergencies088
Reading 2Facilities in Hotel091Key to
Listening Comprehension096
Chapter ⅡThe Front Office
Chapter ⅢHousekeeping
Chapter ⅣFood and Beverage
Department106参考文献 Reference111
中国的酒店业是最早向外资开放的行业之一,伴随着国际酒店业的发展已成为一个与国际接轨的市场化程度较高的行业。这将为具有较高的酒店英语服务技能和管理技能的酒店人才提供更为广阔的职业发展空间。本教材从酒店行业从业人员的工作需要出发,以培养学生英语服务能力为目标进行构思和编写。本书主要通过对酒店各情景对话及相关短文的听、说、读、写、练,使学生掌握相应的英语词汇、表达方法和沟通技巧,训练顶岗工作的能力,从而全面提高旅游管理、酒店管理专业的学生的英语交际能力。本教材按照酒店服务与管理的实际需要,包含五个部分的内容: 酒店业概观、前厅部、客服部、餐饮部及其他服务与管理信息。每章开篇为引入部分,第一和第五章另外各编写两篇阅读子内容,第二、第三和第四章另外各编写四课子内容。每个子内容包括七个模块: 背景知识、情景对话、词汇、实用技巧、听力理解、角色扮演及小建议。七个模块在教学中可灵活使用,教师或学生可根据以下目标进行针对性练习。1背景知识拓宽学生的文化视野,丰厚他们的文化功底,培养学生学习各主题知识的兴趣。2情景对话该部分由三到四篇对话组成,各对话均设有特定主题,能使语言具体化,在实际运用中激活它。3词汇对知识点的有力补充,方便学生更快捷地理解与掌握重点词汇。4实用技巧结合各个主题,对实际相关工作中所涉及的常用句型进行整理汇编,为学生的口语练习以及今后的工作实践提供切实可行的依据。5听力理解培养学生通过听力获取信息的能力,有效地把书本知识变为自己今后语言交际的一部分。6角色扮演通过该模块的训练可加强学生的表达能力和交际能力,让学生能根据实际情景的变化,恰当地运用所学的语言知识自如地应对、准确地表达。7小建议提供了大量学生在今后工作中可能会用到的、能出奇制胜的小知识、小技巧,有较强的针对性和实用性,便于学生对相关知识进行理解和掌握。本教材由汪倩、袁露、徐晓颂负责编写第一章,陈蔚、李飞、徐晓颂负责编写第二至第四章,唐颖、张曼负责编写第五章。全书由李飞统稿并核稿审定。在教材的编写过程中,编者参考了一些出版物和网站。由于选材广泛,书中没有一一注明出处,希望得到原作者的支持和理解。限于编者水平有限,书中难免存在疏漏和不尽如人意之处,恳请广大学者和读者不吝指教。

Chapter ⅢHousekeeping DepartmentChapter ⅢHousekeeping Department
LeadinAn Introduction to the Housekeeping DepartmentAs the saying goes, the difference is in the details. Those details are the charge of the Housekeeping Department. As one of the most integral完整的 departments within the hotel, the Housekeeping Department is responsible for the immaculate无瑕疵的 care and upkeep整理维修 of all guest rooms and public spaces. Individuals who excel擅长 in our Housekeeping Departments have an eye for detail and a commitment to the training, development and motivation of a diverse group of talented employees. In a competitive hotel market, it is service and cleanliness that really make an impact影响 on our guests and determine whether they will return.Lesson 1Welcoming and Guiding the Guests迎宾及带宾客至房间Background InformationFloor service is one important part of working organization in Housekeeping Department, where guests come and hope to be respected and taken care as well. In the light of the principle of Customer First, procedures and requirements to guide and standardize daily routine of the staff should be laid down by the hotel. Courteous and welcoming staff will leave guests with a good impression and a cheerful temper, which speaks for the hotel at the same time.楼层服务是客房部组织工作中的重要部分。客人到达楼层之后,希望得到服务人员的尊重,在生活上得到服务人员的关心。根据顾客至上的原则,饭店应制定相应的程序与要求,规范与约束员工的日常行为。员工迎客彬彬有礼,会给客人留下美好印象,使之有一个好心情,也会对饭店产生一个好印象。Dialogues〖*2〗Dialogue 1Welcoming the Guests and Taking the Guests to the RoomA=Floor AttendantG=GuestA: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel.00G: Hello, can you show me how to locate my room please?A: Certainly sir. Can you take out your room pass? Now, swipe it onto the lift control and the doors will open.G: OK, lets get in. Can you help me with that suitcase? Thanks.A: Your room is located on floor 6. Swipe your room pass on the lift control, here, and let me press button 6.G: I get it. So, noone who doesnt have a room pass cant use the lift?A: Correct, sir. This is a security feature of the hotel and means the corridors outside your room will be secure.G: Excellent.A: Now, weve arrived, sir. Ill follow with your luggage. Please turn left.G: OK, Ill try my room pass. Excellent, it opens. The room looks nice. Now, before you go can you show me how to operate the AC unit?A: Certainly. Place your room pass inside this slot and the lights will come on. Here is the AC controlThis button turns up the temperature, and this button turns it down.G: Great, this looks like it will be comfortable. Heres something for yougives tip.A: Thank you, sir. If there is anything else you need, please call the reception. Dial 0 for service.G: Thanks again.Dialogue 2Showing the Room and Offering inroom ServiceA=Floor AttendantG=GuestA: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Tom. Im the floor attendant.C: Thank you, Tom. Where is Room 802, please?A: Ah, Mr. Steven. Would you care to step this way, please? Ill carry one of your briefcases. Lets go, shall we?G: Sure, Ill come after you. Oh, how do you know my name?A: Its on the arrival list for Room 802. Now here we are. This is your room. May I have you room card, please?G: Here you are.A: Thank you. Come in please. Ive turned on the light. Do you mind if I put your baggage by the wardrobe?G: Not really.G: How nice the room looks!A: Im glad you like it.Drawing the curtains asideThe room is facing south and commands a good view of the beach.G: Thats lovely!A: You must be tired after a long journey, sir, Please be seated and take a rest.G: Im very thirsty. Can I get something to drink?A: Yes, there is some beverage in the minibar. Shall I get one can for you?G: No. I dont like cold drink.A: In this case, Ill make tea for you.G: Its really very kind of you. Thank you very much.A: Its my pleasure. If you need anything, just call the reception. The number is 0. Is there anything else I can do for you?G: No, everything is fine. If I need your help, Ill call you.A: Ill put myself at your service at any time, See you later.Dialogue 3Introducing the RoomA=Floor AttendantG=GuestA: Mr. Johnathan, Ill show you to your room, would you please come this way? Your room is over there.G: OK, Ill follow you.A: Here is your room, Mr. Johnathan. After you.G: Thank you.B: Shall I draw the curtain for you?G: OK, thank you.A: Mr. Johnathan, this is the bathroom, and the switch is here. You can also have more hangers from housekeeping if you want.G: Oh, I see. May I ask when room service is available?A: Its available twentyfour hours a day. And in the first drawer of the dresser, youll find a brochure with full information about the facilities and services of our hotel. If you need anything else, please dont hesitate to tell us. The extension number of the floor desk is 16699.G: By the way, the hot water is supplied round the clock, isnt it?A: Exactly, Mr. Johnson. And the tap water is drinkable in our hotel. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Is there anything I can do before I leave the room?C: No, thats all for now. Thank you very much!A: Youre most welcome. Have a nice day! See you.
1. baggage \[bɡd\] n. 行李2. beach \[bit\] n. 海滩;湖滨3. beverage \[bevrd\] n. 饮料4. briefcase\[brif kes\] n. 行李箱5. brochure \[brr\] n. 某地、某旅馆等的情况介绍手册,小册子6. can \[kn\] n. 罐头,开罐器7. corridor \[krdr\] n. 走廊8. drawer \[drr\] n. 抽屉9. dresser \[dres\] n. 梳妆台;碗柜;化妆师10. drinkable \[drkbl\] adj. 可饮用的;可以喝的11. facility \[fslti\] n. 设施;设备12. locate \[lket\] vt. 位于;查找的地点13. luggage \[lɡd\] n. 行李;皮箱14. minibar \[mini bɑ\] n. 小酒柜15. operate \[pret\] vt. 操作;经营16. reception \[rspn\] n. 接待处, 服务台17. security \[sikjuriti\] n. 安全;保证18. suitcase \[sutkes\] n. 手提箱;衣箱19. swipe \[swap\] vt. 刷卡20. switch \[swt\] n. 开关,闸21. wardrobe \[wrdrob\] n. 衣柜22. at your service 为您效劳23. command a good view of 看到的美景24. AC control 空调遥控25. AC unit 空调房26. draw...aside 把拉开27. extension number分机号码28. floor attendant 楼层服务员29. lift control 电梯感应区;电梯控制面板30. room cardpass房卡31. round the clock 连续一整天的;不间断的32. step this way 这边走1. 带顾客到住房 Guiding the Guests to Their RoomsCan you take out your room pass?请问您能拿出门禁卡吗?Now, swipe it onto the lift control and the doors will open.现在,请把您的房卡在电梯感应器上刷一下,电梯门就会开了。Your room is located on floor 6. Swipe your room pass on the lift control, here, and let me press button 6.您的房间在六楼。请把您的房卡在感应器上刷一下,就在这,让我按一下六楼。Ill show you to your room, would you please come this way? Your room is over there.我会带您去房间,请跟我来。您的房间在那边。May I have you room card, please?请问能把房卡给我一下吗?Would you care to step this way, please?请问您能跟我来这边吗?2. 介绍设施及服务Introducing the Facilities and the ServicesThe room is facing south and commands a good view of the beach.这个房间朝南,并且可以看到海滩的美景。There is some beverage in the minibar. Shall I get one can for you?在那个小酒柜里有一些饮料。我给你拿一罐好吗?Mr. Johnathan, this is the bathroom, and the switch is here.乔纳森先生,这边是浴室,开关在这。You can have more hangers from housekeeping if you want.如果需要,您可从客房部取得更多衣架。Its available twentyfour hours a day.客房服务二十四小时提供。In the first drawer of the dresser, youll find a brochure with full information about the facilities and services of our hotel.在梳妆柜的第一个抽屉,你会看到一本小册子,上面有我们酒店所有设施及服务的全面信息。The hot water is supplied round the clock。热水是全天供应的。The tap water is drinkable in our hotel.我们酒店的自来水是可以直接饮用的。3. 更多服务应对 Offering More ServicesIf there is anything else you need please call the reception. Dial 0 for service.



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