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書城自編碼: 3281729
作者: 徐国琦
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508536064
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2019-01-01

書度/開本: 16开

售價:HK$ 361.8



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This book tells the stories of these Chinese laborers against a backdrop of exchanges between civilizations and the struggles of the Chinese people to enter and become equal members of the international community in order to contribute to the revival of the Chinese nation and promote world peace. Their history belongs to the world.
After years of study, Professor Xu Guoqi wrote his book.It introduces the life and work situation of 140,000 Chinese laborerswho went to France during the First World War to present full and accurate historical data on their contribution to the war effort. It also probes the impact brought about by their presence in France from the perspective of the exchanges between oriental and western civilizations.
徐国琦,安徽枞阳人。南开大学历史系研究生毕业,1991年赴美留学,1999年获哈佛大学历史系博士学位。现为香港大学历史系教授。主要著作有国际史三部曲:《中国与大战:寻求新的国家认同和国际化》(剑桥大学出版社2005年英文版,上海三联书店2008年中文版);《奥林匹克之梦:中国与体育,18952008》(英文,哈佛大学出版社2008年出版);《西线战场陌生客:华工与第一次世界大战》(哈佛大学出版社2011年英文版,上海人民出版社2014年中文版《一战中的华工》);目前正致力于共享历史三部曲的写作及研究:《中国人与美国人:一部共享的历史》(哈佛大学出版社2014年英文版,广西师大出版社拟出版中文版);《亚洲与大战:一段共有的历史》(该书系英国牛津大学出版社约稿,已完稿,英文版应于2016年底出版);《关于中国:一个共享的历史》(仍在研究中)。Xu Guoqi, native of Zongyang, Anhui Province. Graduated from the Department of History of Nankai University in Tianjin, and went to study in the United States in 1991. He received a doctorate degree in history from Harvard University in 1999. Now he is Professor of History Department of University of Hong Kong. His main works include the trilogy of the international history:China and The Great War: Chinas Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization Cambridge University Press, 2005, English edition; Shanghai Triple Bookstore, 2008, Chinese edition;Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008 Harvard University Press, 2008, English edition;Strangers in the Western Front: Chinese Workers and World War I Harvard University Press, 2011 English edition; Shanghai Peoples Press, 2014 Chinese edition Chinese Workers in World War I;New works on trilogy of shared history:Chinese and Americans: A Shared History Harvard University Press, 2014 English edition;Asia and the War: A Common History to be published by Oxford University Press, UK;About China: A Shared History under study.徐国琦,安徽枞阳人。南开大学历史系研究生毕业,1991年赴美留学,1999年获哈佛大学历史系博士学位。现为香港大学历史系教授。主要著作有国际史三部曲:《中国与大战:寻求新的国家认同和国际化》(剑桥大学出版社2005年英文版,上海三联书店2008年中文版);《奥林匹克之梦:中国与体育,18952008》(英文,哈佛大学出版社2008年出版);《西线战场陌生客:华工与第一次世界大战》(哈佛大学出版社2011年英文版,上海人民出版社2014年中文版《一战中的华工》);目前正致力于共享历史三部曲的写作及研究:《中国人与美国人:一部共享的历史》(哈佛大学出版社2014年英文版,广西师大出版社拟出版中文版);《亚洲与大战:一段共有的历史》(该书系英国牛津大学出版社约稿,已完稿,英文版应于2016年底出版);《关于中国:一个共享的历史》(仍在研究中)。
Xu Guoqi, native of Zongyang, Anhui Province. Graduated from the Department of History of Nankai University in Tianjin, and went to study in the United States in 1991. He received a doctorate degree in history from Harvard University in 1999. Now he is Professor of History Department of University of Hong Kong. His main works include the trilogy of the international history:China and The Great War: Chinas Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization Cambridge University Press, 2005, English edition; Shanghai Triple Bookstore, 2008, Chinese edition;Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008 Harvard University Press, 2008, English edition;Strangers in the Western Front: Chinese Workers and World War I Harvard University Press, 2011 English edition; Shanghai Peoples Press, 2014 Chinese edition Chinese Workers in World War I;New works on trilogy of shared history:Chinese and Americans: A Shared History Harvard University Press, 2014 English edition;Asia and the War: A Common History to be published by Oxford University Press, UK;About China: A Shared History under study.
PrefaceForeword 2I. The Great War and Radical Changes in China 13II. Chinas Countermeasure: Sending Laborers Instead ofSoldiers 35III. A Long Journey 91IV. Strangers on the Western Front 117V. Glory of Blood 167VI. Teaching and Learning Promote Each Other: Chinese Eliteand Laborers Abroad of the Great Generation 199VII. Expedition for Civilization: Chinese Laborers Contributionand Role in History 223VIII. Whereabouts of Chinese Labour Corps in World War I 245Postscript 276Annotations 279Acknowledgement 297
Since the early 1990s, I have been specially interested in the issues concerning the relationship between China, and Asia and the First World War. After reading relevant archives around the world and decades of hard work and thinking, I finally felt I knew enough to make my own contribution. From 2005, I launched a series of research results. In the same year, Cambridge University Press published an English hardcover edition of my China and the Great War the English paperback edition was published in 2011. SDX Joint Publishing Shanghai Co., Ltd. included it into its Library of Humanistic Classics in 2008, and published a Chinese version. In 2011, Harvard University Press published my work Strangers on the Western Front: Chinese Workers in the Great War, whose Chinese version entitled Chinese Workers in the Great War was published by Shanghai Peoples Publishing House in 2014. Upon the invitation of Oxford University Press in the summer of 2015, I completed the manuscript of Asia and the Great War: A Shared History. If everything goes well, this English version will appear at the end of 2016. As for this small book in your hands, it is a popular edition based on my English academic monographs on the First World War published over a 10-year period, thus containing the important results of my academic research. It is also a supplement to, and a revised version of, my book Chinese Laborers in France during the First World War printed by China Intercontinental Press in Beijing in 2007, with many chapters containing new contents. After over 20 years of research on the First World War, I intended to put it aside, and devote my energy to the systematic study of the subject What is China and Chineseness, a long-cherished wish. However, China Intercontinental Press was anxious for me to revise Chinese Laborers in France during the First World War to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, so as to include new research results to it. It was hard to turn down such awarm-hearted offer, and, after some hesitation, I finally agreed.I was willing to spend valuable time writing this book also because the Chinese people still lack understanding of the First World War and the Chinese laborers who had a role in it. In my humble opinion, both are of extreme important significance for China and its people. Chinas participation in the First World War also constitutes an important chapter in the history of world civilization. My book China and the Great War probes the long course of the Chinese peoples struggle for internationalization and new national identity from the perspective of World War I, and analyzes how the international community responded to Chinas active participation in the reconstruction of international order and the Chinese nations self-renewal. In the lengthy interview with the magazine West Lake in 2009, I even stated: Without the First World War, there would be no May 4th Movement. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the Chinese should have a soberer, objective understanding of the war. First of all, lets review the history of the First World War. Under the Chinese calendar, 1914 was the Year of the Tiger, as well as being the third year of the Republic of China. This was when the Great War broke out after another world war erupted over two decades later, the earlier conflict became known as the First World War.In the beginning, it was defined as a civilized war by the warring parties. There is such inscription carved on the Inter-Allied Victory Medal awarded to the soldiers after the war: Fight for Human Civilization, 1914-1919. A Western scholar pointed out that, The First World War didnt only concern gains and losses on the battlefield or even economically. For the British people, it was a war defending the order of the British Empire. Similarly, the Germans regarded it as the Holy War of the German Nation. Therefore, for the Germans, it was a war for changing the world, while, for the British, it was a war defending the world order. The Germans fought for the future, the British for tradition.The famous American scholar Henry James wrote on August 5, 1914, The outbreak of the First World War might plunge civilization into the abyss of blood and darkness, and will break our illusion that the world will become better. An American official also wrote shortly after the end of the war: When the world war is truly recorded and the victory objectively evaluated, we will find that no country is worthy of the title of a civilized victor.Whatever ones viewpoint, the First World War had far-reaching impact in human history, a cruel test of blood and fire to Western civilization. Moreover, in a wide sense, the First World War was far more important than the Second World War. This is not only because the latter was a continuation of the former; more importantly, until today, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of World War I, we still lack real understanding of its significance for China, with its influence and consequences still being debated.In fact, scarcely had an armistice been declared than a debate on the significance and impact of the war began in the East and West. German scholar Oswald Spengler declared that the First World War marked the decline of the West, which is well understood. Chinese political thinker Liang Qichao 1873-1929 said in his work Thoughts during European Travel written at the end of 1918 that the result of World War I showed the oriental spirit and civilization still had certain advantages. He remarked: Europeans had a dream that science is omnipotent, but now they claim that they have been bankrupted due to science. This is a key reason for the recent change in thinking. He even warned the Chinese people affectionately, Our lovely youth! Stand at attention! Step forward! Several billion people on the opposite coast of the ocean are worrying about the bankruptcy of material civilization, and crying for help desperately. They are waiting for your enlightenment. Our three sages and many predecessors in paradise are eagerly expecting you to complete their undertakings and blessing you with their spirit.In his opinion, World War I almost destroyed human civilization, and the social Darwinism promoted in the West bears the blame. In addition to Liang Qichao, other Chinese like Liang Shuming and Gu Hongming were also major generals in the camp emphasizing the advantages of oriental civilization.There were so many Chinese and foreigners advocating the supremacy of oriental civilization that American philosopher John Dewey mentioned in his review of British philosopher Bertrand Russells book The Problem of China in 1923, China tends to become an angel of light to show up the darkness of Western civilization......



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