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書城自編碼: 3433801
作者: 庞国芳 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122349194
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2019-11-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 793.8



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本书是《农药兽药多组分残留质谱分析技术》的第2卷兽药篇,介绍了65项适用于动物组织(肌肉、肝脏、肾脏和脂肪)、乳制品(牛奶和奶粉)、蜂产品(蜂蜜、蜂王浆及冻干粉)、水产品(河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗)及动物尿液中20类兽药残留LC-MSMS分析方法。方法灵敏度和准确度高,可满足欧盟、日本、国际食品法典委员会(CAC)和美国等限量要求。各章按兽药类别,分别介绍了磺胺类、-受体激动剂类、氨基糖苷类、氯霉素类、-内酰胺类、大环内酯类和林可胺类、硝基呋喃类代谢物、甾体类同化激素、非甾类同化激素类、糖皮质激素类、氟喹诺酮类、四环素类、镇静剂类、吡唑酮类、喹 啉类、硝基咪唑类、苯并咪唑类、咪唑并噻唑类、硫脲嘧啶类、聚醚类等20类兽药的前处理技术和测定方法,并介绍了兽药的理化性质、代谢和毒理及*残留限量等。本书可供从事食品安全、农业环境保护及农药开发利用等技术研究与应用的技术人员参考,也可作为大学教学参考用书。
庞国芳,中国检验检疫科学研究院,研究员,中国工程院院士,国家质检总局首席研究员、国际公职化学家联合会(AOAC)专家,国际AOAC 2014年度 Harvey W. Wiley 奖获得者。近30年一直工作在食品检验检疫一线,致力于食品科学检测技术理论与实践的研究,解决了我国相关出口食品、农产品等遭遇的技术瓶颈,为推动我国对外贸易发展做出了杰出贡献。研究制定了141项国际、国家检测技术标准。在国内、国际出版食品安全检测技术论著10部。发表论文100余篇,35篇被SCI收录。3次荣获国家科学技术进步二等奖,6次荣获国际AOAC组织颁发的科学技术奖励。
Main ResearchersEditors xxvii
Preface xxix
Brief Introduction xxxi
1. Sulfonamides 1
1.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Sulfonamides 1
1.2 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Sulfonamide Drugs 2
1.3 Determination of 16 Sulfonamide Residues in Livestock and Poultry MusclesLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20759-2006 8
1.3.1 Scope 8
1.3.2 Principle 8
1.3.3 Reagents and Materials 8
1.3.4 Apparatus 9
1.3.5 Sample Pretreatment 9
1.3.6 Determination 9
1.3.7 Precision 10
1.3.8 Recovery 12
Researchers 12
Further Reading 16
1.4 Determination of 16 Sulfonamide Residues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22966-2008 16
1.4.1 Scope 16
1.4.2 Principle 16
1.4.3 Reagents and Materials 17
1.4.4 Apparatus 17
1.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 18
1.4.6 Determination 18
1.4.7 Precision 19
1.4.8 Recovery 28
Researchers 28
1.5 Determination of 18 Sulfonamide Residues in Fugu and EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22951-2008 29
1.5.1 Scope 29
1.5.2 Principle 29
1.5.3 Reagents and Materials 29
1.5.4 Apparatus 30
1.5.5 Sample Pretreatment 31
1.5.6 Determination 31
1.5.7 Precision 35
1.5.8 Recovery 36
Researchers 40
1.6 Determination of 8 Sulfonamides residues in HoneyLC-FLD Method GBT 18932.5-2002 41
1.6.1 Scope 41
1.6.2 Principle 41
1.6.3 Reagents and Materials 41
1.6.4 Apparatus 42
1.6.5 Sample Pretreatment 42
1.6.6 Determination 43
1.6.7 Precision 43
1.6.8 Recovery 46
Researchers 47
Further Reading 47
1.7 Determination of 16 Sulfonamide Residues in HoneyLC-MS-MS Method GBT 18932.17-2003 47
1.7.1 Scope 47
1.7.2 Principle 47
1.7.3 Reagents and Materials 48
1.7.4 Apparatus 48
1.7.5 Sample Pretreatment 48
1.7.6 Determination 49
1.7.7 Precision 52
1.7.8 Recovery 52
Researchers 55
Further Reading 55
1.8 Determination of 18 Sulfonamide Residues in Royal JellyLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22947-2008 56
1.8.1 Scope 56
1.8.2 Principle 56
1.8.3 Reagents and Materials 56
1.8.4 Apparatus 57
1.8.5 Sample Pretreatment 58
1.8.6 Determination 58
1.8.7 Precision 62
1.8.8 Recovery 64
Researchers 66
2. -Adrenoceptor Agonists 67
2.1 Determination of 12 -Agonist Residues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22965-2008 67
2.1.1 Scope 67
2.1.2 Principle 67
2.1.3 Reagents and Materials 68
2.1.4 Apparatus 69
2.1.5 Sample Pretreatment 69
2.1.6 Determination 70
2.1.7 Precision 76
2.1.8 Recovery 76
Researchers 78
Further Reading 78
2.2 Determination of 12 -Agonist Residues in Fugu, Eel,and Baked EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22950-2008 81
2.2.1 Scope 81
2.2.2 Principle 81
2.2.3 Reagents and Materials 81
2.2.4 Apparatus 82
2.2.5 Sample Pretreatment 83
2.2.6 Determination 84
2.2.7 Precision 85
2.2.8 Recovery 85
Researchers 85
Further Reading 88
3. Aminoglycoside 91
3.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Streptomycin 91
3.2 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin 92
3.3 Determination of Streptomycin Residues in HoneyLC-FLD GBT 18932.3-2002 93
3.3.1 Scope 93
3.3.2 Principle 93
3.3.3 Reagents and Materials 93
3.3.4 Apparatus 94
3.3.5 Sample Pretreatment 95
3.3.6 Determination 95
3.3.7 Precision 97
3.3.8 Recovery 97
Researchers 97
Further Reading 97
3.4 Determination of Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin,and Kanamycin Residues in Milk and Milk
PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22969-2008 98
3.4.1 Scope 98
3.4.2 Principle 98
3.4.3 Reagents and Materials 98
3.4.4 Apparatus 99
3.4.5 Preparation and Storage of Test Sample 100
3.4.6 Determination 101
3.4.7 Precision 104
3.4.8 Recovery 104
Researchers 105
3.5 Determination of Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin,
and Kanamycin Residues in Fugu and EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22954-2008 105
3.5.1 Scope 105
3.5.2 Principle 106
3.5.3 Reagents and Materials 106
3.5.4 Apparatus 107
3.5.5 Sample pretreatment 107
3.5.6 Determination 108
3.5.7 Precision 109
3.5.8 Recovery 110
Researchers 110
3.6 Determination of Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin,
and Kanamycin Residues in HoneyLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22995-2008 111
3.6.1 Scope 111
3.6.2 Principle 111
3.6.3 Reagents and Materials 111
3.6.4 Apparatus 112
3.6.5 Sample pretreatment 112
3.6.6 Determination 113
3.6.7 Precision 114
3.6.8 Recovery 115
Researchers 115
3.7 Determination of Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin,
and Kanamycin Residues in Royal JellyLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22945-2008 116
3.7.1 Scope 116
3.7.2 Principle 116
3.7.3 Reagents and Materials 116
3.7.4 Apparatus 117
3.7.5 Sample pretreatment 118
3.7.6 Determination 118
3.7.7 Precision 119
3.7.8 Recovery 120
Researchers 121
4. Chloramphenicol 123
4.1 Curative Effect and Side Effects of Chloramphenicol 123
4.2 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol 123
4.3 Determination of Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol Residues in Edible Animal Muscles, Liver, and Aquatic ProductsLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20756-2006 125
4.3.1 Scope 125
4.3.2 Principle 125
4.3.3 Reagents and Materials 125
4.3.4 Apparatus 126
4.3.5 Sample pretreatment 126
4.3.6 Determination 127
4.3.7 Precision 128
4.3.8 Recovery 130
Researchers 131
Further Reading 131
4.4 Determination of Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol Residues in Fugu, Eel, and Baked EelLC-MS-MSMethod GBT 22959-2008 132
4.4.1 Scope 132
4.4.2 Principle 132
4.4.3 Reagents 132
4.4.4 Apparatus 133
4.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 134
4.4.6 Determination 135
4.4.7 Precision 137
4.4.8 Recovery 138
Researchers 138
5. -Lactams 143
5.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Penicillins 143
5.2 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Penicillins 143
5.3 Determination of Nine Penicillin Residues in Livestock and Poultry Muscles LC-MS-MS Method
GBT 20755-2006 147
5.3.1 Scope 147
5.3.2 Principle 147
5.3.3 Reagents and Materials 147
5.3.4 Apparatus 148
5.3.5 Sample Pretreatment 148
5.3.6 Determination 148
5.3.7 Precision 149
5.3.8 Recovery 152
Researchers 154
Further Reading 154
5.4 Determination of Nine Penicillin Residues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22975-2008 154
5.4.1 Scope 154
5.4.2 Principle 154
5.4.3 Reagents and Materials 155
5.4.4 Apparatus and Equipment 155
5.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 156
5.4.6 Determination 156
5.4.7 Precision 159
5.4.8 Recovery 161
Researchers 162
5.5 Determination of Nine Penicillin Residues in Fugu and EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22952-2008 163
5.5.1 Scope 163
5.5.2 Principle 163
5.5.3 Reagents and Materials 163
5.5.4 Apparatus 164
5.5.5 Sample Pretreatment 164
5.5.6 Determination 165
5.5.7 Precision 168
5.5.8 Recovery 170
Researchers 170
5.6 Method for the Determination of Six Penicillin Residues in Honey LC-MS-MS Method
GBT 18932.25-2005 171
5.6.1 Scope 171
5.6.2 Principle 171
5.6.3 Reagents and Materials 171
5.6.4 Apparatus 171
5.6.5 Sample Pretreatment 172
5.6.6 Determination 172
5.6.7 Precision 175
5.6.8 Recovery 177
Researchers 177
Further Reading 177
5.7 Determination of Cefapirin, Cephalexin, Cefalonium,Cefquinome Residues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS
Method GBT 22989-2008 177
5.7.1 Scope 177
5.7.2 Principle 178
5.7.3 Reagents and Materials 178
5.7.4 Apparatus 179
5.7.5 Sample Pretreatment 179
5.7.6 Determination 180
5.7.7 Precision 182
5.7.8 Recovery 182
Researchers 184
5.8 Determination of Cefazolin, Cefapirin, Cephalexin,Cefalonium, Cefquinome Residues in Fugu and
EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22960-2008 184
5.8.1 Scope 184
5.8.2 Principle 184
5.8.3 Reagents and Materials 184
5.8.4 Apparatus 185
5.8.5 Sample Pretreatment 185
5.8.6 Determination 186
5.8.7 Precision 187
5.8.8 Recovery 189
Researchers 189
5.9 Determination of Cefazolin, Cephapirin, Cephalexin,Cefalonium, Cefquinome Residues in HoneyLC-MS-MS
Method GBT 22942-2008 189
5.9.1 Scope 189
5.9.2 Principle 190
5.9.3 Reagents and Materials 190
5.9.4 Apparatus 190
5.9.5 Sample Pretreatment 191
5.9.6 Determination 191
5.9.7 Precision 192
5.9.8 Recovery 194
Researchers 194
6. Macrolides 195
6.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Avermectins 195
6.2 The Kinetics of Avermectins: Disposition and Metabolism 196
6.3 Maximum Residue Limits for Avermectins 196
6.4 Determination of Avermectin Residues in Bovine Liver and
MusclesLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20748-2006 198
6.4.1 Scope 198
6.4.2 Principle 198
6.4.3 Reagents and Materials 198
6.4.4 Apparatus 199
6.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 199
6.4.6 Determination 199
6.4.7 Precision 201
6.4.8 Recovery 202
Researchers 203
Further Reading 204
6.5 Curative Effect and Side Effects of Lincomycin,Oleandomycin, Erythromycin, Tilmicosin, Tylosin,
Clindamycin, Spiramycin, Kitasamycin and Josamycin 204
6.6 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Lincomycin, Oleandomycin, Erythromycin, Tilmicosin,
Tylosin, Clindamycin, Spiramycin, Kitasamycin, and Josamycin 205
6.7 Determination of 9 Macroide and Lincosamide Residues in Livestock and Poultry MusclesLC-MS-MS Method
GBT 20762-2006 209
6.7.1 Scope 209
6.7.2 Principle 209
6.7.3 Reagents and Materials 209
6.7.4 Apparatus 210
6.7.5 Sample Pretreatment 210
6.7.6 Determination 211
6.7.7 Precision 213
6.7.8 Recovery 215
Researchers 217
Further Reading 217
6.8 Determination of Ivermectin, Abamectin, Doramectin,and Eprinomectin Residues in Milk and
Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22968-2008 217
6.8.1 Scope 217
6.8.2 Principle 217
6.8.3 Reagents and Materials 218
6.8.4 Apparatus 218
6.8.5 Sample Pretreatment 219
6.8.6 Determination 219
6.8.7 Precision 222
6.8.8 Recovery 223
Researchers 223
6.9 Determination of Ivermectin, Abamectin, Doramectin,and Eprinomectin Residues in Fugu, Eel, and Baked
EelLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22953-2008 225
6.9.1 Scope 225
6.9.2 Principle 225
6.9.3 Reagents and Materials 225
6.9.4 Apparatus 226
6.9.5 Sample Pretreatment 226
6.9.6 Determination 227
6.9.7 Precision 228
6.9.8 Recovery 230
Researchers 232
6.10 Determination of Spiramycin, Pirlimycin,Oleandomycin,Tilmicosin,Erythromycin,and Tylosin Residues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22988-2008 232
6.10.1 Scope 232
6.10.2 Principle 232
6.10.3 Reagents and Materials 232
6.10.4 Apparatus 233
6.10.5 Sample Preparation 233
6.10.6 Determination 234
6.10.7 Precision 236
6.10.8 Recovery 237
Researchers 238
6.11 Determination of Lincomycin, Oleandomycin, Erythromycin,Tilmicosin, Tylosin, Spiramycin, Kitasamycin, and Josamycin Residues in Fugu and EelLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22964-2008 240
6.11.1 Scope 240
6.11.2 Principle 240
6.11.3 Reagents and Materials 240
6.11.4 Apparatus 242
6.11.5 Sample Pretreatment 242
6.11.6 Determination 243
6.11.7 Precision 247
6.11.8 Recovery 248
Researchers 249
6.12 Determination of Lincomycin, Erythromycin, Spiramycin,Tilmicosin, Tylosin, Josamycin, Kitasamycin, Oleandomycin Residues in HoneyLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22941-2008 249
6.12.1 Scope 249
6.12.2 Principle 250
6.12.3 Reagents and Materials 250
6.12.4 Apparatus 251
6.12.5 Sample Pretreatment 251
6.12.6 Determination 252
6.12.7 Precision 254
6.12.8 Recovery 255
6.13 Determination of Lincomycin, Erythromycin, Tilmicosin,Tylosin, Spiramycin, Clindamycin, Kitasamycin, and
Josamycin Residues in Royal Jelly and Lyophilized Royal Jelly PowderLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22946-2008 257
6.13.1 Scope 257
6.13.2 Principle 257
6.13.3 Reagents and Materials 257
6.13.4 Apparatus 258
6.13.5 Sample Pretreatmen 258
6.13.6 Determination 260
6.13.7 Precision 261
6.13.8 Recovery 263
Researchers 264
7. Nitrofurans 265
7.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Nitrofurans 265
7.2 Pharmacokinetics of Nitrofurans 265
7.3 Determination of Residues of the Metabolites of Nitrofurans in Pork, Beef, Chicken, Porcine Liver, and
Aquatic ProductsLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20752-2006 267
7.3.1 Scope 267
7.3.2 Principle 268
7.3.3 Reagents and Materials 268
7.3.4 Apparatus 269
7.3.5 Sample Pretreatment 269
7.3.6 Determination 270
7.3.7 Precision 273
7.3.8 Recovery 273
Researchers 275
Further Reading 275
7.4 Determination for the Residues of Furaltadon,Nitrofurazone, Nitrofurantoin, and Furazolidone
Metabolites in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22987-2008 275
7.4.1 Scope 275
7.4.2 Principle 275
7.4.3 Reagents and Materials 276
7.4.4 Apparatus 277
7.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 277
7.4.6 Determination 278
7.4.7 Precision 280
7.4.8 Recovery 280
Researchers 281
7.5 Determination of Residues of the Metabolites of Furaltadone,Nitrofurazone, Nitrofurantoin, and Furazolidone in HoneyLC-MS-MS Method GBT 18932.24-2005 281
7.5.1 Scope 281
7.5.2 Principle 282
7.5.3 Apparatus 282
7.5.4 Reagents and Materials 282
7.5.5 Sample Pretreatment 283
7.5.6 Determination 283
7.5.7 Precision 286
7.5.8 Recovery 287
Researchers 288
Further Reading 288
8. Anabolic Steroids 289
8.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Trenbolone 289
8.2 Metabolites of Trenbolone 289
8.3 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for -Trenbolone and -Trenbolone 290
8.4 Determination of -Trenbolone, -Trenbolone Residues in Bovine Muscle, Liver, and KidneyLC-UV and LC-MS-MS Method GBT 20760-2006 291
8.4.1 Scope 291
8.4.2 Principle 292
8.4.3 Reagents and Materials 292
8.4.4 Apparatus 292
8.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 292
8.4.6 Determination 293
8.4.7 Precision 296
8.4.8 Recovery 296
Researchers 298
Further Reading 298
8.5 Curative Effects and Side Effects of -Trenbolone,
-Trenbolone, Nortestosterone and Epi-Nortestosterone 298
8.6 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for
-Trenbolone, -Trenbolone, Nortestosterone, and Epi-Nortestosterone 299
8.7 Determination of -Trenbolone, -Trenbolone,Nortestosterone and Epi-Nortestosterone Residues
in Bovine UrineLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20761-2006 299
8.7.1 Scope 299
8.7.2 Principle 299
8.7.3 Reagents and Materials 301
8.7.4 Apparatus 301
8.7.5 Sample Pretreatment 301
8.7.6 Determination 302
8.7.7 Precision 303
8.7.8 Recovery 304
Researchers 305
Further Reading 305
8.8 Determination of Melengestrol Acetate, Chlormadinone Acetate, and Megestrol Acetate Residues in Milk and
Milk PowderHPLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22973-2008 305
8.8.1 Scope 305
8.8.2 Principle 305
8.8.3 Reagents and Materials 306
8.8.4 Apparatus 307
8.8.5 Sample Pretreatment 307
8.8.6 Determination 308
8.8.7 Precision 309
8.8.8 Recovery 312
Researchers 312
8.9 Determination of -Trenbolone, -Trenbolone,Nortestosterone, and Epi-Nortestosterone Residues in
Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22976-2008 312
8.9.1 Scope 312
8.9.2 Principle 313
8.9.3 Reagents and Materials 314
8.9.4 Apparatus 314
8.9.5 Sample Pretreatment 315
8.9.6 Determination 316
8.9.7 Precision 317
8.9.8 Recovery 319
Researchers 320
8.10 Determination of Testosterone, Epi-Testosterone and Progesterone Residues in Bovine Liver and
MuscleLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20758-2006 321
8.10.1 Scope 321
8.10.2 Principle 321
8.10.3 Reagents and Materials 321
8.10.4 Apparatus 322
8.10.5 Sample Pretreatment 322
8.10.6 Determination 323
8.10.7 Precision 326
8.10.8 Recovery 327
Researchers 328
Further Reading 328
8.11 Method for the Determination of Melengestrol Acetate,Chlormadinone Acetate, and Megestrol Acetate
Residues in Bovine and Porcine FatLC-UVGBT 20753-2006 328
8.11.1 Scope 328
8.11.2 Principle 328
8.11.3 Reagents and Materials 328
8.11.4 Apparatus 329
8.11.5 Sample Pretreatment 330
8.11.6 Determination 331
8.11.7 Precision 331
8.11.8 Recovery 333
Researchers 333
9. Inanabolic Steroids 335
9.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Zeranol, Zearalanone,
Diethylstilbestrol, Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol 335
9.2 The Metabolite of Zeranol, Zearalanone, Diethylstilbestrol,
Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol 336
9.3 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Zeranol, Zearalanone, Diethylstilbestrol, Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol 336
9.4 Determination of Zearalanol, Zearalanone, Diethylstilbestrol,Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol Multiresidues in Bovine and Equine Liver, Kidney, and MuscleLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 20766-2006 339
9.4.1 Scope 339
9.4.2 Principle 339
9.4.3 Reagents and Materials 339
9.4.4 Apparatus 340
9.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 340
9.4.6 Determination 341
9.4.7 Precision 343
9.4.8 Recovery 343
Researchers 344
Further Reading 344
9.5 Determination of Zearalanol, Diethylstilbestrol,Hexestrol and Dienoestrol Multiresidues in Bovine
UrineLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20767-2006 345
9.5.1 Scope 345
9.5.2 Principle 345
9.5.3 Reagents and Materials 345
9.5.4 Apparatus 346
9.5.5 Sample Pretreatment 346
9.5.6 Determination 347
9.5.7 Precision 348
9.5.8 Recovery 349
Researchers 349
Further Reading 350
9.6 Determination of Zearalanol, Zearalanone, Diethylstilbestrol,Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol Multiresidues in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22992-2008 350
9.6.1 Scope 350

9.6.2 Principle 350
9.6.3 Reagents and Materials 350
9.6.4 Apparatus 351
9.6.5 Sample Pretreatment 352
9.6.6 Determination 353
9.6.7 Precision 353
9.6.8 Recovery 356
Researchers 357
9.7 Determination of Zearalanol, Zearalanone,Diethylstilbestrol, Hexestrol, and Dienoestrol Residues
in Fugu, Eel, and Baked EelLC-MS-MS MethodGBT 22963-2008 358
9.7.1 Scope 358
9.7.2 Principle 358
9.7.3 Reagents and Materials 358
9.7.4 Apparatus 359
9.7.5 Sample Pretreatment 360
9.7.6 Determination 361
9.7.7 Precision 362
9.7.8 Recovery 362
Researchers 363
10. Glucocorticoid 365
10.1 Determination of Nine Glucocorticoid Residues in Fugu, Eel, and Baked EelLC-MS-MS Method
GBT 22957-2008 365
10.1.1 Scope 365
10.1.2 Principle 365
10.1.3 Reagents and Materials 365
10.1.4 Apparatus 366
10.1.5 Sample Pretreatment 367
10.1.6 Determination 367
10.1.7 Precision 369
10.1.8 Recovery 371
Researchers 371
11. Fluoroquinolone 375
11.1 Curative Effects and Side Effects of Quinolones 375
11.2 Pharmacokinetics of Quinolones 376
11.3 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Quinolones 376
11.4 Determination of 15 Quinolone Residues in Eel and Eel ProductsLC-MS-MS Method 376
11.4.1 Scope 376
11.4.2 Principle 380
11.4.3 Reagents and Materials 380
11.4.4 Apparatus 380
11.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 380
11.4.6 Determination 381
11.4.7 Precision 384
11.4.8 Recovery 385
Researchers 385
References 391
11.5 Determination of Enrofloxacin, Danofloxacin,Ciprofloxacin, Sarafloxacin, Orbifloxacin, Difloxacin, and
Marbofloxacin in Milk and Milk PowderLC-MS-MS Method GBT 22985-2008 391
11.5.1 Scope 391
11.5.2 Principle 392
11.5.3 Reagents and Materials 392
11.5.4 Apparatus 393
11.5.5 Sample Pretreatment 393
11.5.6 Determination 394
11.5.7 Precision 395
11.5.8 Recovery 399
Researchers 400
11.6 Method for the Determination of 14 Quinolone
Residues in HoneyLC-MS-MS Method GBT 20757-2006 401
11.6.1 Scope 401
11.6.2 Principle 401
11.6.3 Reagents and Materials 401
11.6.4 Apparatus 402
11.6.5 Sample Pretreatment 402
11.6.6 Determination 403
11.6.7 Precision 404
11.6.8 Recovery 406
Researchers 410
12. Tetracyclines 411
12.1 Curative Effect and Side Effects 411
12.2 Chemical Structures and Maximum Residue Limits for Tetracyclines 411
12.3 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline,Chlortetracycline, and Doxycycline Residues in
Edible Animal MusclesLC-UV Method GBT 20764-2006 413
12.3.1 Scope 413
12.3.2 Principle 413
12.3.3 Reagents and Materials 413
12.3.4 Apparatus 414
12.3.5 Sample Pretreatment 414
12.3.6 Determination 415
12.3.7 Precision 415
12.3.8 Recovery 417
Researchers 418
Further Reading 418
12.4 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline,Chlortetracycline, and Doxycycline Residues in Milk
and Milk PowderHPLC-UV Method GBT 22990-2008 418
12.4.1 Scope 418
12.4.2 Principle 418
12.4.3 Reagents and Materials 419
12.4.4 Apparatus 419
12.4.5 Sample Pretreatment 420
12.4.6 Determination 420
12.4.7 Precision 421
12.4.8 Recovery 423
Researchers 424
12.5 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline,Chlortetracycline, and Doxycycline Residues in
Fugu and EelHPLC-UV Method GBT 22961-2008 424
12.5.1 Scope 424
12.5.2 Principle 424
12.5.3 Reagents and Materials 424
12.5.4 Apparatus 425
12.5.5 Sample pretreatment 426
12.5.6 Determination 427
12.5.7 Precision 427
12.5.8 Recovery 429
Food safety is a major security issue necessary to ensure the sound development of human society. The widespread use of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and other agricultural chemicals have contributed to widespread contamination in agricultural products. The long-term consumption of food with high residues of pesticides and veterinary drugs will cause both acute and chronic toxicity in humans and induce resistant strains, thus resulting in allergies, cancer, mutation, and teratogenicity. In order to ensure human health and food safety,countries all over the world have issued strict food safety and hygiene standards. The Peoples Republic of China PRC has implemented strict monitoring of pesticide and veterinary drug residues, such as maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in food of animal origin Announcement No. 235 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Peoples Republic of China and national food safety standards: Maximum residue limits for pesticides in food GB 2763- 2016. The commonly used pesticides and veterinary drugs approved in China and the main agricultural products of urban residents daily consumption are almost all covered.
The book is a systematic summary of the high-throughput chromatographymass spectrometry technique for the analysis of multipesticides, veterinary drugs, and other agricultural chemical residues in agriculture products of plant and animal origin. Its technical characteristics are mainly embodied in the simultaneous determination of hundreds of compounds, as well as low cost and high efficiency.
This book is divided into two volumes. In Volume 1, pesticides and related chemicals are selected as the main research object, while gas chromatographymass spectrometry GC-MS, gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry GC-MS-MS, and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry LC-MSMS are concerned. This volume includes more than 20 analytical methods for the high-throughput analysis of multipesticide residues, and more than 1000 pesticides and related chemicals in more than 10 kinds of agricultural products and drinking water can be detected, and 400500 kinds of pesticide residues can be detected simultaneously with the pretreatment undertaken just once. The methods for the analysis of 793 pesticides and related chemical residues in foods of plant origin applicable to fruit juices, vegetable juices, fruit wines, fruits, vegetables, cereals, tea, Chinese medicinal herbs ramulus mori, honeysuckle, Chinese wolfberry, and lotus leaf, and edible fungi mushroom are introduced in Part 1; the methods for the analysis of 790 pesticides and related chemical residues in foods of animal origin applicable to honey, milk, milk powder, aquatic products globefish, eel, and prawn, and animal muscle tissues are presented in Part 2; while the methods for the analysis of 450 pesticides and related chemical residues in drinking water are introduced in Part 3. Furthermore, the three major parameter databases adopted in the analysis of more than 1000 pesticides and related chemicals are also included in this volume: ①chromatography-mass spectrometry characteristic parameters include retention time, quantitative and qualitative ions, fragment voltage and collision energy, etc.;②performance parameters of the methods include linear equation, linear range and correlation coefficient, etc.; and③gel permeation chromatography GPC purification analysis parameters.
In Volume 2, the methods for the analysis of 20 species nearly 200 kinds of veterinary drug residues in edible animal tissues muscle, liver, kidney, and fat, dairies milk and milk powder, bee products honey, royal jelly, and its lyophilized powder, aquatic products globefish, eel, and roasted eel and animal urine are selected as main subjects of study. The 65 analytical methods for the analysis of multiveterinary drug residues are described in different chapters by category sulfonamides, -adrenergic agonists, aminoglycosides, chloramphenicols,-lactams, macrolides, nitrofurans, anabolic steroids, nonsteroidal anabolic steroids, glucocorticoids, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, sedatives, pyrazolones, quinoxalines, nitromidazoles, benzimidazoles, levamisole, thiourea pyrimidines, and polyethers, and 90% of the methods are LC-MS-MS. Meanwhile the physical and chemical properties, efficacy, side effects, and maximum allowable residual limit of all the compounds are also provided.
In short, this book is the summary of the work of the author team who, for more than 20 years, engaged in the research and practice of detection technology of pesticides and veterinary drug residues. These methods for the analysis of pesticides and veterinary drugs are innovative research results based on the international frontier of pesticides and veterinary drug residue analysis, and the analytical techniques adopted are new technologies widely concerned in the field of residue analysis in the world today. The performance indexes of the methods can meet the requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the worlds major developed countries; meanwhile the methods are in conformity with the developing trend of international residue analysis and they are advanced in the world. In addition, the methods established in this book have become the current effective national standard methods in China and they can be used as the detection basis of relevant testing institutions and the law basis of the relevant government departments. Nevertheless, due to the limitations of the level, there may be unavoidable errors. We would kindly ask the users of this publication to provide feedback to the authors so that subsequent editions may be improved upon.
Guo-Fang Pang



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