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書城自編碼: 3492881
作者: [美]Andrea,Goldsmith[安德莉亚 ·,戈德史
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121387128
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2020-04-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 229.4



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斯坦福大学工程学院Stephen Harris教授,斯坦福大学电气工程教授,美国工程院院士,美国艺术与科学院院士,主要研究方向为信息论与通信理论及其在无线通信中的应用。
Andrea Goldsmith斯坦福大学工程学院Stephen Harris教授,斯坦福大学电气工程教授,美国工程院院士,美国艺术与科学院院士,IEEE会士。主要研究方向包括信息论、通信理论和信号处理,以及这些技术在无线通信中的应用。另外,她的研究方向还包括互连系统和神经系统科学。
1 Overview of Wireless Communications 无线通信概述
1.1 History of Wireless Communications 无线通信的历史
1.2 Wireless Vision 无线愿景
1.3 Technical Issues 技术问题
1.4 Current Wireless Systems 现有无线系统
1.4.1 Cellular Telephone Systems 蜂窝电话系统
1.4.2 Cordless Phones 无绳电话系统
1.4.3 Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网
1.4.4 Wide Area Wireless Data Services 广域无线数据业务
1.4.5 Broadband Wireless Access 宽带无线接入
1.4.6 Paging Systems 寻呼系统
1.4.7 Satellite Networks 卫星通信网
1.4.8 Low-Cost, Low-Power Radios: Bluetooth and ZigBee 低成本、低功率的无线通信:蓝牙和紫蜂
1.4.9 Ultrawideband Radios 超宽带无线通信
1.5 The Wireless Spectrum 无线频谱
1.5.1 Methods for Spectrum Allocation 频谱的分配方式
1.5.2 Spectrum Allocations for Existing Systems 现有系统的频谱分配
1.6 Standards 标准
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
2 Path Loss and Shadowing 路径损耗和阴影衰落
2.1 Radio Wave Propagation 无线电波传播
2.2 Transmit and Receive Signal Models 发送和接收信号模型
2.3 Free-Space Path Loss 自由空间路径损耗
2.4 Ray Tracing 射线跟踪
2.4.1 Two-Ray Model 两径模型
2.4.2 Ten-Ray Model Dielectric Canyon 十径模型(介电峡谷)
2.4.3 General Ray Tracing 通用射线跟踪
2.4.4 Local Mean Received Power 本地平均接收功率
2.5 Empirical Path-Loss Models 经验路径损耗模型
2.5.1 Okumura Model 奥村模型
2.5.2 Hata Model 哈塔模型
2.5.3 COST 231 Extension to Hata Model 哈塔模型的COST 231扩展
2.5.4 Piecewise Linear Multislope Model 折线(多斜率)模型
2.5.5 Indoor Attenuation Factors 室内衰减因子
2.6 Simplified Path-Loss Model 简化的路径损耗模型
2.7 Shadow Fading 阴影衰落
2.8 Combined Path Loss and Shadowing 路径损耗和阴影衰落的混合模型
2.9 Outage Probability under Path Loss and Shadowing 路径损耗和阴影衰落造成的中断率
2.10?Cell Coverage Area 小区覆盖范围
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
3 Statistical Multipath Channel Models 统计多径信道模型
3.1 Time-Varying Channel Impulse Response 时变信道的冲激响应
3.2 Narrowband Fading Models 窄带衰落模型
3.2.1 Autocorrelation, Cross-Correlation, and Power Spectral Density 自相关、互相关和功率谱密度
3.2.2 Envelope and Power Distributions 包络和功率分布
3.2.3 Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration 电平通过率和平均衰落时长
3.2.4 Finite-State Markov Channels 有限状态马尔可夫信道
3.3 Wideband Fading Models 宽带衰落模型
3.3.1 Power Delay Profile 功率时延谱
3.3.2 Coherence Bandwidth 相干带宽
3.3.3 Doppler Power Spectrum and Channel Coherence Time 多普勒功率谱和信道相干时间
3.3.4 Transforms for Autocorrelation and Scattering Functions 自相关和散射函数的变换
3.4 Discrete-Time Model 离散时间模型
3.5 Space-Time Channel Models 空时信道模型
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
4 Capacity of Wireless Channels 无线信道的信道容量
4.1 Capacity in AWGN AWGN信道容量
4.2 Capacity of Flat Fading Channels 平坦衰落信道的容量
4.2.1 Channel and System Model 信道和系统模型
4.2.2 Channel Distribution Information Known 信道分布信息已知
4.2.3 Channel Side Information at Receiver 接收端已知CSI
4.2.4 Channel Side Information at Transmitter and Receiver 收发两端都已知CSI
4.2.5 Capacity with Receiver Diversity 接收分集的信道容量
4.2.6 Capacity Comparisons 容量对比
4.3 Capacity of Frequency-Selective Fading Channels 频率选择性衰落信道的容量
4.3.1 Time-Invariant Channels 时不变信道
4.3.2 Time-Varying Channels 时变信道
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
5 Digital Modulation and Detection 数字调制与检测
5.1 Signal Space Analysis 信号空间分析
5.1.1 Signal and System Model 信号与系统模型
5.1.2 Geometric Representation of Signals 信号的几何表示
5.1.3 Receiver Structure and Sufficient Statistics 接收机结构和充分统计量
5.1.4 Decision Regions and the Maximum Likelihood Decision Criterion 判决域和最大似然判决准则
5.1.5 Error Probability and the Union Bound 误码率和联合界
5.2 Passband Modulation Principles 带通调制原理
5.3 Amplitude and Phase Modulation 幅度相位调制
5.3.1 Pulse Amplitude Modulation MPAM 脉冲幅度调制
5.3.2 Phase-Shift Keying MPSK 相移键控
5.3.3 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation MQAM 正交幅度调制
5.3.4 Differential Modulation 差分调制
5.3.5 Constellation Shaping 星座成形
5.3.6 Quadrature Offset 正交偏移
5.4 Frequency Modulation 频率调制
5.4.1 Frequency-Shift Keying FSK and Minimum-Shift Keying MSK 频移键控和最小频移键控
5.4.2 Continuous-Phase FSK CPFSK 连续相位频移键控
5.4.3 Noncoherent Detection of FSK FSK的非相干检测
5.5 Pulse Shaping 脉冲成形
5.6 Symbol Synchronization and Carrier Phase Recovery 码元同步和载波相位恢复
5.6.1 Receiver Structure with Phase and Timing Recovery 具有相位和定时恢复的接收机结构
5.6.2 Maximum Likelihood Phase Estimation 最大似然相位估计
5.6.3 Maximum Likelihood Timing Estimation 最大似然定时估计
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
6 Performance of Digital Modulation over Wireless Channels 无线信道中数字调制的性能
6.1 AWGN Channels AWGN信道
6.1.1 Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio and Bit Symbol Energy 信噪比和比特符号能量
6.1.2 Error Probability for BPSK and QPSK BPSK和QPSK的差错概率
6.1.3 Error Probability for MPSK MPSK的差错概率
6.1.4 Error Probability for MPAM and MQAM MPAM和MQAM的差错概率
6.1.5 Error Probability for FSK and CPFSK FSK和CPFSK的差错概率
6.1.6 Error Probability Approximation for Coherent Modulations 相干调制的差错概率的近似
6.1.7 Error Probability for Differential Modulation 差分调制的差错概率
6.2 Alternate Q-Function Representation Q函数的一种等效表示法
6.3 Fading 衰落信道
6.3.1 Outage Probability 中断率
6.3.2 Average Probability of Error 平均差错概率
6.3.3 Moment Generating Function Approach to Average Error Probability 用矩母函数求平均差错概率
6.3.4 Combined Outage and Average Error Probability 中断率和平均差错概率的结合
6.4 Doppler Spread 多普勒频移
6.5 Intersymbol Interference 码间干扰
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
7 Diversity 分集
7.1 Realization of Independent Fading Paths 独立衰落路径的实现
7.2 Receiver Diversity 接收分集
7.2.1 System Model 系统模型
7.2.2 Selection Combining 选择合并
7.2.3 Threshold Combining 阈值合并
7.2.4 Maximal-Ratio Combining 最大比合并
7.2.5 Equal-Gain Combining 等增益合并
7.3 Transmitter Diversity 发送分集
7.3.1 Channel Known at Transmitter 发送端已知信道
7.3.2 Channel Unknown at Transmitter ?C The Alamouti Scheme 发送端未知信道(Alamouti方案)
7.4 Moment Generating Functions in Diversity Analysis 利用矩母函数分析分集
7.4.1 Diversity Analysis for MRC MRC分集的分析
7.4.2 Diversity Analysis for EGC and SC EGC和SC分集的分析
7.4.3 Diversity Analysis for Noncoherent and Differentially Coherent Modulation 非相干和差分相干调制时分集系统的性能分析
Problems 习题
References 参考文献
8 Coding for Wireless Channels 无线信道中的编码
8.1 Overview of Code Design 码设计概述
8.2 Linear Block Codes 线性分组码
8.2.1 Binary Linear Block Codes 二进制线性分组码
8.2.2 Generator Matrix 生成矩阵
8.2.3 Parity-Check Matrix and Syndrome Testing 校验矩阵与伴随式
8.2.4 Cyclic Codes 循环码
8.2.5 Hard Decision Decoding HDD 硬判决译码
8.2.6 Probability of Error for HDD in AWGN AWGN信道中硬判决译码的差错概率
8.2.7 Probability of Error for SDD in AWGN AWGN信道中软判决译码的差错概率
8.2.8 Common Linear Block Codes 常见的线性分组码
8.2.9 Nonbinary Block Codes: The Reed Solomon Code 多进制分组码:Reed Solomon码
8.3 Convolutional C
Wireless communications is a broad and dynamic field that has spurred tremendous excitement and technological advances over the last fewdecades. The goal of this book is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles underlying wireless communications. These principles include the characteristics and performance limits of wireless systems, the techniques and mathematical tools needed to analyze them, and the insights and trade-offs associated with their design. Current and envisioned wireless systems are used to motivate and exemplify these fundamental principles. The book can be used as a senior- or graduate-level textbook and as a reference for engineers, academic and industrial researchers, and students working in the wireless field.
Chapter 1 begins with an overview of wireless communications, including its history, a vision for the future, and an overview of current systems and standards. Wireless channel characteristics, which drive many of the challenges in wireless system design, are described in Chapters 2 and 3. In particular, Chapter 2 covers path loss and shadowing in wireless channels, which vary over relatively large distances. Chapter 3 characterizes the flat and frequency-selective properties of multipath fading, which change over much smaller distances on the order of the signal wavelength. Fundamental capacity limits of wireless channels along with the capacity-achieving transmission strategies are treated in Chapter 4. Although these techniques have unconstrained complexity and delay, they provide insight and motivation for many of the practical schemes discussed in later chapters. In Chapters 5 and 6 the focus shifts to digital modulation techniques and their performance in wireless channels. These chapters indicate that fading can significantly degrade performance. Thus, fading mitigation techniques are required for high-performance wireless systems.
The next several chapters cover the primary mitigation techniques for flat and frequencyselective fading. Specifically, Chapter 7 covers the underlying principles of diversity techniques, including a newmathematical tool that greatly simplifies performance analysis. These techniques can remove most of the detrimental effects of flat fading. Chapter 8 provides comprehensive coverage of coding techniques, including mature methods for block, convolutional, and trellis coding as well as recent developments in concatenated, turbo, and LDPC codes. This chapter illustrates that, though coding techniques for noisy channels have near-optimal performance, many open issues remain in the design and performance analysis of codes for wireless systems. Chapter 9 treats adaptive modulation in flat fading, which enables robust and spectrally efficient communication by leveraging the time-varying nature of the wireless channel. This chapter also ties the techniques and performance of adaptive modulation to the fundamental capacity limits of flat fading channels. Multiple-antenna techniques and space-time communication systems are covered in Chapter 10: the additional spatial dimension enables high data rates and robustness to fading. Equalization, which exploits signal processing in the receiver to compensate for frequency-selective fading, is covered in Chapter 11. Multicarrier modulation, described in Chapter 12, is simpler and more flexible than equalization for frequency-selective fading mitigation. Single-user and multiuser spread-spectrum techniques are described in Chapter 13. These techniques not only mitigate frequency-selective fading, they also allow multiple users to share the same wireless spectrum.
The last three chapters of the book focus on multiuser systems and networks. Chapter 14 treats multiple and random access techniques for sharing the wireless channel among many users with continuous or bursty data. Power control is also covered in this chapter as a mechanism to reduce interference between users while ensuring that all users meet their performance targets. The chapter cl



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