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書城自編碼: 3688589
作者: 主编 赵海燕 杜洁
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111692409
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2021-10-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 73.8



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★依托江苏省外国留学生英文授课精品课程《Engineering Drawing and Digital Expression》和智能控制技术专业的国家资源库子项目《工程制图与数字化表达》
Digitalization is the foundation of intelligent manufacturing. According to the current edition of Technical Drawings and Mechanical Drawings by national standard, this book aims to meet the digital requirements of intelligent manufacturing for design expression by utilizing experiences of higher vocational education educational reforms of Engineering Drawing. This book makes necessary adjustments and improvements to traditional teaching contents of mechanical drawing. To reflect and satisfy the requirements of systematic work process and innovative ability cultivation, this book divides its learning materials into seven chapters: product design and expression, computer graphics, fundamentals of drawing, standards of mechanical drawing, the representation of commonly-used machine parts and structural elements, the reading and drawing of the detail drawings, the reading and drawing of the assembly drawings.
This book aims to cultivate students ability of drawing reading, digital expression and innovation.By providing a large number of 3D drawings labeled with sizes, it is beneficial to integrate the knowledge learning and skill training, and realizes the integration of textbook and problem set, as well as learning and practice. Moreover, the additional exercises are supplemented on the online open course website to meet the needs of different students and schools.
Contents目 录
前言 Preface
第1章 产品设计与表达 Chapter 1 Product Design and Expression
1.1 产品表达方法 1.1 Representation of Products
1.2 工程图的作用 1.2 Functions of Engineering Drawings
1.3 课程任务 1.3 Course Tasks
1.4 学习方法 1.4 Learning Methods
[本章习题] [Chapter exercises]
第2章 计算机绘图 Chapter 2 Computer Graphics
2.1 计算机绘图概述 2.1 Computer Graphics Summary
2.2 体验Inventor 2.2 Experience Inventor
[本章习题] [Chapter exercises]
第 3章 制图基础 Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Drawing
3.1 正投影基本原理 3.1 Principle of Orthographic Projection
3.1.1 投影的概念及分类 3.1.1 Concept and Types of Projection
3.1.2 物体的三视图 3.1.2 Three-view Drawings
3.2 平面图形的分析 3.2 Analysis of Plane Figures
3.2.1 平面图形的尺寸分析 3.2.1 Dimensional Analysis of Plane Figure
3.2.2 平面图形的线段分析 3.2.2 Line Segment Analysis of Plane Figure
3.3 组合体的构形与分析  3.3 Configuration and Analysis of Composite Object
3.3.1 基本体与组合体 3.3.1 Basic Object and Composite Object
3.3.2 组合体的构形设计 3.3.2 Configuration Design of the Composite Object
[本章习题] [Chapter exercises]
第4章 机械制图标准 Chapter 4 Standards of Mechanical Drawing
4.1 机械制图国家标准的一般规定 
4.1 General Provisions of National Standards of Mechanical Drawing
4.1.1 图纸幅面和格式(GB/T 14689—2008) 4.1.1 Drawing Sheet Size and Layout(GB/T 14689—2008)
4.1.2 比例(GB/T 14690—1993) 4.1.2 Scales(GB/T 14690—1993)
4.1.3 字体(GB/T 14691—1993) 4.1.3 Font(GB/T 14691—1993)
4.1.4 图线及画法(GB/T 4457.4—2002) 4.1.4 Lines and Drawing Techniques (GB/T 4457.4—2002)
4.1.5 尺寸注法(GB/T 4458.4—2003) 4.1.5 Dimensioning(GB/T 4458.4—2003)
4.2 机件表达方法 4.2 Representation of Machine Parts
4.2.1 视图 4.2.1 View
4.2.2 剖视图 4.2.2 Section View
4.2.3 断面图 4.2.3 Cross-section View
4.2.4 其他表达方法 4.2.4 Other Representation
4.3 技术要求 4.3 Technical Requirements
4.3.1 表面结构的表示法 4.3.1 The Representation of the Surface Structure
4.3.2 极限与配合 4.3.2 Limits and Fits
4.3.3 几何公差 4.3.3 Geometric Tolerance
[本章习题] [Chapter exercises]
第5章 常用机件及结构要素的表示  Chapter 5 The Representation of Commonly-used Machine Parts and Structural Elements
5.1 螺纹 5.1 Threads
5.1.1 螺纹概述 5.1.1 Threads Summary
5.1.2 螺纹的种类和标注 5.1.2 Types and Labeling of the Thread
5.2 螺纹紧固件 5.2 Thread Fastener
5.2.1 螺纹紧固件的标记 5.2.1 Labeling of Thread Fastener
5.2.2 螺纹联接 5.2.2 Thread Connection
5.3 键、销联接 5.3 Key and Pin Connection
5.3.1 键联接 5.3.1 Key Connection
5.3.2 销联接 5.3.2 Pin Connection 111
5.4 齿轮 5.4 Gear
5.4.1 直齿圆柱齿轮各部分名称和主要参数  5.4.1 Names and Major Parameters of Parts of Straight Toothed Spur Gear
5.4.2 各部分尺寸计算公式  5.4.2 Computational Formula of Part Dimensions
5.4.3 齿轮规定画法 5.4.3 Stipulated Drawing Method of the Gear
5.5 滚动轴承 5.5 Rolling Bearing
5.5.1 滚动轴承的种类 5.5.1 Types of Rolling Bearing
5.5.2 滚动轴承的代号(GB/T 272—2017) 5.5.2 Codes of Rolling Bearing (GB/T 272—2017)
5.6 弹簧 5.6 Spring
5.6.1 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧各部分名称及尺寸计算  5.6.1 Names and Dimension Calculation of Different Parts of Cylindrical Helical Compression Spring
5.6.2 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧的绘制  5.6.2 Drawing of Cylindrical Helical Compression Spring
[本章习题] [Chapter exercises]
第6章 零件图的识读与绘制  Chapter 6 The Reading and Drawing of the Detail Drawings 6.1 零件图的作用和内容  6.1 Function and Contents of Detail Drawings
6.1.1 零件图的作用 6.1.1 Function of Detail Drawings
6.1.2 零件图的内容 6.1.2 Contents of Detail Drawings
6.2 零件图的视图选择 6.2 Choosing Views of Detail Drawings
6.2.1 主视图的选择 6.2.1 Choosing the Front View
6.2.2 其他视图的选择 6.2.2 Choosing Other Views
6.2.3 典型零件分析 6.2.3 Analysis of
根据高等职业教育改革的发展方向、智能制造对技术技能型人才的培养要求和国家“一带一路”倡议的精神,本书从高等职业教育的特点出发,以工作过程系统化为原则,强调识图、数字化表达和创新等基本能力的培养,依托江苏省外国留学生英文授课精品课程 “Engineering Drawing and Digital Expression”和智能控制技术专业的国家资源库子项目“工程制图与数字化表达”,采用中、英文双语进行编写,以便“一带一路”留学生和中外合作学生学习,也可以作为普招学生的专业英语教材,提升各类学生的双语表达能力。
本书由赵海燕、杜洁担任主编,郭南初担任副主编。赵海燕编写第3章、第7章和4.1、 4.3节,杜洁编写第1章、第6章和 4.2节,郭南初编写第5章,徐培炘编写2.1、2.2节并负责英文校稿,张亚琴负责中文校稿。
According to the development of higher vocational education reform, the requirements of intelligent manufacturing for the training of technical and skilled talents, and the in-depth promotion of the national “The Belt and Road Initiative”, this book starts from the characteristics of higher vocational education, and emphasizes the principle of systematic work process. The cultivation of basic abilities such as drawing, digital expression and innovation is based on the excellent English-taught course “Engineering Drawing and Digital Expression” for foreign students in Jiangsu Province and the sub-project of the national resource bank of intelligent control technology “Engineering Drawing and Digital Expression”. It is written in Chinese and English to facilitate the study of “The Belt and Road Initiative” international students and Chinese-foreign cooperative students. It can also be used as a professional English material for general enrollment students. It can also improve the bilingual expression ability of various kinds of students.
According to the current edition of Technical Drawing, Mechanical Drawing and other rel-evantnational standard, vocational and professional standards, this book introduces and utilizes modern computer technology to serve the course of cartography, and takes products (machine components)the main line of the course system, and considers the arrangement of teaching material content from the point of view of system and students′ cognitive regulation, so that the teaching content is in line with the cognitive regulations step by step.
The teaching materials form an integrated system of spatial thinking ability and innovation ability from drawing methods, drawing foundations, mechanical drawing standards, representation of common parts and structural elements, reading and drawing of detail drawings, and reading and drawing of assembly drawings. Modern photographing technology is employed throughout the whole process and training chain,which also ensure that the sequence of the course chapters conforms to the students′ cognitive regulation.The teaching material effectively integrates the drawing course with the knowledge of mechanical association, pays attention to the association between disciplines, emphasizes the implementation of the drawing method stipulated by the national standard, and pays attention to the training of students′ ability to express their design ideas into engineering drawings.
The book was co-written by several authors, with Zhao Haiyan and Du Jie as chief authors and Guo Nanchu as deputy chief author. Zhao Haiyan wrote Chapter 3, Chapter 7 and Sectio



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