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書城自編碼: 3816122
作者: 云关秋
國際書號(ISBN): 9787500171812
出版社: 中译出版社(原中国对外翻译出版公司)
出版日期: 2022-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:HK$ 87.4



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Yun Guanqiu,
a crude rock washed and honed by the tides of time, of which each poem in this anthology is a unique facet.


Zhang Jian, dean and professor at School of English, Beijing Foreign Studies University; translator and expert on English literature and culture.

Dr. Zhao Dong, Associate Professor of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University, scholar of English literature and cultural studies.
目 录

【Episode One】Billions of Stars Following You
Starlight Beyond the Milky Way / 002
银河之外的星光 / 003
Soulmates / 004
知 音 / 005
South of the South / 006
南方以南 / 007
Sea Walk / 008
踏海行 / 009
Setting out / 010
出 发 / 011
Beijing at 0℃ / 012
零度的北京 / 013
Passing / 014
过 / 015
Return / 016
归 来 / 017
Afar / 018
远 方 / 019
Resisting / 020
抵 抗 / 021
Hand Me the Towline / 022
给我纤索 / 023
Truth / 026
真 / 027
Mountain Range / 028
山 脉 / 029
Taking-off / 030
起 飞 / 031
The Topmost / 032
最高处 / 033
Lead / 034
牵 / 035
Growth Rings / 036
年 轮 / 037
The Past of the Future / 038
未来的往事 / 039

【Episode Two】Experiencing the Universe in the Life of a Tree
Lake Romance / 042
湖 恋 / 043
The World / 044
人 间 / 045
Awakening Insects / 046
惊 蛰 / 047
When the Storm Rages / 048
暴风袭来的时候 / 049
Another Kind of Spring / 050
还有一种春天 / 051
Ode / 052
颂 歌 / 053
July / 054
七 月 / 055
Midsummer / 056
仲 夏 / 057
Fire / 058
火 / 059
River Town in Winter Rain / 060
冬雨江城 / 061
Snow / 062
雪 / 063
Winter Days / 064
冬 日 / 065
Third Nine / 066
三 九 / 067
Yang / 068
阳 / 069
A Time for Farewell / 070
告别时候 / 071
Spring Ballad / 074
春 谣 / 075
Philosophy / 076
哲 / 077
City / 080
城 / 081
Ode to the Wind of China / 082
华风颂 / 083
Everlasting and Awe-inspiring / 084
悠兮壮哉 / 085

【Episode Three】Tramping like Ice Melting
Walking on / 088
走 着 / 089
To Youth / 090
致青春 / 091
Years of Glory / 092
光辉岁月 / 093
Walk to the Far-off / 094
走向遥远 / 095
Words about Myself / 096
自 述 / 097
Life / 098
人 生 / 099
You / 100
你 / 101
Voyage Home / 102
归 航 / 103
Who / 104
是 谁 / 105
Afraid / 106
怕 / 107
Remonstration and Self-remonstration / 108
谏与自谏 / 109
No Fortification in My Heart / 110
我的心灵没有设防 / 111
State of Being / 112
状 态 / 113
Myself / 114
自 己 / 115
Pray / 118
祈 祷 / 119
Esteem / 120
尊 重 / 121
A Flash of Memory on the Street / 122
街头突忆 / 123
Freedom / 124
自 由 / 125
Simplicity / 128
简 单 / 129
Proving / 130
证 明 / 131
Temper / 132
脾 气 / 133
The Change / 134
变 局 / 135
The Night Banquet / 136
夜 宴 / 137

【Episode Four】The Horizon Always Following Behind
The Moment of Humility / 140
谦卑之刻 / 141
The Illusion of Time / 142
时光之幻 / 143
He Who Knows Does Not Speak / 144
知者不言 / 145
‘Tis Also Life / 146
也是生活 / 147
‘Tis Still Life / 148
还是生活 / 149
Winter Solstice·2020 / 150
冬 至·2020 / 151
Winter Solstice·2019 / 152
冬 至·2019 / 153
Carriage / 154
姿 / 155
Aspect / 156
态 / 157
Degree / 158
度 / 159
No Title·2019 / 160
无 题·2019 / 161
No Title·2018 / 162
无 题·2018 / 163
Drunk / 164
醉 / 165
Tipsy / 166
醺 / 167
Land·1984 / 168
土 地·1984 / 169
Land·2010 / 172
土 地·2010 / 173
Land·2020 / 176
土 地·2020 / 177
Homage / 180
致 敬 / 181
Cold Waves / 182
寒 潮 / 183
Symphony / 184
交 响 / 185

附录一·云句自选 / 186
【Appendix One】Author’s Selection / 186
附录二·云诗曲谱 / 220
【Appendix Two】Music Sheets for Yun Guanqiu’s Poems / 220

只有群星 才是我的远方
那些地球上的高山 都是我壮年的兄长
那些大陆上的江河 都是我流淌的思想

只有群星 才是我的远方
那些森林和海洋 都是我的庭院和牧场
那些马匹 还有道路 都穿行在我的胸膛

只有群星 才是我的远方
遥不可及的遥远 银河之外的星光
梦不能至的无垠 那些永恒的未达啊

2019 年 2 月 1 日午 12 时初稿
2020 年 3 月 30 日晨修订

Starlight Beyond the Milky Way

The stars alone are the distant land of mine
Lofty mountains of those stars
Are elder brothers of my prime
Mighty rivers of those lands
Are the flowing thoughts of mine

The stars alone are the distant land of mine
Forests and oceans
Are my courtyards and pastures fine
Gallant horses on routes
Are galloping across my bosom in a line

The stars alone are the distant land of mine
The distant starlight beyond the Milky Way
O unattainable even in dreams, for which eternally I pine
Is none other than our native land—
The starting point, the finishing line.

Drafted at noon on February 1, 2019
Revised on the morning of March 30, 2020

七 月

忽然惊觉 没有和春天告别
竟然 已是七月
原本 只期待一抹新绿
抬头间 浓翠目不暇接

擦肩错过了 期待已久的季节
穿胸而过的幻影 时现时灭
拙手缝制 粗针大线的寒衣
对将至的冷冬 孩子们浑然不觉

竟然 已是七月
其实 只是七月



With a start, I realize I owe a farewell to the spring
Already, unexpectedly, it is July
I had expected a first stroke of green
As I lift my head, lush greens in front of my eyes appear
Narrowly have I missed the long-awaited spring
The phantoms, passing abreast of me, are flickering
My clumsy hands sew warm clothes with rough stitches
Of the impending cold winter, children have not noted a thing
I deemed it a mere beginning
Already has come the month of July
I deemed it an imminent ending
Actually in sight is the month of July.

July 5, 2019


天际的楼宇 眉眼蒙眬
地下的枢纽 行色匆匆
洒春意 重绘蓝图
转金匙 切换无言的和声
饮清茶 告别往事
挥酒意 化成壮丽的钟鸣

2020 年 1 月 12 日

River Town in Winter Rain

Day darkens like night
Buildings at sky’s end are veiled in haze
Tides of people come in sight
Underground is once again at its hasty rush
Myriad stripes of trickling, chilling rain
Are pleated into intertwined feeling
Going in the opposite direction of the multitudes
Produce fiery passions sparkling and flying
The snowless capital city
With no freezing cold blanketing the sky
Spill the feeling of spring to re-sketch the blue print
Turn the golden keys, to switch to the soundless harmony
River Town in winter rain
With crystal of courtesy in my hand
I sip the tea, bidding farewell to the past
And turning wine fervor into sounding bells.

January 12, 2020

夜 宴

李白老师 策划了
邀了明月 又请了清影
只是不知 有几瓮残酒
几双竹筷 几副杯盘
有酒之席 一个人的
饭局 能吃成一万人的
盛宴 无酒独酌
清水小饮 闪亮的明眸
喝成 热泪盈眶的 醉眼
李白的饭局 千年未散
求醉的主角 每晚更换
作陪的明月 随心出现
凭一点烛光 忠诚相伴

2021 年 1 月 31 日

The Night Banquet

Master Li Bai planned
A night banquet for himself
Inviting the bright moon and the clear shadow
Not knowing how many jars of wine we needed
How many chopsticks, how many glasses and plates
A dinner with wine, for one man
Can be turned into a grand banquet
For ten thousand guests; drinking alone without wine
Drinking clear water only, sparkling eyes
Can be turned into drunken eyes, swelling with tears
Li Bai’s dinner party has lasted a thousand years
The heroes willing to be drunk changed each night
The accompanying bright moon, as wished, comes in sight
Only the wordless shadow clear and bright
Proves a loyal partner under a bit of candle light.

January 31, 2021



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