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書城自編碼: 3911367
作者: 张天民
國際書號(ISBN): 9787117345880
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
出版日期: 2023-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 107.7



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Part 1 Foundation of Zhendao Medicine
Chapter 1 Overview of Zhendao Medicine / 2
Section 1  A Brief History of Zhendao Medicine Development / 2
The Origin of Zhendao Therapy / 2
The Formation and Development of Zhendao Therapy / 3
Establishment of Zhendao Medicine / 4
Development and Innovation of Zhendao Medicine Theories / 5
Section 2  Disciplinary Characteristics of Zhendao Medicine / 6
An Independent Cutting-edge Interdisciplinary Medicine / 6
Research Direction of Zhendao Medicine / 6
Section 3  Resolutions of Existing Problems of Zhendao Medicine / 7
Strengthening the Disciplinary Construction of Zhendao Medicine / 7
Strengthening the Scholarly Exchange among Zhendao Medicine, Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Western Medicine / 7
Chapter 2 Basic Theory of Zhendao Medicine / 9
Section 1 Closed Surgery Theory / 9
Basic Conception of Closed Surgery/ 9
Instrument of The Closed Surgery—Zhendao / 11
Anatomical Basis of Closed Surgical Theory / 11
Section 2  Etiological and Pathological Theories of Chronic Soft Tissue Injury / 12
Section 3  Etiological and Pathological Theories of Bone Hyperplasia / 12
Section 4  Zhendao Medicine and the Theories of Channels and Collaterals / 13
Application of the Theory of Channel Sinews in The Treatment of Chronic Soft Tissue Injury
with Zhendao / 14
Application of Acupoints in the Zhendao Treatment of Chronic Visceral Diseases / 14
Eff ect of Channel-Collateral and Acupoints / 15
Section 5  The New Theory of Zhendao Medicine—Body Bowstring Mechanical Anatomy
System and Mesh Theory / 16
The Relationship between the Human Body and the Force / 16
The Theoretical Source of the New Theory of Zhendao Medicine / 19
Def inition and Classif ication of BBMAS / 20
Application of BBMAS and Mesh Theory/ 20
Chapter 3 Diagnostics of Zhendao Medicine / 23
Section 1 Symptoms / 23
Pain / 23
Dizziness / 31
Dyspnea / 31
Palpitation / 32
Zonesthesia / 33
Section 2 Physical Examination / 34
General Examination / 34
Examination of Spine and Limbs / 35
Malformation / 39
Cord Induration / 42
Cyst / 42
Section 3 Imaging-assisted Diagnosis / 43
X-ray Diagnostics / 43
CT and MRI Imaging Diagnosis / 46
Other Imaging Diagnosis / 46
Section 4 Laboratory-assisted Diagnosis / 46
Part 2 Zhendao Therapy
Chapter 4 Principles and Aims of Zhendao Therapy / 48
Section 1 Principles of Zhendao Therapy / 48
Section 2 Aims of Zhendao Therapy / 49
Chapter 5 The Indications and Contrain dications of Zhendao Therapy / 51
Section 1 Indications / 51
Section 2 Contraindications / 52
Chapter 6 Preoperative Preparation and Management / 53
Section 1 Preoperative Preparation / 53
Clarifying Diagnosis / 53
Signing Zhendao Consent / 53
Patient’s Preparation / 53
Anaesthesia / 54
Medical Personnel Preparation / 54
Section 2 Postoperative Management / 54
Conventional Treatment Process / 54
Postoperative Nursing / 54
Chapter 7 Zhendao Wielding Artistry and Hand Manipulation / 56
Section 1 Zhendao Wielding Artistry / 56
Zhendao Holding Posture / 56
Method of Piercing Zhendao / 56
Zhendao Operational Pathway / 57
Common Zhendao Wielding Artistry / 58
Section 2 Post-zhendao Hand Manipulation / 59
Eff ect and Purpose / 59
Common Hand Manipulation after Zhendao Treatment / 60
Attention / 60
Section 3 Course of Zhendao Treatment / 61
Chapter 8 Precaution and Treatment for Abnormalities / 62
Section 1 Fainting during Zhendao Surgery / 62
Reasons / 62
Clinical Manifestation / 63
Handling Method / 63
Precaution / 63
Section 2 Zhendao Fracture / 63
Reasons / 63
Clinical Manifestation / 64
Handling Method / 64
Precaution / 64
Section 3 Important Vessel Injury / 64
Table of Contents
Reasons / 64
Clinical Manifestation / 64
Handling Method / 65
Precaution / 65
Section 4 Essential Nerve Injury / 65
Reasons / 65
Clinical Manifestation / 65
Handling Method / 66
Precaution / 66
Section 5 Bone Fracture / 67
Reasons / 67
Clinical Manifestation / 67
Handling Method / 67
Precaution / 67
Chapter 9 Chronic Injury of Trunk Soft Tissue / 68
Section 1 Chronic Injury of Trapezius / 68
Section 2 Levator Scapulae Injury / 71
Section 3 Rhomboideus Injury / 74
Section 4  The Third Lumbar Transverse Process Syndrome / 77
Section 5 Iliolumbar Ligament Injury / 79
Chapter 10 Chronic Soft Tissue Injuries of Extremities / 82
Section 1 Tendonitis of the Short Head of Biceps Brachii /82
Section 2 Tenosynovitis of Long Head of Biceps Brachii /84
Section 3 Periarthritis of Shoulder / 86
Section 4 External Humeral Epicondylitis / 90
Section 5 Stenotic Tenosynovitis of Radial Styloid Process / 92
Section 6 Trigger Finger / 94
Section 7 Ganglion Cyst of Wrist Dorsum / 97
Section 8 Medial Collateral Ligament Injury of Knee Joint / 99
Section 9 Anserine Bursitis / 101
Section 10 Calcaneodynia / 103
Chapter 11 Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndrome / 106
Section 1 Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment Syndrome / 107
Section 2 Cubital Tunnel Syndrome / 109
Section 3 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/ 112
Section 4 Sequelae of Herpes Zoster / 115
Section 5 Piriformis Syndrome / 117
Section 6 Common Peroneal Nerve Entrapment / 120
Section 7 Superf icial Peroneal Nerve Entrapment Syndrome / 122
Chapter 12 Osteoarthrosis / 125
Section 1 Cervical Spondylosis / 125
Section 2 Protrusion of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc / 135
Section 3 Knee Osteoarthritis / 146
Section 4 Femoral Head Necrosis / 151
Section 5 Ankylosing Spondylitis/ 159
Chapter 13 Miscellaneous Diseases / 172
Section 1 Chronic Bronchitis / 172
Section 2 Chronic Pelvic Inf lammatory Disease / 177
Section 3 Acne / 182
References/ 186
针刀医学是具有自主知识产权的中国新医学。自1976 年朱汉章教授发明针刀以来,在他的带领下,经过数万名医务工作者几十年的临床实践,到2003 年实现了两个跨越式发展:第一,针刀从一种医疗器械发展成一种治疗慢性软组织损伤的技术方法,即针刀疗法;第二,2003 年国家中医药管理局在召开大型听证和认证评审会议后,正式将针刀疗法提升至一门新兴的医学体系,并命名为“针刀医学”。虽然朱汉章教授已于2006 年去世,但他用一生付出的专业努力和创新对医学的发展具有重要意义,为全人类的医疗健康事业做出了卓越贡献。
2006 年湖北中医药大学正式招收针刀医学方向本科学生,开启了针刀医学学历教育之先河。随后,国内多所高等中医药院校相继开设针刀医学相关必修课或选修课,为针刀医学的发展奠定了坚实的人才基础。经过四十多年的发展,针刀医学已经成为一门具有独立理论基础和独特诊疗技术的成熟医学学科。
参与教材编写的29 位专家,来自国内和国外医学院校及临床医院,都是长期从事教学科研的一线老师以及具有丰富临床经验的医务工作者。教材编写的具体分工为:第一章由张天民、倪卫东编写,第二章由丁德光、黄雪莲编写,第三章由刘建民、周建斌、陈南萍编写,第四章由汪学红、姜劲挺、苟成钢编写,第五章由郭长青、张义编写,第六章由修忠标、曾维铨编写,第七章由李芬、王程编写,第八章由李兰、杨春雷编写,第九章由张义、刘建民编写,第十章由郭末、桑卡·哈李姆、刘建民编写,第十一章由佟颖、姜劲挺、吕亚南编写,第十二章由刘福水、王海军、萨瓦斯·哈桑·巴斯里编写,第十三章由李小群、董博、赵强、刘西纺编写。
感谢天津外国语大学滨海外事学院吴珺琛先生为此书的校对付出的巨大努力。感谢湖北中医药大学2017 级针刀方向研究生郑楠、杨菊、曾林、王金和南昌大学医学院2014 级本科生朱正言等为本书插图所做的重要贡献。
编 者
2022 年12 月
Zhendao medicine is a modern medical discipline established and owned by China, with independentintellectual property rights. Since Professor Zhu Hanzhang invented zhendao in 1976, two keydevelopments have been made under his leadership and through the years of clinical practice by tens ofthousands of medical workers. The f irst was that since 1976 zhendao has been used as a tool of medicalprocedure and has become an intervention, named as zhendao therapy, when treating soft tissue injuries.The second was that in 2003 the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM), followinga large-scale Hearing and Accreditation Evaluation Conference, off icially acknowledged zhendao therapyand it was renamed “zhendao medicine”. Professor Zhu’s professional eff orts and innovations have beensignif icant for medicine development. He passed away in 2006, after a life of outstanding contributions tothe healthcare of people.
In 2006 the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine led the way for zhendao medical education byformally enrolling undergraduates in the study of zhendao medicine. Then, one after another, the highereducation institutions of China established courses of zhendao medicine as compulsory or elective subjects.Through this institutionalizing process, many talented people have become specialists of zhendao therapy,and together they have laid a solid foundation for the advancement of zhendao medicine. Through morethan forty years of development, zhendao medicine has become an established medical discipline that hasan independent theoretical base, along with a unique set of diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.
This book is divided into two parts. The f irst is the foundation of zhendao medicine, which iscomposed of an introduction, followed by descriptions of the basic theory and the diagnosis about zhendaomedicine. The second part focuses upon zhendao treatment of common diseases that involve chronic softtissue injuries of limbs and trunk, osteoarthrosis, internal diseases, gynecological diseases, cosmetic plasticsurgical diseases and common dermatological diseases.
The authors closely link the theory of zhendao medicine to clinical practice on the base of theoryof zhendao medicine, and thereby vividly explain both clinical diagnosis and zhendao treatment. Thisbook provides an overview of zhendao therapy, outlining the needle knife application anatomy, etiology and pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic key elements, zhendao treatment and gives examplesof manipulation following zhendao procedures. It has detailed descriptions of how to approach ill tissuesthrough the use and manipulation of zhendao blades, and of operation processes and precautions. Theauthors have utilized detailed and elaborate illustrations of zhendao therapy, with the intention of ensuringthat this book has accurate content. It is hoped that by providing clear labels and graphics combined withtext, readers will be able to master the technology while studying other topics of zhendao medicine withintheir major.
The writing of this book was completed by a team of twenty-nine authors and editors who are frommedical institutions and clinical hospitals, both within China and overseas. They are all senior doctors andeducators of the healthcare domain. Each chapter of the book was completed by the following authors:
Chapter 1: Zhang Tianmin and Ni Weidong;
Chapter 2: Ding Deguang and Huang Xuelian;
Chapter 3: Liu Jianmin, Zhou Jianbin, and Chen Nanping;
Chapter 4: Wang Xuehong, Jiang Jinting, and Gou Chenggang;
Chapter 5: Guo Changqing and Zhang Yi;
Chapter 6: Xiu Zhongbiao and Zeng Weiquan;
Chapter 7: Li Fen and Wang Cheng;
Chapter 8: Li Lan and Yang Chunlei;
Chapter 9: Zhang Yi and Liu Jianmin;
Chapter 10: Guo Mo, Sancar Halim and Liu Jianmin;
Chapter 11: Tong Ying, Jiang Jinting, and Lv Yanan;
Chapter 12: Liu Fushui, Wang Haijun, and Savas Hasan Basri;
Chapter 13: Li Xiaoqun, Dong Bo, Zhao Qiang, and Liu Xifang.
The book is intended for use within the national colleges and universities of Chinese medicine bythe five-year program medical students who are studying rehabilitation medicine, acupuncture massageand Chinese medicine (including the specialty of orthopaedics). It can also be used as a reference bookfor clinicians who need to know and learn zhendao medicine, including national Western medical collegestudents and English acupuncture/zhendao clinicians.
Thanks to Mr. Wu Junchen of the Binhai School of Foreign Affairs of Tianjin Foreign StudiesUniversity, for his considerable eff orts in proofreading this book. Also, we are grateful for the signif icantcontributions to the illustrations of the book by Zheng Nan, Yang Ju, Zeng Lin, and Wang Jin, masterstudents of 2017 who majored in Zhendao Medicine at the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, and ZhuZhengyan, a student of 2014 from the Nanchang University Medical College.
As zhendao medicine continues to develop further in the future, it is inevitable that some aspects ofthis book will need updating. Any feedback and suggestions from readers will therefore be greatly valuedwhen preparing the book for a second edition.
Compiling and Translating Committee of
Zhendao Medicine
December 2022



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