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『簡體書』民族主义,真诚与欺骗:阿希斯 南迪读本(从西天到中土:印度当代新思潮读本)

書城自編碼: 2011939
作者: 张颂仁
國際書號(ISBN): 9787208102514
出版社: 上海人民出版社
出版日期: 2013-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 295/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 84.8



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The Decline in the Imagination of the Village
Final Encounter: The Politics of the Assassination of Gandhi
Shamans ,Savages and the Wilderness: On the Audibility of Dissent
and the Future of Civilizations
Narionalism, Genuine and Spurious: A Very Late Obituary of Two
Early Post-Nationalist Strains in India
Gana Mana(直译:印度晨歌)的词曲作者,印度的另一首国歌,由班金齐德拉?查杜柏提作词的Bande
泰戈尔并非特例;与之类似的,还有其他没那么戏剧化的例子。在这里我要提一下一首歌Sare Jahan se
Accha(直译:高于全世界),这是民族诗人、巴基斯坦开国之父之一的穆罕默德?伊克巴尔(Mohammad Iqbal,1873
Baire,1916年,和《四章》 Char
Nationalism, Genuine and Spurious: A Very Late Obituary of Two
Early Post-Nationalist Strains in
Indians, Vinay Lal tells us, are inveterate record seekers.
From no other country does the Guinness Book of Records receive so
many applications for recognition – at least one-tenth of all
applications to the Guinness Book emanates from India – and some of
them do get into the book – from the silent holy man who stayed on
the same spot on a roadside in a village for twenty-two years to
someone who wrote 1,314 characters on a single grain of rice to set
a record in micro-writing. Strangely, the record that the
Indians have not claimed is a unique one; it involves an
achievement that has not been equalled in the
three-hundred-fifty-year-long history of nation-states and is
unlikely to be broken till the nation-state system survives.
Rabindranath Tagore 1861–1941, by common consent India’s national
poet, who has written and scored India’s national anthem, Jana Gana
Mana, is also the composer of India’s other national anthem, Bande
Mataram, written by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay. Tagore also
happens to be the writer and composer of the national anthem of
Bangladesh. In recent years, anti-India sentiments have grown in
Bangladesh and there is also a budding fundamentalist movement in
the country, hostile to everything Indian or Hindu. Yet, not one
voice has been raised, to the best of my knowledge, against the
national anthem written by Tagore. That is not all. Tagore has also
scored Sri Lanka’s national anthem, though he has not written the
lyric. Sri Lankans, too, may not always live happily with the
Indian state, but they seem to live happily with India’s national
Tagore is not alone; there are other less dramatic instances of
the same kind. I could mention here the song “Sare Jahan se Accha”
of Mohammad Iqbal, the national poet and one of the founding
fathers of Pakistan, which constitutes the main marching song of
the Indian army, even when it marches to fight the Pakistan army.
Obviously the concepts of territoriality and “national culture”
work trifle differently in South Asia.
After he won the Nobel Prize in 1913, Tagore became a pan-Asian
hero. He was the first Asian to win a Nobel Prize in any subject
and he did so in the high noon of colonialism. That mattered. In
1916, when World War I was raging in Europe, Tagore went to Japan
for the first time on a lecture tour. When he arrived at Kobe, the
Japanese welcomed him very warmly. At some places, he was treated
like a monarch on a state visit and his movements were reported in
the front pages of some Japanese newspapers. Unfortunately, some of
the lectures Tagore delivered were on nationalism. Today, they may
not seem disturbingly radical; some of the arguments are now
familiar, though others look remarkably fresh and
provocative. But none of them is likely to set the Bay of
Tokyo on fire. However, at the time the Japanese were in the throes
of a rather delirious version of nationalism; they found Tagore’s
critique of nationalism terribly disconcerting. Not only were there
in the lectures a severe indictment of militarism and imperialism
inspired by nationalism, there were in them snide comments on
Japan’s newly forged political self centring on the idea of
European-style nationalism. What was dangerous for Japan, Tagore
insisted, was “not the imitation of the outer features of the West,
but acceptance of the motive force of the Western nationalism as
her own.” Embarrassed and angry, most Japanese newspapers and
intellectuals explained away the contents of the lectures as the
ramblings of a poet from a defeated civilization as some Chinese
were to do for a different set of reasons, when Tagore visited
China in 1924. Basking in Japan’s newfound imperial glory and its
success as a new global power, they found Tagore to be a pain in
the neck. When Tagore had arrived at Tokyo railway station,
thousands came to welcome him. When he was leaving Japan, it is
said, only one person came to see him off – his host.
Nationalism was not in short supply in colonial India either.
Many Indians also found Tagore’s behaviour strange, though not
inexplicable or unexpected. Their response to the poet was in many
ways compatible with the response to him in Japan and China. He had
already antagonized hardboiled Indian nationalists by rejecting the
idea of nationalist violence; they were prepared to expect the
worst from him. Three of his novels – Gora 1909, Ghare Baire
1916 and Char Adhyay 1934 – were seen as direct attacks on
hard-edged, masculine nationalism. They hurt the sentiments of many
who had to gulp them for reasons of political correctness. For
paradoxically, Tagore was already India’s unofficial national poet.
Not only had he written hundreds of patriotic songs, these songs
were an inspiration to many participants in India’s freedom
struggle – from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to humble volunteers and
protesters facing police batons and bullets. Even in jail, many
freedom fighters kept up their spirits by singing Tagore’s



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