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書城自編碼: 3549055
作者: 樊昌信
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121392559
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2020-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:HK$ 141.7



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本教材从适应不同学校、不同教学计划的教学出发,顾及便于灵活选取教学内容,将全书内容分为两篇。*篇为基本内容,需要顺序学习,为各学校通信工程专业本科所需的。第二篇的各章具有相对独立性,不必须按次序学习,可以按照各校和各专业的需要选用,也可以作为研究生课程选学的内容。但是第二篇的内容是以*篇的内容为基础的。 本教材重点讲述数字通信,将模拟通信的内容缩减到*少程度。在数字通信方面的取材上,力求涵盖*并具有广泛实用价值的内容。
樊昌信,1952年毕业于北京大学,西安电子科技大学教授、博士生导师、中国通信学会咨询委员会委员。先后被评选为中国通信学会会士、中国电子学会会士、(美国)电气电子工程师学会终身会士IEEE Life Fellow。在科研领域有多项研究成果获省、部级科技进步一、二和三等奖。发表过通信工程领域学术论文100余篇、著译10余本,其中《通信原理》(1980年)一书曾获电子工业部优秀教材特等奖、国家教委优秀教材奖。《通信原理》教材先后被遴选为教育部普通高等教育九五、十五、十一五、十二五国家级规划教材。
Chapter 1Introduction
11Historical Review of Communication
12Message,Information,and Signal
13Digital Communication
131Basic Concept
132Advantages of Digital Communication
133Digital Communication System Model
134Specifications of Digital Communication System
141Wireless Channel
142Wired Channel
143Channel Models
144Influence of Channel Characteristics on Signal Transmission
15Noise in Channel
16Brief Summary
Chapter 2Signals
21Classification of Signals
22Characteristics of Deterministic Signals
221Characteristics in Frequency Domain
222Characteristics in Time Domain
23Characteristics of Random Signals
231Probability Distribution of Random Variable
232Probability Density of Random Variable
24Examples of Frequently Used Random Variables
25Numerical Characteristics of Random Variable
251Mathematical Expectation
26Random Process
261Basic Concept of Random Process
262Stationary Random Process
264Autocorrelation Function and Power Spectral Density of Stationary Random Process
27Gaussian Process
28Narrow Band Random Process
281Basic Concept of Narrow Band Random Process
282Characteristics of Narrow Band Random Process
29Sinusoidal Wave plus Narrow Band Gaussian Process
210Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2101Basic Concept of Linear Systems
2102Deterministic Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
2103Random Signal Transfer through Linear Systems
211Brief Summary
Chapter 3Analog Modulation System
32Linear Modulation
321Amplitude Modulation (AM)
322Doublesideband Modulation (DSB)
323SingleSideband Modulation (SSB)
324Vestigial Sideband Modulation (VSB)
33Nonlinear Modulation
331Basic Principles
332Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth of Modulated Signal
333Reception of Angular Modulated Signal
34Brief Summary
Chapter 4Digitization of Analog Signal
42Sampling of Analog Signal
421Sampling of LowPass Analog Signal
422Sampling of BandPass Analog Signal
423Analog Pulse Modulation
43Quantization of Sampled Signal
431Principles of Quantization
432Uniform Quantization
433Nonuniform Quantization
44Pulse Code Modulation
441Basic Principles of Pulse Code Modulation
442Natural Binary Code and Fold Binary Code
443Quantization Noise in PCM System
45Differential Pulse Code Modulation
451Principles of Differential Pulse Code Modulation
452Quantization Noise and Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio in DPCM System
46Delta Modulation
461Principles of Delta Modulation
462Quantization Noise in Delta Modulation System
47Brief Summary
Chapter 5Representation and Transmission of Baseband Digital Signal
52Coding Method of Character
53Waveform of Baseband Digital Signal
54Symbol Code Types of Baseband Digital Signals for Transmission
55Frequency Characteristic of Baseband Digital Signal
551Calculation of Power Spectral Density of vct
552Calculation of Power Spectral Density of uct
553Calculation of Power Spectral Density of st
554Examples of Power Spectral Density Calculation
56Transmission and Intersymbol Interference of Baseband Digital Signal
561Model of Baseband Digital Signal Transmission System
562Intersymbol Interference and Nyquist Criterion
563Partial Response System
57Eye Pattern
58Timedomain Equalizer
582Fundamental Principle of Transversal Filter
583Realization of Transversal Filter
59Brief Summary
Chapter 6Elementary Digital Modulation System
62Binary Amplitude Shift Keying 2ASK
621Basic Principle
622Power Spectral Density
623Symbol Error Probability
63Binary Frequency Shift Keying 2FSK
631Basic Principle
632Power Spectral Density
633Minimum Frequency Space
634Symbol Error Probability
64Binary Phase Shift Keying 2PSK
641Basic Principle
642Power Spectral Density
643Symbol Error Probability
65Binary Differential Phase Shift Keying 2DPSK
651Basic Principle
652Power Spectral Density
653Symbol Error Probability
66Performance Comparison of Binary Digital Keying Transmission System
67Mary Digital Keying
671Mary Amplitude Keying MASK
672Mary Frequency Shift Keying MFSK
673Mary Phase Shift Keying MPSK
674Mary Differential Phase Shift Keying MDPSK
675AmplitudePhase Combination Keying APK
676Examples of Mary Digital Keying Practical Systems
68Brief Summary
Chapter 7Synchronization
72Carrier Synchronization Method
721Pilot Insertion Method
722Direct Extraction Method
723Performance of Carrier Synchronization
73Bit Synchronization
731External Synchronization
732Self Synchronization
733Influence of Bit Synchronization Error on Symbol Error Probability
74Group Synchronization
742Concentrated Insertion Method
743Dispersed Insertion Method
744Performance of Group Synchronization
75Network Synchronization
752Openloop Method
753ClosedLoop Method
76Brief Summary
Chapter 8Optimum Receiving of Digital Signal
81Statistical Characteristics of Digital Signal
82Optimum Receiving Criterion of Digital Signal
83Optimum Receiver for Deterministic Digital Signal
84Symbol Error Probability of Optimum Receiver for Deterministic Digital Signal
85Optimum Receiving of Random Phase Digital Signal
86Optimum Receiving of Fluctuation Digital Signal
87Performance Comparison of Practical Receiver and Optimum Receiver
88Matched Filtering Receiving Principle of Digital Signal
881Matched Filtering Receiving of Digital Signal
882Correlation Receiving of Digital Signal
89Optimum Baseband Transmission System
810Brief Summary
Chapter 9Multiplexing and Multiple Access
92Frequency Division Multiplexing FDM
93Time Division Multiplexing TDM
931Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDH
932Multiple Connection and Symbol Rate Justification
933Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH
94Code Division Multiplexing CDM
941Basic Principles
942Orthogonal Code
943Pseudorandom Code
95Multiple Access
951Frequency Division Multiple Access FDMA
952Time Division Multiple Access
953Multiple Access Techniques for Local Area Networks
96Brief Summary
Chapter 10Channel Coding and Error Control
102Basic Principles of Error Control Coding
103Performance of Error Correction System
104ParityCheck Codes
105Linear Block Codes
106Cyclic Codes
1061Concept of Cyclic Codes
1062Operation of Cyclic Codes
1063Coding of Cyclic Codes
1064Decoding of Cyclic Codes
1065Truncated Cyclic Codes
1066BCH Codes
1067RS Codes

The second edition of this textbook has been published for 5 years. It is the time to revise it. The only change in the third edition is the addition of a new chapter,Chapter 14 MIMO.
MIMO is an abbreviation for MultipleInput and MultipleOutput technology. It is used in data links with multiple transmitting antennas and multiple receiving antennas. MIMO is quite different from intelligent antenna,and is able to take advantage of obtaining diversity receiving effect and increase of transmission capacity.
Communication systems with only one input and one output are discussed in previous chapters,but MIMO is not discussed. Today MIMO has been extensively adopted by some communication standards for cellular vehicle communications and WiFi,and it has been one of the fundamental principles of communications,so one new chapter is added in this edition.


The first edition of this textbook has been published for 5 years. It is the time to revise it. In addition to error correction and improvement on description,the main differences between the second edition and the first edition are as follows.
In recent years,the technology on telecommunication networks has developed rapidly. Many new networking technologies and new network functions emerge endlessly,especially in the field of wireless vehicle communication. Today,cellular vehicle communication network with 4G performance has been spread extensively in China and WiFi has benefited most of the notebook computer and mobile phone users. Bluetooth,RFID,GPS,and NFC are used more and more popular. Those new developed technologies and applications cant be included in a textbook which is belonging to the scope of fundamental principle of communication. On the other hand,some old networking technologies are gradually declined,such as ISDN,ATM,and so forth. Hence,the chapter on communication networks in the first edition is deleted.
Along with the capacity of communication system increasing and the communication channel rapidly digitizing,multimedia communication has been extensively used. Multimedia technology is closely relevant to source compression coding which includes speech compression coding,image compression coding and digital data compression coding. So,the contents on source compression coding are enhanced in the second edition,and the contents on information theory are reduced.


In recent years,communication theory and technology has witnessed rapid development. In China,the application of telecommunication service has penetrated into almost every household and every person. The huge modern communication networks have been one of the important infrastructures in China. Correspondingly,the amount of telecommunication enterprises and employees there has also been increasing remarkably. Under this situation,the education of the new specialized personnel in the telecommunication field and the reeducation of the personnel in service have become important tasks. In addition,bilingual teaching is a new requirement in Chinese institutions of higher learning,and its importance has been recognized by more and more people. However,there is lack of appropriate textbooks in English on communication theory for Chinese students. This textbook is intended to accommodate the demand.
The current communication networks in China have almost all been digitized. Signals transmitted in Chinas public communication networks are mainly digital ones;only the signals transmitted in the users loop and those signals for special applications are still analog. Hence,the discussion of analog signal transmission techniques is limited to a minimum,and the greater part of this book is devoted to discussions of digital communication including transforming,encoding and transmission of digital signals,as well as the digitization of analog signals.
In the discussion on digital communication technology,some new communication technologies have been emphasized,for example,trellis code modulation TCM,orthogonal frequency di



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